
Web Services

API Reference Guide 3.0

November 2020

ScholarOne Manuscripts™


Update Summary Date Name
Initial Version (v1) published February 4, 2014 Shane Stafford
Add Funder Information to GetSubmissionInfoFull; Add GetReviewerInfoFull Service November 17, 2015 Shane Stafford
Add GetStaffInfoFull, GetSubmissionVersions, and GetPersonInfoBasic Services to Web Services version 2 June 17, 2017 Shane Stafford
Add GetPersonInfoFull method Aug 06, 2018 Chris Heid Subbu Kothapalli
Add GetExternalDocumentIds method June 9, 2020 Chris Heid
Added new fields <answerExternalId> and <transferSubId> to getSubmissionInfoFull method and
<transferSubId> to getSubmissionInfoBasic method. These new field are available in new v3 of these methods only
August 26, 2020 Chris Heid
Added new fields <journalPrintIssn> and <journalDigitalIssn> November 11, 2020 Chris Heid


On August 26,2020 , getSubmissionInfoBasic andgetSubmissionInfoFull movedto a version 3.0. methods 2.0 and 1.0 will continue to be supported.

The ScholarOne Web Services APIs version 1.0 will continue to be supported as defined in the API Reference Guide published February 4, 2014.


ScholarOne Web Services provide accessto and retrieve ScholarOne Manuscripts TM submission and peer review metadata directly from the ScholarOne Manuscripts production database.

The ScholarOne Web Services REST (Representational State Transfer) APIs provide access to resources via URI paths. Your application will make an HTTP request and parse the response. By default, the response format is XML. If you wish, you can request JSON instead of XML. Because the REST API is based on openstandards, you can use any web development language to access the API.


ScholarOne Web Services complywith the following standards:

  • JSR 224: Java API for XML-based Web Services 2.0 (JAX-WS) specification
  • JSR 311: Java API for RESTful Web Services (JAX-RS)
  • WADL 1.1 standard
  • XML Version 1.0
  • Formats: XML. JSON
  • Protocol: HTTPS


A Web Service client is requiredto send and receive REST-based XML-formatted messages. The client must be equipped to handle SUCCESS as well as FAILURE response messages. You can create your own client in your language of choice, or, you can start with the ScholarOne Web Services Sample Client and use it to better understand the client-server interactions neededto successfully retrieve ScholarOne Manuscripts information, and handle FAILURE responses correctly. Feel free to modify this java-based Sample Client to suit your own needs. For details regarding the Sample Client, see the companion Scholar One Web Services Sample Client Guide, available by selecting the Developer role from our Get Help Now page at:



The public endpoint addresses for ScholarOne Web Services are:

1 ScholarOne clients not on the “mc” sub-domain should substitute your site’s sub-domain for “mc” in the end point addresses shown above, e.g. https://<your site’s sub-domain>-api.manuscriptcentral.com/api/s1m/v2/submissions/full/ contributors/authors/submissionids.

Service Endpoint Address1 Service Name Operation
https://mc- api.manuscriptcentral.com/ api/s1m/v2/submissions/full/ reviewer/submissionids getReviewerInfoFull getReviewerInfoFullBySubmissionId
https://mc- api.manuscriptcentral.com/ api/s1m/v1/submissions/full/staff_u sers/documentids getStaffInfoFull getStaffInfoFullByDocumentId
https://mc- api.manuscriptcentral.com/ api/s1m/v1/submissions/full/staff_u sers/submissionids getStaffInfoFull getStaffInfoFullBySubmissionId
https://mc- api.manuscriptcentral.com/api/s1m
/v1/submissions/full/revisions/docu mentids
GetSubmissionVersions GetSubmissionVersionsDocumentId
https://mc- api.manuscriptcentral.com/api/s1m
/v1/submissions/full/revisions/subm issionids
GetSubmissionVersions GetSubmissionVersionsSubmissionId
https://mc- api.manuscriptcentral.com/api/s1m
getPersonInfoBasic getPersonInfoBasicByPersonId
https://mc- api.manuscriptcentral.com/api/s1m
getPersonInfoBasic getPersonInfoBasicByEmail
https://mc- api.manuscriptcentral.com/api/s1m
getPersonInfoFull getPersonInfoFullByPersonId
https://mc- api.manuscriptcentral.com/api/s1m
getPersonInfoFull getPersonInfoFullByEmail
https://mc- api.manuscriptcentral.com/api/s1m
getExternalDocumentIds getExternalDocumentIds


ScholarOne web application descriptions (WADL) canbe accessed on the Production environment that corresponds to where your Journals (Sites) exist. WADL specifications define a communication contract between complex enterprise systems, defining the rules clearly. The WADL specification documents the RESTful interface. The WADL specific to your site can be found at: https://<your site’s sub-domain>-api.manuscriptcentral.com/api/s1m/v2?_wadl

An example of the ScholarOne Web Services WADL may be accessedat https://mc- api.manuscriptcentral.com/api/s1m/v2?_wadl. You may find the WADL files generated for our REST API useful when implementing REST clients. These are not human readable, but can be usedto generate REST client stubs. The WADL files include their respective XML Schema documents that describe the structure of all possible request and response documents. These may be retrievedvia an HTTP GET request.


To use the ScholarOne APIs youneed:

  • An API Key provided by your ScholarOne Relationship Manager andprovisioned into your Account Profile
  • A ScholarOne Web Services application Username (profile name)
  • A site short name
  • A web services client or other utility that can send and receive messages via HTTP using GET.


If you have questions about using our Web Servicesproduct or about your access to it, please visit our Get Help Now page at http://mchelp.manuscriptcentral.com/gethelpnow/ and select the Developer role. This page has links to our Technical FAQs and reference documents, and to options to create a case which will be directed to ScholarOne Support. Questions about network connections and/or the use of your Web browser should be directed to your Network Administrator.



ScholarOne Web Services are authenticated web services. Theyrequire successful validation of your authentication credentials prior to data retrieval. For each operation to be successful, it is necessaryto include authentication information in it. The appropriate authentication credentials for your site should alreadybe set. If you need to verify that your username/password2 combination has been entered in our system, or if you want to change your credentials, contact ScholarOne Support by visiting our Get Help Now page at http://mchelp.manuscriptcentral.com/gethelpnow/ and selecting the Developer role.

ScholarOne Web Services use the Digest Access Authentication Methodto exchange credentials over HTTP(S). The server will generate a unique nonce value for a request / response exchange until the nonce expires. The client will use the nonce value to generate a hash that includes the profile’s API Keyto send backto the server. To prevent replay attacks the nonce will have a timestamp and expiration. If an expirednonce is sent back to the server, our server will automatically send back a fresh nonce so that communication can continue so long as authentication criteria in the request have been met.

All requests to authenticate and operate against ScholarOne Web Services are performedusing SSL over HTTP (HTTPS) on TCP port 443.

Sample HTTP Header

2 Username and password are case-sensitive.

Here is an authentication exchange example that illustrates the HTTP Digest client – server exchange:

Client request (no authentication)

27WEB-2013-0002%27&site_name=web_svcs&external_id=22222 HTTP/1.0
Host: mc-api.manuscriptcentral.com

Server response (contains the nonce)

HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1

Date: Thu, 21 Nov 2013 19:07:30 GMT

WWW-Authenticate: Digest realm="ScholarOneApiService", nonce="8C4XnYR7vPK61DT4VXh9eHm3W86ZSJk8", stale="false" Content-Type: text/html

Content-Length: 33

Client request (username "sample_user", API Key/password " SRU4DQ5WOJ2PX8CA")

0002%27&site_name=web_svcs&external_id=22222 HTTP/1.0 Host: mc-api.manuscriptcentral.com

Authorization: Digest username="sample_user",

realm="ScholarOneApiService", nonce="8C4XnYR7vPK61DT4VXh9eHm3W86ZSJk8",

uri="/api/s1m/v2/submissions/full/contributors/authors/submissionids?ids=%27WEB - 2013-0002%27&site_name=web_svcs&external_id=22222 ,


(followed by a blank line, as before).

GET /api/s1m/v2/submissions/full/contributors/authors/submissionids?ids=%27WEB-2013-

Server response (authentication andauthorization approved)

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1

Date: Thu, 21 Nov 2013 19:07:55 GMT

Content-Type: application/xml Content-Length: 1180

(…followed by a blank line and XML or JSON text of the restricted content)

If the requiredauthentication information is incorrect, the server will send backan HTTP error code in the header. An example of this is illustrated below where the server response denies access due to the wrong site_name being sent:

HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1

Date: Thu, 21 Nov 2013 19:07:55 GMT

x-frame-options: DENY

Content-Type: application/xml;charset=UTF-8 Content-Length: 1180


IP authentication happens automatically as long as your IP address has been recorded in your customer account. Unlike username/password authentication, IP authentication does not require authorization information in the request header.

If your client is not able to clear ScholarOne digest authentication, you will receive response code 401 and will not be passed into the IP validation step. You must pass both username/password authentication and IP validation to exchange messages via the ScholarOne Web Services API.

Base64 Encoding References


The getSubmissionInfoBasic API accepts one or more Document IDs or Submission IDs (Manuscript Numbers) as input and provides read access to a limited number of standardfields within the ScholarOne system.

The getSubmissionInfoFull API accepts one or more Document IDs or Submission IDs (Manuscript Numbers) as input and provides read access to a complete list of standard fields within the ScholarOne system.

The getAuthorInfoBasic API accepts one or more Document IDs or Submission IDs (Manuscript Numbers) as input and provides read access to a limited number of standardfields within the ScholarOne system.

The getAuthorInfoFull API accepts one or more Document IDs or Submission IDs (Manuscript Numbers) as input and provides read access to a complete list of standard fields within the ScholarOne system.

The getReviewerInfoFull API accepts one or more Document IDs or Submission IDs (Manuscript Numbers) as input and provides read access to a complete list of standard fields within the ScholarOne system.

The getStaffInfoFull API accepts one or more Document IDs or Submission IDs (Manuscript Numbers) as input and provides read access to a complete list of standardfields within the ScholarOne system.

The getSubmissionVersions API accepts one or more Document IDs or Submission IDs (Manuscript Numbers) as input and provides read access to a complete list of standard fields within the ScholarOne system.

The getPersonInfoBasic API accepts one or more Person IDs or Primay Email as input and provides read access to a complete list of standard fields within the ScholarOne system.

The getPersonInfoFull API accepts one or more Person IDs or Primary Email as input and provides readaccess to a complete list of standard fields within the ScholarOne system.


ScholarOne Web Services API methods support a standard set of query paramters that are usedacross methods. The following table describes required and optional query parameters that are available to all Basic and Full information requests.

Query Parameters

Name Required Description Default
ids Yes For an id=”n”, retrieves submission n’s data or submission n’s author data, depending on the GET’s destination URL. This includes document ids when the service endpoint address includes documentids, or submission ids (document numbers) when the service endpoint address includes submissionids, or person ids when the service endpoint address includes personids. A validation error will be returned when less than one or more than 25 ids are provided in a request. N/A
site_name Yes This is the same site short name assigned by your ScholarOne Relationship Manager and used to access the ScholarOne Manuscripts Web UI. The SHORT_NAME is
the abbreviated or truncated name of the journal, society, publisher, or family.
locale_id No The locale_id is the unique identifier for a specific language. The value of the locale_id must match to the language specified in the caller’s profile as defined in the ScholarOne Manuscripts database. Configured setting in Account Profile.
Options are:
  1. (United States English)
  2. (Simplified Chinese, Pinyin ordering)
  3. (French)
_type No Specify either JSON or XML to return the respective serialized response. Defaulted to XML if not specified. This is case sensitive and lower case is expected. xml
Name Required Description Default
external_id No Used for audit purposes. When the caller includes an external_id in their request, the response will echo the external_id back via the callProfileID element. none

Web Services Request / Response Content Summary

All service requests are drivenby the inclusion of either Submission IDs, Document IDs, Person IDs or Person Email Address. All service requests driven by ID(s) should be directed to the appropriate endpoint.

Request Description Response Message Contents Submission Method
getSubmissionInfoBasic Request manuscript submission tracking and author information by Submission ID or Document ID A manuscript’s submitting author or agent’s metadata and metadata about the submission GET
getSubmissionInfoFull Request manuscript submission tracking and author information by Submission ID or Document ID A manuscript’s submitting author or agent’s metadata and detailed information about the submission GET
getAuthorInfoBasic Request manuscript author metadata by Submission ID or Document ID A manuscript ‘s submitting author or agent’s basic identifying information GET
getAuthorInfoFull Request manuscript author information by Submission ID or Document ID A manuscript ‘s submitting author or agent’s detailed
getReviewerInfoFull Request manuscript reviewer information by Submission ID or Document ID A manuscript ‘s reviewers’ detailed information GET
getStaffInfoFull Request manuscript staff information by Submission ID or Document ID A manuscript ‘s assigned staff’s detailed information GET
getSubmissionVersions Request manuscript version history information A manuscript ‘s detailed version information GET
Request Description Response Message Contents Submission Method
by Submission ID or Document ID
getPersonInfoBasic Request person account meta by Person ID or Primary Email A person ‘s basic account information GET
getPersonInfoFull Request person account meta by Person ID or Primary Email A person’s Full account information GET

Response Content Types

The following data formats are supported for response data sent back by the API server. The requireddata format is specified as the <_type> mentioned under Query Parameters.

Response Format Specified in URI as Response Content-Type
JSON json application/json
XML xml application/xml

Null Values

Some of the fields in a resource may be optional or currently absent. The values of these fields are represented as a special NULL value. This value maps to corresponding equivalents in the data formats as listed below.

Response Format Null Value Representation
JSON null
XML No element (assume null values for missing elements)


getSubmissionInfoBasic submits a request consisting of a Document ID or IDs or a Submission ID or IDs and returnsbasic metadata about a specific manuscript or set of manuscripts’ submission status and identifying information about its author or authors . Each request includes:

  • Mandatory message header content for Authorization
    • Digest username (same as User Name)
    • Realm
    • Nonce
    • Response
  • Mandatory message content for Authentication
    • Password (a provisioned API KEY, configured by the ScholarOne Relationship Manager into the caller’s account profile)
    • User Name (Profile User Name, this the user id for logging into the API)
  • Required Query Parameters
    • Submission ID(s) or Document ID(s)
    • Site Short Name
  • Optional Query Parameters
    • Locale ID
    • _type
    • External ID
  • Resource
    • By documentId: /api/s1m/v3/submissions/basic/metadata/documentids
    • By submissionId: /api/s1m/v3/submissions/basic/metadata/submissionids
Request Parameters
Element getSubmissionInfoBasic Type Description Req’d Example or Default Value
getSubmissionInfoBasic Root Yes
username String “Profile” User Name. This is the user name used by the application – not a ScholarOne Manuscripts User. This is f rom the Caller’s
Yes sample_user
password String The API Key; Encrypted value uniquely identifying/authenticating Caller Yes SRU4DQ5WOJ2P X8CA
Element getSubmissionInfoBasic Type Description Req’d Example or Default Value
ids3 Integer or Integer Array Document Id or Ids. Unique identifier for each Manuscript Revision in the ScholarOne Manuscripts system.
Internally to ScholarOne, this is a numeric value. Each entry must be surrounded by single or double quotes and comma separated when more than one entry is specified.
Yes, if submi ssion IDs are not used. ’88026’
Or if a list is being requested:
ids4 String or String Array Submission Id or Ids. Also known as the Manuscript Number or Document Number.
Identifier that is seen in the ScholarOne UI for each Manuscript.
Submission Ids are case- sensitive. Each entry must be surrounded by single or double quotes and comma separated when more than one entry is specified.
Yes, if docu ment IDs are not used. 'WEB-2013-0002'
Or if a list is being requested:
'WEB-2013- 0002','WEB-2013-
site_name String Site short name. The short name is
the abbreviated or
truncated name of the journal, society, publisher, or family.
Yes web_svcs
url String The Web Service URL, which identifies the specific service to handle the request. Yes v2/submissions/bas ic/metadata/docum entids

3 Either Submission Ids or Document Ids are used in the request whichshould be directed to the corresponding endpoint.

4 All web services calls whichuse Submission Id will returna "success" message without details when the string ‘draft’ is

passed as a parameter or the Submission Id is un-submitted(submitted thenun-submitted).

Element getSubmissionInfoBasic Type Description Req’d Example or Default Value
external_id String An id value that can be set by the client for call tracking. API Caller supplied Text string to be stored with Audit History information. No 123456
locale_id Integer The unique identifier for a specific language. The value of the locale_id must match to the specific language as defined in the caller’s ScholarOne Manuscripts profile. No Configured setting in Account Profile
Options are:
  1. (United States English)
  2. (Simplified Chinese, Pinyin ordering)
  3. (French)
_type The data type requested f rom the Service <xml> or
<json>. This defaults to
No Can be xml (default if omitted), or json

Response Parameters5

Response Elements getSubmissionInfoBasic Type Description Example or Default Value
Status String State of a given request call. Can be one of SUCCESS, FAILURE, or MAINTENANCE.
callID String The CALL_ID is the unique identifier for a given Web Services call. Generated by the ScholarOne Web Services application. <callId>63631fe1-7378-4cc1- ab18-87c06c2eff58</callId>
profileCallId String An id value that is set by the client for call tracking. Set by the request’s external_id element. <profileCallId>111111</profile CallId>
authorFullName String The full name of the author in the format “Lastname Suffix, Salutation Firstname Middlename”. Submitting Author or Submitting Agent. <authorFullName>Hucho, Dr. Tim</authorFullName>
authorMembershipId String Membership ID of the user. <authorMembershipId>society
_123</ authorMembershipId >
authorORCIDId String The ORCID is a nonproprietary alphanumeric code to uniquely identify scientific and other academic authors. <authorORCIDId>0000-0002-
6167-6691</ authorORCIDId >
authorORCIDIdValidation Boolean Indication of whether that author ORCID has been validated by the author. <authorORCIDIdValidation>T RUE</authorORCIDIdValidatio n>
authorPersonId Integer A unique numeric identifier
associated with a person record (not the user's User ID
<authorPersonId>686975</aut horPersonId>

5 All non-501 responses will include Status and Call Id. profileCallId will be returned if an external_id is provided in the request.

Response Elements getSubmissionInfoBasic Type Description Example or Default Value
used for accessing ScholarOne).
authorResearcherId String Researcher ID of the user. Provides solution to Author ambiguity by assigning a unique identifier for scientific authors. <authorReseacherId >A-1061- 2007</ authorResearcherId >
documentId Integer Unique identifier of the document. Unique identifier
for each Manuscript Revision
in the ScholarOne Manuscripts system. Internally to ScholarOne, this is a numeric value.
<documentId>88026</docume ntId>
inputIndex Integer Provides caller the ability to correlate requested document or submission ids to the appropriate response element. The inputIndex will be randomly chosen when a document or submission id is entered more than once. <inputIndex>4</inputIndex>
This is a zero-based value; that is, if a single document id is requested, the inputIndex returned for the item requested is 0
<journalDigitalIssn> String The configured digital International Standard Serial Number for the publication on S1 site <journalDigitalIssn>2043- 0008</journalDigitalIssn>
<journalPrintIssn> String The configured print International Standard Serial Number for the publication on S1 site <journalPrintIssn>2043- 0008</journalPrintIssn>
submissionDate dateTime The date and time in UTC a manuscript was submitted to the site. Note that this date may sometimes be changed by the Editorial Office. Use Transmission Date for the actual date and time the author submitted the document. <submissionDate>2013-10- 18T20:56:15Z</submissionDat e>
submissionId String Also known as the Manuscript Id or Document Number. A unique identifier given to each submitted manuscript.
Submission IDs are case
<submissionId>Sensors- 00996-2005</submissionId>
Response Elements getSubmissionInfoBasic Type Description Example or Default Value
sensitive; they are not necessarily unique.
submissionTitle String The title of a manuscript submitted to a publication. <submissionTitle>The Use of Computers in Elementary Classrooms</submissionTitle>
submissionType String The name of the group or set of attributes from which the author picked to classify a submission. <submissionType>Original Article</submissionType>
transferSubId string A unique identifier given to each submission tying it to its future versions even when the submission is transferred across ScholarOne sites <transferSubId>25e8531c- 6e6f -9s63-b1cc-
af 8dbd5fbab51</transferSubId
submissionStatus Complex The status of a submission. Lists open tasks (action items) and any decision made on that submission. Complex Child of Parent Root
Includes following response elements:
decisionName, documentStatusId, documentStatusName, inDraftFlag, task
decisionName String The name of the decision rendered on the submission. <decisionName>Immediate Reject</decisionName>
documentStatusId Integer Key identifier for document status. <documentStatusId>3</docum entStatusId>
documentStatusName String User-friendly name of a document’s status in the journal’s submission workflow. <documentStatusName>Subm itted</documentStatusName>
inDraftFlag Boolean Indicates whether the manuscript is currently in DRAFT status. <inDraftFlag>false</inDraftFla g>
task Complex Activity currently being performed for the current manuscript. Complex Child of submissionStatus
Includes following response elements:
Response Elements getSubmissionInfoBasic Type Description Example or Default Value
taskId, taskName, taskStatus, taskStatusName
taskId Integer Global unique identifier of the task. <taskId>682726</taskId>
taskName String Name of task as configured in the site workflow. <taskName>Admin Checklist</taskName>
taskStatus String The current status of the given task for that submission. For a given task, can be one of pending, processing, overdue, closing, initiated, on hold or rescinded. <taskStatus>PENDING</taskS tatus>
taskStatusName String If the manuscript has tasks in the pending, processing, overdue, closing, initiated, on hold or rescinded status, this is the status text displayed to users in the Status column of manuscript lists. If no text is configured for the column, this will be “Open Task X” where X is the task number within the manuscript submission status response. <taskStatusName>Complete Checklist</taskStatusName>

getSubmissionInfoBasic Request / Response Examples

Example Request: getSubmissionInfoBasicDocumentId
  • Input: single Document ID
    1. URL for use via HTTP request after Digest Authentication is performed: https://mc-



Example Response: getSubmissionInfoBasicDocumentId



<result xsi:type="submission"

xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema- instance">

<authorFullName>Collins, Mahally Q.</authorFullName>













<statusName>Complete Checklist</statusName>


<taskName>Admin Checklist</taskName>




<submissionTitle>The Use of Computers in Elementary Classrooms</submissionTitle>

<submissionType>Original Article</submissionType>





Example Request: getSubmissionInfoBasicSubmissionId
  • Input: multiple Submission IDs
    1. URL for use via HTTP request after Digest Authentication is performed: https://mc-



Example Response: getSubmissionInfoBasicSubmissionId

Note: Pay careful attention to the inputIndex for each result. Results are not necessarily returned in requested ID order.

If a requested ID doesn’t match a document at your site, its inputIndex will not appear in the response but is significant in determining whether all IDs were returned in the response and correlating results items to requested IDs. Also, if a requested ID is duplicated in the request, its inputIndex is chosen randomlyfrom the requested ID order.

<authorFullName>Web, Dr. Submitting MiddSub</authorFullName>
<taskName>Forms Tracking</taskName>
<taskStatusName>Track Forms FILE</taskStatusName>
<taskName>Forms Completion</taskName>
<taskStatusName>Complete Forms
<submissionTitle>001.004-21 Original EIC Assign AE</submissionTitle>
<submissionType>Original Article</submissionType>
<authorFullName>Web, Dr. Submitting MiddSub</authorFullName>
<submissionTitle>001.004-25 Original AE Select Reviewers</submissionTitle>
<submissionType>Original Article</submissionType>
<transferSubId>25e8531c-6e6f-9s63-b1cc- af8dbd5fbab51</transferSubId>


getSubmissionInfoFull submits a request consisting of a Document ID or IDs OR a Submission ID or IDs and returns

complete metadata about a specific manuscript or set of manuscripts’ submission status and identifying information about

its author or authors . Each request includes:

  • Mandatory message header content for Authorization
    1. Digest username (same as User Name)
    2. Realm
    3. Nonce
    4. Response
  • Mandatory message content for Authentication
    1. Password (provisioned API KEY, configured by the ScholarOne Relationship Manager into the caller’s

account profile)

  1. User Name (Profile User Name, this the user id for logging into the API)
  • Required Query Parameters
    1. Submission ID(s) or Document ID(s)
    2. Site Short Name
  • Optional Query Parameters
    1. Locale ID
    2. _type
    3. External ID
  • Resource
    1. By documentId: /api/s1m/v3/submissions/full/metadata/documentids
    2. By submissionId: /api/s1m/v3/submissions/full/metadata/submissionids

Request Parameters

Element getSubmissionInfoFull Type Description Req’d Example or Default Value
getSubmissionInfoFull Root Yes
username String “Profile” User Name. This is the user name used by the application – not a ScholarOne
Manuscripts User. This is f rom the Caller’s Profile.
Yes sample_user
password String The API Key; Encrypted value uniquely Yes SRU4DQ5WOJ2PX 8CA
Element getSubmissionInfoFull Type Description Req’d Example or Default Value
identifying/authenticating Caller.
ids6 Integer Document Id or Ids. Yes, ’88026’
or Integer Array Unique identifier for each Manuscript Revision in
the ScholarOne Manuscripts system.
if submi
ssion IDs
Or if a list is being requested:
Internally to ScholarOne, are 28','89330','89335','
this is a numeric value. Each entry must be not used. 88083','89337'
surrounded by single or
double quotes and
comma separated when
more than one entry is
ids7 String Submission Id or Ids. Yes, 'WEB-2013-0002'
or String
Also known as the Manuscript Number or
Document Number.
if docu
Or if a list is being requested:
Identifier that is seen in IDs 'WEB-2013-
the ScholarOne UI for are 0002','WEB-2013-
each Manuscript. not 0003','WEB-2013-
Submission Ids are case- used. 0004','WEB-2013-
sensitive. Each entry 0005','WEB-2013-
must be surrounded by 0006','WEB-2013-
single or double quotes 0007','WEB-2013-
and comma separated 0008'
when more than one
entry is specified.
site_name String Site short name. The short name is
the abbreviated or truncated name of the journal, society, publisher, or family.
Yes web_svcs

6 Either Submission Ids or Document Ids are used in the request whichshould be directed to the corresponding endpoint.

7 All web services calls whichuse Submission Id will returna "success" message without details when the string ‘draft’ is

passed as a parameter or the Submission Id is un-submitted(submitted thenun-submitted).

Element getSubmissionInfoFull Type Description Req’d Example or Default Value
url String The Web Service URL, which identifies the specific service to handle the request. Yes v2/submissions/full/ metadata/documenti ds
external_id String An id value that can be set by the client for call tracking. API Caller supplied Text string to be stored with Audit History information. No 123456
locale_id Integer The unique identifier for a specific language. The value of the locale_id must match to the specific language as defined in the caller’s ScholarOne Manuscripts profile. No Options are:
  1. (United States English)
  2. (Simplified Chinese, Pinyin ordering)
  3. (French)
_type The data type requested f rom the Service <xml> or
<json>. This defaults to
No Can be xml (default if omitted), or json

Response Parameters8

Response Elements getSubmissionInfoFull Type Description Example or Default Value
status String State of a given request call. Can be one of SUCCESS, FAILURE, or MAINTENANCE.
<status>SUCCESS</stat us>
callID String The Call ID is the unique identifier for a given Web Services call. Generated by the ScholarOne Web Services application. <callId>63631fe1-7378- 4cc1-ab18- 87c06c2eff58</callId>
profileCallId String An id value that is set by the client for call tracking. Set by the request’s external_id element. <profileCallId>111111</p rofileCallId>
abstractText String The summary text of a published submission that is relevant to the inquiry for potential reviewers. It is authored by the person who may be a reviewer on a ScholarOne Manuscripts submission. <abstractText>Creating a f itness base, cross training, VO2 max, nutrition, intervals,
fartleks -- using the
techniques of an elite runner to train for fitness without injury. How much is too much? How much dedication and time can you expect of non- competitive amateurs?
Keeping it fun while getting results.</abstractText>
archiveDate dateTime The date a manuscript is scheduled to be archived or has been archived. When manuscripts are archived, the
f iles for those submissions are no longer available on the
<archiveDate>2013-10- 21T19:24:29Z</archiveD ate>

8 All non-501 responses will include Status and CallID. profileCallId will be returned if an external_id is provided in the request.

Response Elements getSubmissionInfoFull Type Description Example or Default Value
system, although metadata is still accessible.
archiveStatus String The archive status of the manuscript – e.g., “Archived,” “Draft revision/resubmission f iles deleted,” etc. <archiveStatus>NORMAL
archiveStatusId Integer Primary Key of the Archive Status Table in the ScholarOne Manuscripts database. <archiveStatusId>0</arch iveStatusId>
authorFullName String The full name of the author in the format “Lastname Suffix, Salutation Firstname Middlename”. Submitting Author or Submitting Agent. <authorFullName>Hucho, Dr.
authorMembershipId String Society Membership number of the user. <authorMembershipId
>society_123</ authorMembershipId >
authorORCIDId String The ORCID is a nonproprietary alphanumeric code to uniquely identify scientific and other academic authors. <authorORCIDId >0000- 0002-6167-6691</
authorORCIDId >
authorORCIDIdValidation Boolean Indication of whether that author ORCID has been validated by the author. <authorORCIDIdValidatio n>TRUE</authorORCIDI dValidation>
authorPersonId Integer A unique numeric identifier associated with a person record (not the user's User ID used for accessing ScholarOne). <authorPersonId>686975
authorResearcherId String Provides solution to Author ambiguity by assigning a unique identifier for scientific authors. <authorReseacherId >A- 1061-2007</
authorResearcherId >
crossCheckOverallSimilar ityIndex Integer The overall percentage match f rom iThenticate. This is the most recent successful cross check similarity index value. <crossCheckOverallSimil arityIndex>11</crossChe ckOverallSimilarityIndex>
Response Elements getSubmissionInfoFull Type Description Example or Default Value
decisionDate dateTime The date and time the decision was rendered on the submission. <decisionDate>2013-10- 21T19:24:29Z</decisionD ate>
decisionType String The system label for the type of decision made on the submission. Available decision types are Accept, Accept for First Look, Reject (Hard), Reject With Appeal, Reject With Resubmission, Reject with Transfer, Revise, and Additional Reviews Required. <decisionType>ACCEPT
documentId Integer Unique identifier of the document. Unique identifier for each Manuscript Revision in the ScholarOne Manuscripts system. Internally to ScholarOne, this is a numeric value. <documentId>88026</do cumentId>
documentIdLatest Integer The most recent submitted (not draft) version of the manuscript. <documentIdLatest>8808 3</documentIdLatest>
documentIdOriginal Integer A unique identifier given to the f irst iteration of a manuscript. <documentIdOriginal>880 83</documentIdOriginal>
doi String The DOI a character string (a "digital identifier") used to uniquely identify an object such as an electronic document. <doi>10.Prefix/:</doi>
dueDateOfNextRevisionR esubmission dateTime The date a revision or resubmission is due. <dueDateOfNextRevision Resubmission>2013-12- 21T04:59:00Z</dueDate Of NextRevisionResubmis sion>
externalManuscriptId String The unique manuscript ID provided by the external system when manuscripts are ingested via submission integration. <externalManuscriptId>E XAMPLE-2020-
0101</externalManuscrip tId>
Response Elements getSubmissionInfoFull Type Description Example or Default Value
inputIndex Integer Provides caller the ability to correlate requested document or submission ids to the appropriate response element. The inputIndex will be randomly chosen when a document or submission id is entered more than once. <inputIndex>4</inputInde x>
This is a zero-based value; that is, if a single document id is requested, the inputIndex is 0.
journalName String The long name associated with the journal as defined during issue creation. <journalName>Web Services Sample: vol2, iss 3</journalName>
<journalDigitalIssn> String The configured digital International Standard Serial Number for the publication on S1 site <journalDigitalIssn>2043- 0008</journalDigitalIssn>
<journalPrintIssn> String The configured print International Standard Serial Number for the publication on S1 site <journalPrintIssn>2043- 0008</journalPrintIssn>
revisionNumber Integer The number of times that a manuscript has been revised and a revision has been started. If a manuscript was originally submitted and then revised once, the number of revisions will be 1. <revisionNumber>0</revi sionNumber>
submissionDate dateTime The date and time in UTC a manuscript was submitted to the site. Note that this date may sometimes be changed by the Editorial Office. Use Transmission Date for the actual date and time the author submitted the document. <submissionDate>2013- 10-
18T20:56:15Z</submissi onDate>
submissionDateOriginal dateTime The date and time that the first iteration of a manuscript was submitted. For example, if the manuscript was submitted initially and received a revision decision, the Submission Date – Original f ield will contain the
date and time of that first submission. Note that this date
18T20:56:15Z</submissi onDateOriginal>
Response Elements getSubmissionInfoFull Type Description Example or Default Value
may sometimes be changed by the Editorial Office.
submissionId String Also known as the Manuscript Id or Document Number. A unique identifier given to each submitted manuscript.
SubmissionID s are case
sensitive; they are not necessarily unique.
<submissionId>Sensors- 00996-
submissionIdLatest String A unique identifier given to the most recent iteration of a manuscript. For example, if the manuscript was submitted initially and received a revision decision, the Subscription ID – Latest will be the Manuscript ID of that second, revised manuscript. <submissionIdLatest> Sensors-00997- 2005</submissionIdLates t>
submissionIdOriginal String A unique identifier given to the f irst iteration of a manuscript. For example, if the manuscript was submitted initially and received a revision decision, the Manuscript ID – Original will be the Manuscript ID of the f irst, original submission. <submissionIdOriginal> Sensors-00996- 2005</submissionIdOrigi nal>
submissionTitle String The title of a manuscript submitted to a publication. <submissionTitle>The Use of Computers in Elementary Classrooms</submission Title>
submissionType String The name of the group or set of attributes from which the author picked to classify a submission. <submissionType>Origin al Article</submissionType>
transferSubId String A unique identifier given to each submission tying it to its future versions even when the submission is transferred across ScholarOne sites <transferSubId>eaaee93 6-dde5-4824-b71f-
a4b243cc6e931</transfer SubId>
Response Elements getSubmissionInfoFull Type Description Example or Default Value
transmissionDate String The actual date and time that the author submitted the manuscript. <transmissionDate>2013- 10-
withdrawnDate dateTime The most recent date a manuscript has been withdrawn.9 <withdrawnDate>2013- 10-
14T17:09:52Z</withdraw nDate>
submissionFiles Complex Information about file(s) uploaded as part of the submission. There can be 0…n f iles associated with a submission. Complex Child of Parent Root
Includes following response elements:
f ileDesignation, fileId, systemFileName
customerFileName String The name of the file the author uploaded as part of the submission. <customerFileName>Co mputers in Classrooms Title Page Collins.docx</customerFil eName>
f ileDesignation String Indicates the content of the file being uploaded. File designation options appear in the drop-down menu and differ according to the journal. Each f ile designation is associated with criteria for inclusion such as “Title”, “Abstract”, “Main text”; Figure and Table file designations also include an option to add captions. <fileDesignation >Title Page</fileDesignation>
f ileId String Database ID value for the file. Includes only files uploaded by the Author on the File Upload step of submission or by the
Admin into the "Manuscript

9 If a submission is in draft, has been un-submitted, or has been submitted but then WITHDRAWN, we DO display the submission question and response information from prior to the withdrawal.

Response Elements getSubmissionInfoFull Type Description Example or Default Value
Files" section of the Manuscript Files tab. Only the most recent version of the file will be listed.
systemFileName String System-generated, internal unique identifier for the submission file. <systemFileName>88026
_File000001_1208323.do cx</systemFileName>
submissionFunders Complex Information about funder(s) entered as part of the submission. There can be 0…n funders associated with a submission. Complex Child of Parent Root
Includes following response elements:
fundRefInfo Complex Information about FundRef specific identifiers entered as part of funder information. Complex Child of submissionFunders
Includes following response elements:
altName, identifier,,name
altName String FundRef Preferred alternate name of the funding body. AONA
identifier String FundRef unique identifier of the funding body. 10.13039/100001473
name String FundRef Preferred label of the funding body. AO North America
grants Complex Identifyer for funding award at the named institution. There can be 0…n grants associated with a funder. Complex Child of submissionFunders
Includes following response element:
number String Identifyer for funding award at the named institution. GrantNo1
Response Elements getSubmissionInfoFull Type Description Example or Default Value
name String FundRef Preferred label of the funding body or the funder name manually entered by the submitter. AO North America
referenceSubmission Complex Complex Child of Parent Root
Includes following response elements:
referenceSubmissionDoc umentId,
referenceSubmissionSub missionId,
referenceSubmissionSub missionType,
referenceSubmissionDoc umentId Integer Document ID of a referenced manuscript. Reference to a submitted published article. (Reference manuscripts are typically used with Letter to the Editor functionality.) referenceSubmissionDoc umentId>170904</refere nceSubmissionDocument Id>
referenceSubmissionSub missionId String The Manuscript ID of the given reference manuscript associated with that submission. (Reference manuscripts are typically used with Letter to the Editor
<referenceSubmissionSu bmissionId>WRK1- 1191</referenceSubmissi onSubmissionId>
referenceSubmissionSub missionType String The manuscript type of the given reference manuscript associated with that submission. (Reference manuscripts are typically used with Letter to the Editor
<referenceSubmissionSu bmissionType>LTE</refer enceSubmissionSubmissi onType>
referenceSubmissionTitle String The title of the given reference manuscript associated with that submission. (Reference manuscripts are typically used <referenceSubmissionTitl e>LTE Manuscript 5 Title</referenceSubmissi onTitle>
Response Elements getSubmissionInfoFull Type Description Example or Default Value
with Letter to the Editor functionality.)
submissionFlags String Flags are used to mean special information regarding a manuscript. Multiple flags can be attributed to a single manuscript. Flags are
configurable by profile.
;Yellow Diamond;Gray Circled Check</submissionFlags
submissionCustomQuesti ons Complex Submission custom questions refer to questions that authors answer as part of their manuscript submission that are not part of the "out of the box" submission questionnaire.
Custom questions without an answer are not included in the response. Custom questions with the answer types Label, URL, or Image are not included in the response.
Complex Child of Parent Root
Includes following response elements:
answerType, customQuestionId, questionName questionStatus, questionText, submissionCustomAnswe rs
answerType String Standard HTML input options. Available answer types are Checkbox, Radio, Select, Multiselect, Textarea, Text or Calendar. <answerType>TYPE_CH ECKBOX</answerType>
customQuestionId Integer Unique identifier of the custom question. <customQuestionId>3113 9</customQuestionId>
questionName String The configured name of a question asked during the submission process. <questionName>Submitt ed solely to this journal</questionName>
questionStatus String Current status of a
custom question. Valid values are ‘ACTIVE’ or ‘INACTIVE’.
questionText String The text of a question asked during the submission process. <questionText>Confirm that the manuscript has been submitted solely to this journal and is not
published, in press, or submitted
Response Elements getSubmissionInfoFull Type Description Example or Default Value
submissionCustomAnswe rs Complex Submission custom answers refer to answers provided by authors to each Custom Question on the submission form. Complex Child of Parent submissionCustomQuesti ons
Includes following response elements:
abbreviatedResponse, answerExternalId, answerName answerStatus, answerText, numericValue
abbreviatedResponse String Shortened custom question response as configured in Submission Custom Questions. <abbreviatedResponse> msid</abbreviatedRespo nse>
answerExternalId String Custom ID use to denote unique question/answer pairs in submission integration packages <answerExternalID>SI_Y CQ1</answerExternalID>
answerId Integer Numeric value representing the unique answer. <answerId>67996</answ erId>
answerName String Human-recognizable name given to the answer to aid in configuration-user lookup. <answerName>Conflict- explain</answerName>
answerStatus String Indication whether answer is turned on or off. Can be ‘ACTIVE’ or ‘INACTIVE’. <answerStatus>ACTIVE<
answerText String The response to a submission question to be entered or selected by the author. <answerText>yes</answ erText>
Response Elements getSubmissionInfoFull Type Description Example or Default Value
numericValue String The numeric value (or score) assigned to a response selected or entered by an Author during the submission process. <numericValue>11.0</nu mericValue>
submissionStatus Complex The status of a submission. Lists open tasks (action items) and any decision made on that submission. Complex Child of Parent Root
Includes following response elements:
decisionName, documentStatusId, documentStatusName, inDraftFlag, task
decisionName String The name of the decision rendered on the submission. <decisionName>Immedia te Reject</decisionName>
documentStatusId Integer Key identifier for document status. <documentStatusId>3</d ocumentStatusId>
documentStatusName String User-friendly name of a document’s status in the journal’s submission workflow. <documentStatusName> Submitted</documentSta tusName>
inDraftFlag Boolean Indicates whether the manuscript is currently in DRAFT status. <inDraftFlag>false</inDra f tFlag>
task Complex Activity currently being performed for the current manuscript. Complex Child of submissionStatus
Includes following response elements:
taskId, taskName, taskStatus, taskStatusName
taskId Integer Global unique identifier of the task. <taskId>682726</taskId>
taskName String Name of task as configured in the site workflow. <taskName>Admin Checklist</taskName>
Response Elements getSubmissionInfoFull Type Description Example or Default Value
taskStatus String The current status of the given task for that submission. For a given task, can be one of [pending, processing, overdue, closing, initiated, on hold or rescinded]. <taskStatus>PENDING</ taskStatus>
taskStatusName String If the manuscript has tasks in the pending, processing, overdue, closing, initiated, on hold or rescinded status, this is the text configured in the “Status Column – All” field of the configuration. If no text is configured for the column, this will be “Open Task X” where X is the task number within the manuscript submission status response. <taskStatusName>Compl ete Checklist</taskStatusNa me>

getSubmissionInfoFull Request / Response Examples

Example Request: getSubmissionInfoFullDocumentId
  • Input: single Document ID
    1. URL for use via HTTP request after Digest Authentication is performed: https://mc-

api.manuscriptcentral.com/api/s1m/v2/submissions/full/metadata/documentids?external_id=22222 &site_name=web_svcs&locale_id=1&ids=’88026’

Example Response: getSubmissionInfoFullDocumentId
<result xsi:type="submissionFull"
<authorFullName>Web, Dr. Submitting MiddSub</authorFullName>
<journalName>QA - Red Site</journalName>
<questionName>Willingness to pay for color reproduction</questionName>
<questionText>Are you willing to pay the journal's fee for color reproduction?</questionText>
<questionName>Has this manuscript been submitted previously?</questionName>
<questionText>Has this manuscript been submitted previously?</questionText>
<questionName>Copyright Form</questionName>
<questionText>Have you submitted your &lt;A HREF='/gus/societyimages/red/SampleCopyrightForm.pdf' target='_new'>copyright transfer agreement form&lt;/A>?</questionText>
<submissionDateOriginal>2013-09- 27T16:49:05Z</submissionDateOriginal>
<fileDesignation>Main Document</fileDesignation>
<name>Academy of American Poets</name>
<name>Academy of American Poets</name>
<name>AO North America</name>
<name>AO North America</name>
<submissionTitle>001.004-65 Original Reject</submissionTitle>
<submissionType>Original Article</submissionType>
<transferSubId>eaaee936-dde5-4824-b71f- a4b243cc6e931</transferSubId>

Example Request: getSubmissionInfoFullSubmissionId

  • Input: multiple Submission IDs
    1. URL for use via HTTP request after Digest Authentication is performed: https://mc-

api.manuscriptcentral.com/api/s1m/v3/submissions/full/metadata/submissionids?external_id=2222 2&site_name=web_svcs&locale_id=1&ids='WEB-2013-0028.R1',’WEB-2013-0001’

Example Response: getSubmissionInfoFullSubmissionId

<abstractText>Manuscript Abstract for Testing</abstractText>
<authorFullName>Web, Dr. Submitting MiddSub</authorFullName>
<journalName>Red Site</journalName>
<questionName>Willingness to pay for color reproduction</questionName>
<questionText>Are you willing to pay the journal's fee for color reproduction?</questionText>
<questionName>Has this manuscript been submitted previously?</questionName>
<questionText>Has this manuscript been submitted previously?</questionText>
<questionName>Copyright Form</questionName>
<questionText>Have you submitted your &lt;A HREF='/gus/societyimages/red/SampleCopyrightForm.pdf' target='_new'>copyright transfer agreement form&lt;/A>?</questionText>
<submissionDateOriginal>2013-09- 27T14:57:25Z</submissionDateOriginal>
<fileDesignation>Main Document</fileDesignation>
<name>Academy of American Poets</name>
<name>Academy of American Poets</name>
<submissionIdOriginal>WEB-2013- 0001</submissionIdOriginal>
<taskName>Manuscript Checklist</taskName>
<taskStatusName>X Complete
<submissionTitle>001.004-5 Original Admin Checklist</submissionTitle>
<submissionType>Original Article</submissionType>
<authorFullName>Web, Dr. Submitting MiddSub</authorFullName>
<journalName>Red Site</journalName>
<questionName>Willingness to pay for color reproduction</questionName>
<questionText>Are you willing to pay the journal's
fee for color reproduction?</questionText>
<questionName>Has this manuscript been submitted previously?</questionName>
<questionText>Has this manuscript been submitted previously?</questionText>
<questionName>Copyright Form</questionName>
<questionText>Have you submitted your &lt;A HREF='/gus/societyimages/red/SampleCopyrightForm.pdf' target='_new'>copyright transfer agreement form&lt;/A>?</questionText>
<submissionDateOriginal>2013-09- 30T10:36:14Z</submissionDateOriginal>
<customerFileName>OSA Sample 1.pdf</customerFileName>
<fileDesignation>Main Document</fileDesignation>
<name>AO North America</name>
<name>AO North America</name>
<submissionIdOriginal>WEB-2013- 0028</submissionIdOriginal>
<taskName>Admin Assign EIC</taskName>
<taskStatusName>Admin Assign EIC</taskStatusName>
<taskName>Forms Tracking</taskName>
<taskStatusName>Track Forms FILE</taskStatusName>
<submissionTitle>001.004-113 Revision Forms Completion</submissionTitle>
<submissionType>Original Article</submissionType>


getAuthorInfoBasic submits a request consisting of a Document ID or IDs or a Submission ID or IDs and returns basic

metadata about a specific manuscript or set of manuscripts’ author or authors. Each request includes:

  • Mandatory message header content for Authorization
    • Digest username (same as User Name)
    • Realm
    • Nonce
    • Response
  • Mandatory message content for Authentication
    • Password (a provisioned API KEY, configured by the ScholarOne Relationship Manager into the

caller’s account profile)

  • User Name (Profile User Name, this the user id for logging into the API)
  • Required Query Parameters
    • Submission ID(s) or Document ID(s)
    • Site Short Name
  • Optional Query Parameters
    • Locale ID
    • _type
    • External ID
  • Resource
    • By documented: /api/s1m/v2/submissions/basic/contributors/authors/documentids
    • By submissionId: /api/s1m/v2/submissions/basic/contributors/authors /submissionids

Request Parameters

Element getAuthorInfoBasic Type Description Req’d Example or Default Value
getAuthorInfoBasic Root Yes
username String “Profile” User Name. This is the user name used by the application – not a ScholarOne Manuscripts User.
This is f rom the Caller’s Profile.
Yes sample_user
Password String The API Key; Encrypted value uniquely identifying/authenticatin g Caller. Yes SRU4DQ5WOJ2PX8 CA
ids10 Integer Document Id or Ids. Yes, if ’88026’
or Integer
Unique identifier for each Manuscript
Revision in the
submission IDs are not
Or if a list is being requested:
ScholarOne '88026','88087','8932
Manuscripts system. 8','89330','89335','88
Internally to ScholarOne, this is a 083','89337'
numeric value. Each
entry must be
surrounded by single or
double quotes and
comma separated
when more than one
entry is specified.
ids11 String or String Array Submission Id or Ids. Also known as the
Manuscript Number or Document Number.
Yes, if document
IDs are not used.
Or if a list is being requested:
Identifier that is seen in 'WEB-2013-
the ScholarOne UI for 0002','WEB-2013-

10 Either Submission Ids or Document Ids are used in the request whichshould be directed to the corresponding endpoint.

11 All web services calls whichuse Submission Id will returna "success" message without details when the string ‘draft’ is

passed as a parameter or the Submission Id is un-submitted(submitted thenun-submitted).

Element getAuthorInfoBasic Type Description Req’d Example or Default Value
each Manuscript. Submission Ids are case-sensitive. Each entry must be surrounded by single or double quotes and comma separated when more than one entry is specified. 0003','WEB-2013-
site_name String Site short name. The short name is
the abbreviated or
truncated name of the journal, society, publisher, or family.
Yes web_svcs
url String The Web Service URL, which identifies the specific service to handle the request. Yes v2/submissions/basi c/contributors/author s/documentids
external_id String An id value that can be set by the client for call tracking. API Caller supplied Text string to be stored with Audit History information. No 123456
locale_id Integer The unique identifier for a specific language.
The value of the locale_id must match to the specific language as defined in the caller’s ScholarOne Manuscripts profile.
No Options are:
  1. (United States English)
  2. (Simplified Chinese, Pinyin ordering)
  3. (French)
_type The data type requested from the Service <xml> or
<json>. This defaults to
No Can be xml (default if omitted), or json

Response Parameters12

Response Elements getAuthorInfoBasic Type Description Example or Default Value
Status String State of a given request call. Can be one of SUCCESS, FAILURE, or MAINTENANCE.
<status>SUCCESS</sta tus>
callID String The CALL_ID is the unique identifier for a given Web Services call. Generated by the ScholarOne Web Services application. <callId>63631fe1-7378- 4cc1-ab18- 87c06c2eff58</callId>
profileCallId String An id value that is set by the client for call tracking. Set by the request’s external_id element. <profileCallId>111111</ profileCallId>
authorFullName String The full name of the author in the format “Lastname Suffix, Salutation Firstname Middlename”. Submitting Author or Submitting Agent. <authorFullName>Huch o, Dr.
authorMembershipId String Society Membership number of the user. <authorMembershipId
>society_123</ authorMembershipId >
authorORCIDId String The ORCID is a nonproprietary alphanumeric code to uniquely identify scientific and other academic authors. <authorORCIDId >0000- 0002-6167-6691</
authorORCIDId >
authorORCIDIdValidation Boolean Indication of whether that author ORCID has been validated by the author. <authorORCIDIdValidati on>TRUE</authorORCI DIdValidation>
authorOrderNumber Integer Order in which the author is listed on the document; order <authorOrderNumber>1

12 All non-501 responses will include Status and Call Id. profileCallId will be returned if an external_id is provided in the request.

Response Elements getAuthorInfoBasic Type Description Example or Default Value
number of the author as entered in the Author & Institutions page during submission.
authorPersonId Integer A unique numeric identifier associated with a person record (not the user's User ID used for accessing ScholarOne). <authorPersonId>68697 5</authorPersonId>
authorResearcherId String Provides solution to Author ambiguity by assigning a unique identifier for scientific authors. <authorReseacherId >A- 1061-2007</
authorResearcherId >
documentId Integer Unique identifier of the document. Unique identifier
for each Manuscript Revision in the ScholarOne Manuscripts system.
Internally to ScholarOne, this is a numeric value.
<documentId>88026</d ocumentId>
inputIndex Integer Provides caller the ability to correlate requested document or submission ids to the appropriate response element. The inputIndex will be randomly chosen when a document or submission id is entered more than once. <inputIndex>4</inputInd ex>
This is a zero-based value; that is, if a single document id is requested, the inputIndex is 0
isCoAuthor Boolean Indication of whether that author is of type Co-Author on the given manuscript. “true” indicates that author is a co-author for that submission. <isCoAuthor>false</isC oAuthor>
isContact Boolean Indication of whether that author is of type Contact Author on the given manuscript (as opposed to Submitting Author, for example). The contact author will be contacted during the peer review process and used for email tags. <isContact>true</isCont act>
Response Elements getAuthorInfoBasic Type Description Example or Default Value
isCorresponding Boolean Indication of whether that author is of type Corresponding Author on the given manuscript (as opposed to Submitting Author, for example). <isCorresponding>true</ isCorresponding>
isSubmittingAgent Boolean Indication of whether the person who submitted the manuscript did so on behalf of themselves and their co- authors, or is not an author on the manuscript and is therefore a Submitting Agent. <isSubmittingAgent>fals e</isSubmittingAgent>
isSubmittingAuthor Boolean Indication of whether that author is of type Submitting Author on the given manuscript (as opposed to a Co-Author, for example). <isSubmittingAuthor>tru e</isSubmittingAuthor>
submissionId String Also known as the Manuscript Id or Document Number. A unique identifier given to each submitted manuscript. Submission IDs are case sensitive; they are not necessarily unique. <submissionId>Sensors- 00996-

getAuthorInfoBasic Request / Response Examples

Example Request: getAuthorInfoBasicDocumentId
  • Input: single Document ID
    1. URL for use via HTTP request after Digest Authentication is performed: https://mc-



Example Response: getAuthorInfoBasicDocumentId
  • The response returns three separate author records for the single documentID. All the authors are associated with the same documentID: the inputIndex for each author is the same.
<authorFullName>Web, Mr. CoOne MiddCo1</authorFullName>
<authorFullName>Web, Ms. CoTwo MiddCo2</authorFullName>
<authorFullName>Web, Dr. Submitting MiddSub</authorFullName>
Example Request: getAuthorInfoBasicSubmissionId
  • Input: single Submission ID
    1. URL for use via HTTP request after Digest Authentication is performed: https://mc-

api.manuscriptcentral.com/api/s1m/v2/submissions/basic/contributors/authors/submissionids?site_ name=web_svcs&locale_id=1&ids=’WRK-2013-0170’

Example Response: getAuthorInfoBasicSubmissionId

<authorFullName>Götze, Mario Hãns</authorFullName>
<authorFullName>Şükür, Hakan YąĹĉĭņ</authorFullName>
<authorFullName>Solskjær, Ölè Gůnnār</authorFullName>
<authorFullName>Kløp, Dr. Jürgen Nórbert</authorFullName>


getAuthorInfoFull submits a request consisting of a Document ID or IDs or a Submission ID or IDs and returns detailed

metadata about a specific manuscript or set of manuscripts’ author or authors. Each request includes:

  • Mandatory message header content for Authorization
    1. Digest username (same as User Name)
    2. Realm
    3. Nonce
    4. Response
  • Mandatory message content for Authentication
    1. Password (a provisioned API KEY, configured by the ScholarOne Relationship Manager into the

caller’s account profile)

  1. User Name (Profile User Name, this the user id for logging into the API)
  • Required Query Parameters
    1. Submission ID(s) or Document ID(s)
    2. Site Short Name
  • Optional Query Parameters
    1. Locale ID
    2. _type
    3. External ID
  • Resource
    1. By documentId: /api/s1m/v2/submissions/full/contributors/authors/documentids
    2. By submissionId: /api/s1m/v2/submissions/full/contributors/authors /submissionids

Request Parameters

Element getAuthorInfoFull Type Description Req’d Example or Default Value
getAuthorInfoFull Root Yes
username String “Profile” User Name. This is the user name used by the application – not a ScholarOne Manuscripts User.
This is f rom the Caller’s Profile.
Yes sample_user
Password String The API Key; Encrypted value uniquely. identifying/authenticatin g Caller. Yes SRU4DQ5WOJ2PX8C A
ids13 Integer Document Id or Ids. Yes, ’88026’
or Integer
Unique identifier for each Manuscript
Revision in the
if submi
Or if a list is being requested:
ScholarOne IDs '88026','88087','89328',
Manuscripts system. are '89330','89335','88083',
Internally to ScholarOne, this is a not used. '89337'
numeric value. Each
entry must be
surrounded by single or
double quotes and
comma separated
when more than one
entry is specified.
ids14 String or
String Array
Submission Id or Ids. Also known as the
Manuscript Number or Document Number.
Yes, if
docu ment
Or if a list is being requested:
Identifier that is seen in IDs 'WEB-2013-
the ScholarOne UI for are 0002','WEB-2013-
each Manuscript. not
Submission Ids are used. 0004','WEB-2013-

13 Either Submission Ids or Document Ids are used in the request whichshould be directed to the corresponding endpoint.

14 All web services calls whichuse Submission Id will returna "success" message without details when the string ‘draft’ is

passed as a parameter or the Submission Id is un-submitted(submitted thenun-submitted).

Element getAuthorInfoFull Type Description Req’d Example or Default Value
case-sensitive. Each entry must be surrounded by single or double quotes and comma separated when more than one entry is specified. 0005','WEB-2013-
site_name String Site short name. The short name is
the abbreviated or
truncated name of the journal, society, publisher, or family.
Yes web_svcs
url String The Web Service URL, which identifies the specific service to handle the request. Yes v2/submissions/full/con tributors/authors/docu mentids
external_id String An id value that can be set by the client for call tracking. API Caller supplied Text string to be stored with Audit History information. No 123456
locale_id Integer The unique identifier for a specific language.
The value of the
locale_id must match to the specific language as defined in the caller’s ScholarOne Manuscripts profile.
No Options are:
  1. (United States English)
  2. (Simplified Chinese, Pinyin ordering)
  3. (French)
_type The data type requested from the Service <xml> or
<json>. This defaults to
No Can be xml (default if omitted), or json

Response Parameters15

Response Elements getAuthorInfoFull Type Description Example or Default Value
Status String State of a given request call. Can be one of SUCCESS, FAILURE, or MAINTENANCE.
<status>SUCCESS</stat us>
callID String The CALL_ID is the unique identifier for a given Web Services call. Generated by the ScholarOne Web Services application. <callId>63631fe1-7378- 4cc1-ab18- 87c06c2eff58</callId>
profileCallId String An id value that is set by the client for call tracking. Set by the request’s external_id element. <profileCallId>111111</p rofileCallId>
authorFirstName String The f irst or given name of the author. <authorFirstName>Cody
authorFullAddress String Concatenated address fields of the author in the format “address1; address2; address3; city, stateOrProvidence; postalCode; country” <authorFullAddress>Ann Arbor, Michigan; United States</authorFullAddres s>
authorFullName String The full name of the author in the format “Lastname Suffix, Salutation Firstname Middlename”. Submitting Author or Submitting Agent. <authorFullName>Hucho, Dr.
authorLastName String The last name (surname or family name) of the author. <authorLastName>Dupre e</authorLastName>
authorMembershipId String Society Membership number of the user. <authorMembershipId
>society_123</ authorMembershipId >

15 All non-501 responses will include Status and Call Id. profileCallId will be returned if an external_id is provided in the request.

Response Elements getAuthorInfoFull Type Description Example or Default Value
authorMiddleName String The middle name of the author. <authorMiddleName>J</ authorMiddleName>
authorORCIDId String The ORCID is a nonproprietary alphanumeric code to uniquely identify scientific and other academic authors. <authorORCIDId >0000- 0002-6167-6691</
authorORCIDId >
authorORCIDIdValidation Boolean Indication of whether that author ORCID has been validated by the author. <authorORCIDIdValidatio n>TRUE</authorORCIDI dValidation>
authorOrderNumber Integer Order in which the author is listed on the document; order number of the author as entered in the Author & Institutions page during submission. Submitting agents will not have an author order number. <authorOrderNumber>1<
authorPersonId Integer A unique numeric identifier associated with a person record (not the user's User ID used for accessing ScholarOne). <authorPersonId>686975
authorPrimaryEmailAddre ss String The primary e-mail address of the designated corresponding author for the manuscript. <authorPrimaryEmailAddr ess>[email protected]</auth orPrimaryEmailAddress>
authorResearcherId String Provides solution to Author ambiguity by assigning a unique identifier for scientific authors. <authorReseacherId >A- 1061-2007</
authorResearcherId >
authorSalutation String The salutation designated for the author in his or her account record. Typical
salutations are Dr., Miss, or Mr.
<authorSalutation>Dr.</a uthorSalutation>
authorSuffix String The suffix designated in the author’s account record. <authorSuffix>III</author Suffix>
Response Elements getAuthorInfoFull Type Description Example or Default Value
documentId Integer Unique identifier of the document. Unique identifier for each Manuscript Revision in the ScholarOne Manuscripts system.
Internally to ScholarOne, this is a numeric value.
<documentId>88026</do cumentId>
inputIndex Integer Provides caller the ability to correlate requested document or submission ids to the appropriate response element. The inputIndex will be randomly chosen when a document or submission id is entered more than once. <inputIndex>4</inputInde x>
This is a zero-based value; that is, if a single document id is requested, the inputIndex is 0
invitedAuthorDateAssigne d dateTime The date an invited author was assigned to submit the manuscript (the date the author was assigned to the given stub). <invitedAuthorDateAssig ned>2013-10-
21T19:24:29Z</invitedAut horDateAssigned>
invitedAuthorDateInvited dateTime The date an invited author was invited to submit the given manuscript. <invitedAuthorDateInvited
21T19:24:29Z</invitedAut horDateInvited>
invitedAuthorDateRespon se dateTime The date an invited author responded to the invitation to submit a manuscript. <invitedAuthorDateRespo nse>2013-10-
21T19:24:29Z</invitedAut horDateResponse>
invitedAuthorDateSelecte d dateTime The date an invited author was selected to submit the given manuscript. <invitedAuthorDateSelect ed>2013-10-
21T19:24:29Z</invitedAut horDateSelected>
invitedAuthorInvitationRe sponse String The answer an invited author gave in response to the invitation to submit the given manuscript. <invitedAuthorInvitationR esponse>Agreed</invited AuthorInvitationResponse
invitedAuthorInvitationRe sponseId Integer Unique ID of the invitation response in the ScholarOne Manuscripts database. <invitedAuthorInvitationR esponseId>336</invitedA uthorInvitationResponseI d>
isCoAuthor Boolean Indication of whether that author is of type Co-Author
on the given manuscript.
<isCoAuthor>false</isCo Author>
Response Elements getAuthorInfoFull Type Description Example or Default Value
“true” indicates that author is a co-author for that submission.
isContact Boolean Indication of whether that author is of type Contact Author on the given manuscript (as opposed to Submitting Author, for example). The contact author will be contacted during the peer review process and used for email tags. <isContact>true</isConta ct>
isCorresponding Boolean Indication of whether that author is of type Corresponding Author on the given manuscript (as opposed to Submitting Author, for example). <isCorresponding>true</i sCorresponding>
isInvited Boolean Indication of whether that author is the invited author on the given manuscript. <isInvited>false</isInvited
isSubmittingAgent Boolean Indication of whether the person who submitted the manuscript did so on behalf of themselves and their co- authors, or is not an author on the manuscript and is therefore a Submitting Agent. <isSubmittingAgent>false
isSubmittingAuthor Boolean Indication of whether that author is of type Submitting Author on the given manuscript (as opposed to a Co-Author, for example). <isSubmittingAuthor>true
submissionId String Also known as the Manuscript Id or Document Number. A unique identifier given to each submitted manuscript. Submission IDs are case sensitive; they are not necessarily unique. <submissionId>Sensors- 00996-
Response Elements getAuthorInfoFull Type Description Example or Default Value
departments Complex Relationship between author and departmental
affiliation(s). Keeps address
information from the time of submission instead of finding the current information for the person.
Complex Child of Parent Root
Includes following response elements:
address1, address2, address3,
affiliationOrderNumber, city, country, countryCode, department, fax, institution, phone1, phone2, postalCode, roomOrSuite, stateOrProvince, title
address1 String Author's department address line 1 f rom the author >> department record. <address1>c1 address A1</address1>
address2 String Author's department address line 2 f rom the author >> department record. <address2>c1 address B2</address2>
address3 String Author's department address line 3 f rom the author >> department record. <address3>c1 address B3</address3>
affiliationOrderNumber Integer The order contributing authors entered their affiliations into the
ScholarOne Manuscripts system. An affiliation at the time research was completed.
<affiliationOrderNumber> 0</affiliationOrderNumber
city String Author's department city name f rom the author>>department record. <city>Ann Arbor</city>
country String Author's department country name f rom the author>>department record. <country>United States</country>
countryCode String Author's department standard country code;
foreign key to the Country
<countryCode>US</coun tryCode>
Response Elements getAuthorInfoFull Type Description Example or Default Value
department String Author's affiliated department name from the author>>department record. <department>c1 department 2</department>
fax String Author's department fax number f rom the author>>department record. <fax>c1 fax 2 333-000- 3333</fax>
institution String Institution name of the author f rom the author>>department record. <institution>U Mich</institution>
phone1 String Author's department primary phone number f rom the author>>department record. <phone1>c1 phone 333- 333-3333</phone1>
phone2 String Author's department alternate phone number f rom the
author>>department record.
<phone1>c1 phone 333- 333-3333</phone1>
postalCode String Author's department zip code from the author>>department record. <postalCode>c1 zip</postalCode>
roomOrSuite String Author's department room or suite number from the author>>department record. <roomOrSuite>c1 room 2</roomOrSuite>
stateOrProvince String Author's department state or providence name from the author>>department record. <stateOrProvince>Michig an</stateOrProvince>
title String Author's department title f rom the
author>>department record.
<title>c1 title</title>

getAuthorInfoFull Request / Response Examples

Example Request: getAuthorInfoFullDocumentId

https://mc- api.manuscriptcentral.com/api/s1m/v2/submissions/full/contributors/authors/documentids?site_na me=web_svcs&locale_id=1&ids=’179072’

Example Response: getAuthorInfoFullDocumentId
<authorFullAddress>c1 address A1; c1 address A2; c1 address A3; c1 city, Arizona; c1 zip; United States</authorFullAddress>
<authorFullName>Web, Mr. CoOne MiddCo1</authorFullName>
<authorPrimaryEmailAddress>[email protected]</authorPrimaryEmai l Address>
<address1>c1 address A1</address1>
<address2>c1 address A2</address2>
<address3>c1 address A3</address3>
<city>c1 city</city>
<country>United States</country>
<department>c1 department</department>
<fax>c1 fax 333-333-3333</fax>
<institution>c1 institution</institution>
<phone1>c1 phone 333-333-3333</phone1>
<postalCode>c1 zip</postalCode>
<roomOrSuite>c1 room</roomOrSuite>
<title>c1 title</title>
<address1>c1 address B1</address1>
<address2>c1 address B2</address2>
<address3>c1 address B3</address3>
<city>c1 city 2</city>
<department>c1 department 2</department>
<fax>c1 fax 2 333-000-3333</fax>
<institution>c1 institution 2</institution>
<phone1>c1 phone 2 333-000-3333</phone1>
<postalCode>c1 zip 2</postalCode>
<roomOrSuite>c1 room 2</roomOrSuite>
<stateOrProvince>c1 province 2</stateOrProvince>
<title>c1 title 2</title>
<authorFullAddress>c2 address A1; c2 address A2; c2 address A3; c2 city, California; c2 zip; United States</authorFullAddress>
<authorFullName>Web, Ms. CoTwo MiddCo2</authorFullName>
<authorPrimaryEmailAddress>[email protected]</authorPrimary EmailAddress>
<address1>c2 address A1</address1>
<address2>c2 address A2</address2>
<address3>c2 address A3</address3>
<city>c2 city</city>
<country>United States</country>
<department>c2 department</department>
<fax>c2 fax 222-222-2222</fax>
<institution>c2 institution</institution>
<phone1>c2 phone 222-222-2222</phone1>
<postalCode>c2 zip</postalCode>
<roomOrSuite>c2 room</roomOrSuite>
<title>c2 title</title>
<address1>c2 address B1</address1>
<address2>c2 address B2</address2>
<address3>c2 address B3</address3>
<city>c2 city 2</city>
<department>c2 department 2</department>
<fax>c2 fax 2 222-000-2222</fax>
<institution>c2 institution 2</institution>
<phone1>c2 phone 2 222-000-2222</phone1>
<postalCode>c2 zip 2</postalCode>
<roomOrSuite>c2 room 2</roomOrSuite>
<stateOrProvince>c2 province 2</stateOrProvince>
<title>c2 title 2</title>
<authorFullAddress>sub address A1; sub address A2; sub address A3; sub city, Nebraska; sub zip; United States</authorFullAddress>
<authorFullName>Web, Dr. Submitting MiddSub</authorFullName>
<authorPrimaryEmailAddress>[email protected]</authorPrimary EmailAddress>
<address1>sub address A1</address1>
<address2>sub address A2</address2>
<address3>sub address A3</address3>
<city>sub city</city>
<country>United States</country>
<department>sub department</department>
<fax>sub fax 555-555-5555</fax>
<institution>sub institution</institution>
<phone1>sub phone 555-555-5555</phone1>
<postalCode>sub zip</postalCode>
<roomOrSuite>sub room</roomOrSuite>
<title>sub title</title>
<address1>sub address B1</address1>
<address2>sub address B2</address2>
<address3>sub address B3</address3>
<city>sub city 2</city>
<country>Bolivia, Plurinational State of</country>
<department>sub department 2</department>
<fax>sub fax 2 555-000-5555</fax>
<institution>sub institution 2</institution>
<phone1>sub phone 2 555-000-5555</phone1>
<postalCode>sub zip 2</postalCode>
<roomOrSuite>sub room 2</roomOrSuite>
<stateOrProvince>sub province 2</stateOrProvince>
<title>sub title 2</title>

Example Request: getAuthorInfoFullSubmissionId

  • Input: single Submission ID
    1. URL for use via HTTP request after Digest Authentication is performed: https://mc-

api.manuscriptcentral.com/api/s1m/v2/submissions/full/contributors/authors/submissionids?site_na me=web_svcs&locale_id=1&ids='WEB-2013-0005'

Example Response: getAuthorInfoFullSubmissionId

<authorFullAddress>c1 address A1; c1 address A2; c1 address A3; c1 city, Arizona; c1 zip; United States</authorFullAddress>
<authorFullName>Web, Mr. CoOne MiddCo1</authorFullName>
<authorPrimaryEmailAddress>[email protected]</authorPrimaryEmai l Address>
<address1>c1 address A1</address1>
<address2>c1 address A2</address2>
<address3>c1 address A3</address3>
<city>c1 city</city>
<country>United States</country>
<department>c1 department</department>
<fax>c1 fax 333-333-3333</fax>
<institution>c1 institution</institution>
<phone1>c1 phone 333-333-3333</phone1>
<postalCode>c1 zip</postalCode>
<roomOrSuite>c1 room</roomOrSuite>
<title>c1 title</title>
<address1>c1 address B1</address1>
<address2>c1 address B2</address2>
<address3>c1 address B3</address3>
<city>c1 city 2</city>
<department>c1 department 2</department>
<fax>c1 fax 2 333-000-3333</fax>
<institution>c1 institution 2</institution>
<phone1>c1 phone 2 333-000-3333</phone1>
<postalCode>c1 zip 2</postalCode>
<roomOrSuite>c1 room 2</roomOrSuite>
<stateOrProvince>c1 province 2</stateOrProvince>
<title>c1 title 2</title>
<authorFullAddress>c2 address A1; c2 address A2; c2 address A3; c2 city, California; c2 zip; United States</authorFullAddress>
<authorFullName>Web, Ms. CoTwo MiddCo2</authorFullName>
<authorPrimaryEmailAddress>[email protected]</authorPrimary EmailAddress>
<address1>c2 address A1</address1>
<address2>c2 address A2</address2>
<address3>c2 address A3</address3>
<city>c2 city</city>
<country>United States</country>
<department>c2 department</department>
<fax>c2 fax 222-222-2222</fax>
<institution>c2 institution</institution>
<phone1>c2 phone 222-222-2222</phone1>
<postalCode>c2 zip</postalCode>
<roomOrSuite>c2 room</roomOrSuite>
<title>c2 title</title>
<address1>c2 address B1</address1>
<address2>c2 address B2</address2>
<address3>c2 address B3</address3>
<city>c2 city 2</city>
<department>c2 department 2</department>
<fax>c2 fax 2 222-000-2222</fax>
<institution>c2 institution 2</institution>
<phone1>c2 phone 2 222-000-2222</phone1>
<postalCode>c2 zip 2</postalCode>
<roomOrSuite>c2 room 2</roomOrSuite>
<stateOrProvince>c2 province 2</stateOrProvince>
<title>c2 title 2</title>
<authorFullAddress>sub address A1; sub address A2; sub address A3; sub city, Nebraska; sub zip; United States</authorFullAddress>
<authorFullName>Web, Dr. Submitting MiddSub</authorFullName>
<authorPrimaryEmailAddress>[email protected]</authorPrimary EmailAddress>
<address1>sub address A1</address1>
<address2>sub address A2</address2>
<address3>sub address A3</address3>
<city>sub city</city>
<country>United States</country>
<department>sub department</department>
<fax>sub fax 555-555-5555</fax>
<institution>sub institution</institution>
<phone1>sub phone 555-555-5555</phone1>
<postalCode>sub zip</postalCode>
<roomOrSuite>sub room</roomOrSuite>
<title>sub title</title>
<address1>sub address B1</address1>
<address2>sub address B2</address2>
<address3>sub address B3</address3>
<city>sub city 2</city>
<country>Bolivia, Plurinational State of</country>
<department>sub department 2</department>
<fax>sub fax 2 555-000-5555</fax>
<institution>sub institution 2</institution>
<phone1>sub phone 2 555-000-5555</phone1>
<postalCode>sub zip 2</postalCode>
<roomOrSuite>sub room 2</roomOrSuite>
<stateOrProvince>sub province 2</stateOrProvince>
<title>sub title 2</title>


getReviewerInfoFull submits a request consisting of a Document ID or IDs OR a Submission ID or IDs and returns detailed

metadata about a specific manuscript or set of manuscripts’ reviewer or reviewers . Each request includes:

  • Mandatory message header content for Authorization
    1. Digest username (same as User Name)
    2. Realm
    3. Nonce
    4. Response
  • Mandatory message content for Authentication
    1. Password (provisioned API KEY, configured by the ScholarOne Relationship Manager into the caller’s

account profile)

  1. User Name (Profile User Name, this the user id for logging into the API)
  • Required Query Parameters
    1. Submission ID(s) or Document ID(s)
    2. Site Short Name
  • Optional Query Parameters
    1. Locale ID
    2. _type
    3. External ID
  • Resource
    1. By documentId: /api/s1m/v2/submissions/full/reviewer/documentids
    2. By submissionId: /api/s1m/v2/submissions/full/reviewer/submissionids

Request Parameters

Element getReviewerInfoFull Type Description Req’d Example or Default Value
getReviewerInfoFull Root Yes
username String “Profile” User Name. This is the user name used by the application – not a ScholarOne Manuscripts User. This is f rom the Caller’s
Yes sample_user
password String The API Key; Encrypted value uniquely identifying/authenticating Caller. Yes SRU4DQ5WOJ2PX8C A
ids16 Integer or Integer Array Document Id or Ids. Unique identifier for each Manuscript Revision in the ScholarOne Manuscripts system.
Internally to ScholarOne, this is a numeric value. Each entry must be surrounded by single or double quotes and comma separated when more than one entry is specified.
Yes, if submi ssion IDs are not used. ’88026’
Or if a list is being requested:
ids17 String or Submission Id or Ids. Also known as the
Manuscript Number or
Yes, if

16 Either Submission Ids or Document Ids are used in the request whichshould be directed to the corresponding endpoint.

17 All web services calls whichuse Submission Id will returna "success" message without details when the string ‘draft’ is

passed as a parameter or the Submission Id is un-submitted(submitted thenun-submitted).

Element getReviewerInfoFull Type Description Req’d Example or Default Value
String Array Document Number. Identifier that is seen in the ScholarOne UI for each Manuscript.
Submission Ids are case- sensitive. Each entry must be surrounded by single or double quotes and comma separated when more than one entry is specified.
ment IDs are not used. Or if a list is being requested:
'WEB-2013- 0002','WEB-2013-
site_name String Site short name. The short name is
the abbreviated or truncated name of the journal, society, publisher, or family.
Yes web_svcs
url String The Web Service URL, which identifies the specific service to handle the request. Yes v2/submissions/full/revi ewer/documentids
external_id String An id value that can be set by the client for call tracking. API Caller supplied Text string to be stored with Audit History information. No 123456
locale_id Integer The unique identifier for a specific language. The value of the locale_id must match to the specific language as defined in the caller’s ScholarOne Manuscripts profile. No Options are:
  1. (United States English)
  2. (Simplified Chinese, Pinyin ordering)
  3. (French)
_type The data type requested f rom the Service <xml> or
<json>. This defaults to
No Can be xml (default if omitted), or json

Response Parameters18

Response Elements getReviewerInfoFull Type Description Example or Default Value
status String State of a given request call. Can be one of SUCCESS, FAILURE, or MAINTENANCE.
<status>SUCCESS</statu s>
callID String The CALL_ID is the unique identifier for a given Web Services call. Generated by the ScholarOne Web Services application. <callId>63631fe1-7378- 4cc1-ab18- 87c06c2eff58</callId>
profileCallId String An id value that is set by the client for call tracking. Set by the request’s external_id element. <profileCallId>111111</pr ofileCallId>
commentsToAuthor String Text comments provide by the reviewer to the author in the ‘Comments to Author’ section of the Scoresheet. <commentsToAuthor
>Please change figure 2</ commentsToAuthor>
commentsToEditor String Text comments provide by the reviewer to the editor in the ‘Comments to Editor’ section of the Scoresheet. <commentsToEditor > Article would benefit from language editing</ commentsToEditor>
reviewerFirstName String The f irst or given name of the reviewer. <reviewerFirstName>Cody
reviewerFullAddress String Concatenated address fields of the reviewer in the format “address1; address2; address3; city, stateOrProvidence; postalCode; country” <reviewerFullAddress>An n Arbor, Michigan; United States</reviewerFullAddre ss>

18 All non-501 responses will include Status and Call Id. profileCallId will be returned if an external_id is provided in the request.

Response Elements getReviewerInfoFull Type Description Example or Default Value
reviewerFullName String The full name of the reviewer in the format “Lastname Suffix, Salutation Firstname Middlename”. <reviewerFullName>Huch o, Dr.
reviewerLastName String The last name (surname or
family name) of the reviewer.
<reviewerLastName>Dupr ee</reviewerLastName>
reviewerMembershipId String Society Membership number of the user. <reviewerMembershipId
>society_123</ reviewerMembershipId >
reviewerMiddleName String The middle name of the reviewer. <reviewerMiddleName>J</ reviewerMiddleName>
reviewerORCIDId String The ORCID is a nonproprietary alphanumeric code to uniquely identify scientific and other academic reviewers. <reviewerORCIDId >0000- 0002-6167-6691</
reviewerORCIDId >
reviewerORCIDIdValid ation Boolean Indication of whether that author ORCID has been validated by the reviewer. <reviewerORCIDIdValidati on>TRUE</reviewerORCI DIdValidation>
reviewerPersonId Integer A unique numeric identifier associated with a person record (not the user's User ID used for accessing ScholarOne). <reviewerPersonId>68697 5</reviewerPersonId>
reviewerPrimaryEmailA ddress String The primary e-mail address of the designated corresponding reviewer for the manuscript. <reviewerPrimaryEmailAd dress>[email protected]</revi ewerPrimaryEmailAddress
reviewerResearcherId String Provides solution to Reviewer ambiguity by assigning a unique identifier for scientific reviewers. <reviewerReseacherId >A- 1061-2007</
reviewerResearcherId >
reviewerSalutation String The salutation designated for the reviewer in his or her account record. Typical salutations are Dr., Miss, or Mr. <reviewerSalutation>Dr.</r eviewerSalutation>
reviewerSuffix String The suffix designated in the reviewer’s account record. <reviewerSuffix>III</revie werSuffix>
Response Elements getReviewerInfoFull Type Description Example or Default Value
departments Complex Relationship between reviewer and departmental
affiliation(s). Keeps address information from the time of submission instead of finding the current information for the person.
Complex Child of Parent Root
Includes following response elements:
address1, address2, address3,
city, country, countryCode, department, fax, institution, phone1, phone2, postalCode, roomOrSuite, stateOrProvince, title
address1 String Reviewer's department address line 1 f rom the reviewer >> department record. <address1>c1 address A1</address1>
address2 String Reviewer's department address line 2 f rom the reviewer >> department record. <address2>c1 address B2</address2>
address3 String Reviewer's department address line 3 f rom the reviewer >> department record. <address3>c1 address B3</address3>
affiliationOrderNumber Integer The order contributing reviewers entered their
affiliations into the ScholarOne Manuscripts system. An
affiliation at the time research was completed.
city String Reviewer's department city name f rom the reviewer>>department record. <city>Ann Arbor</city>
country String Reviewer's department country name f rom the reviewer>>department record. <country>United States</country>
countryCode String Reviewer's department standard country code; foreign key to the Country table. <countryCode>US</countr yCode>
Response Elements getReviewerInfoFull Type Description Example or Default Value
department String Reviewer's affiliated department name from the reviewer>>department record. <department>c1 department 2</department>
fax String Reviewer's department fax number f rom the reviewer>>department record. <fax>c1 fax 2 333-000- 3333</fax>
institution String Institution name of the reviewer f rom the reviewer>>department record. <institution>U Mich</institution>
phone1 String Reviewer's department primary phone number from the reviewer>>department record. <phone1>c1 phone 333- 333-3333</phone1>
phone2 String Reviewer's department alternate phone number from the reviewer>>department record. <phone1>c1 phone 333- 333-3333</phone1>
postalCode String Reviewer's department zip code from the reviewer>>department record. <postalCode>c1 zip</postalCode>
roomOrSuite String Reviewer's department room or suite number from the reviewer>>department record. <roomOrSuite>c1 room 2</roomOrSuite>
stateOrProvince String Reviewer's department state or providence name from the reviewer>>department record. <stateOrProvince>Michiga n</stateOrProvince>
title String Reviewer's department title f rom the
reviewer>>department record.
<title>c1 title</title>
documentId Integer Unique identifier of the document. Unique identifier for each Manuscript Revision in the ScholarOne Manuscripts system. Internally to ScholarOne, this is a numeric value. <documentId>88026</doc umentId>
inputIndex Integer Provides caller the ability to correlate requested document <inputIndex>4</inputIndex
Response Elements getReviewerInfoFull Type Description Example or Default Value
or submission ids to the appropriate response element. The inputIndex will be randomly chosen when a document or submission id is entered more than once. This is a zero-based value; that is, if a single document id is requested, the inputIndex is 0
numberOf DaysFromRe view AssignmentToCompleti on Integer The number of days between the date the reviewer was assigned to review the submission and the date the review was submitted. <numberOfDaysFromRevi ew AssignmentToCompletion
>15</numberOfDaysFrom Review AssignmentToCompletion
reviewerAssignmentSta tus String An indication of whether the reviewer has been selected, invited, assigned, uninvited or unassigned. <reviewerAssignmentStatu s>ASSIGNED</reviewerA ssignmentStatus>
reviewerDateAssigned dateTime The date and time the given reviewer was assigned to review the submission. <reviewerDateAssigned>2 013-10-
21T19:24:29Z</reviewerD ateAssigned>
reviewerDateInvited dateTime The date and time the given reviewer was invited to review the submission. <reviewerDateInvited>201 3-10-
reviewerDateResponse dateTime The date and time the given reviewer responded to the invitation to review the submission. <reviewerDateResponse> 2013-10-
21T19:24:29Z</reviewerD ateResponse>
reviewerDateSelected dateTime The date the given reviewer was selected to review the submission. <reviewerDateSelected>2 013-10-
reviewerInvitationResp onse String The reviewer's response to the invitation or assignment to review the given manuscript. <reviewerInvitationRespon se>Agreed</reviewerInvita tionResponse>
reviewerInvitationResp onseId Integer Unique ID of the invitation response in the ScholarOne Manuscripts database. <reviewerInvitationRespon seId>336</reviewerInvitati onResponseId>
reviewerRatingFormNa me String The name as configured for
the reviewer rating form completed for the review of the
<reviewerRatingFormNam e>Reviewer Rating
Response Elements getReviewerInfoFull Type Description Example or Default Value
manuscript. The Reviewer Rating Form Name is generally a descriptor of that review rating form. Form</reviewerRatingFor mName>
reviewerRatingFormCu stomQuestions Complex Reviewer Rating Form custom questions refer to questions that editors answer as part of their reviewer rating. Custom questions without an answer are not included in the response. Custom questions with the answer types Label, URL, or Image are not included in the response. Complex Child of Parent Root
Includes following response elements:
answerType, customQuestionId, questionName questionStatus, questionText, reviewerRatingFormCusto mAnswers
answerType String Standard HTML input options. Available answer types are Checkbox, Radio, Select, Multiselect, Textarea, Text or Calendar. <answerType>TYPE_CHE CKBOX</answerType>
customQuestionId Integer Unique identifier of the custom question. <customQuestionId>3113 9</customQuestionId>
questionName String The configured name of a question asked during the submission process. <questionName>Instructio ns</questionName>
questionStatus String Current status of a
custom question. Valid values are ‘ACTIVE’ or ‘INACTIVE’.
questionText String The text of a question asked during the reviwer rating process. <questionText> Use the below rating options to rate the reviewer on this submitted review.</questionText>
reviewerRatingFormCu stomAnswers Complex Reviewer Rating Form custom answers refer to answers provided by editors to each Custom Question on the reviewer rating form. Complex Child of Parent reviewerRatingFormCusto mQuestions
Includes following response elements:
Response Elements getReviewerInfoFull Type Description Example or Default Value
abbreviatedResponse, answerId, answerName answerStatus, answerText, numericValue
abbreviatedResponse String Shortened custom question response as configured in Reviewer Ratinf Form Custom Questions. <abbreviatedResponse>m sid</abbreviatedResponse
answerId Integer Numeric value representing the unique answer. <answerId>67996</answe rId>
answerName String Human-recognizable name given to the answer to aid in configuration-user lookup. <answerName>Conflict- explain</answerName>
answerStatus String Indication whether answer is turned on or off. Can be ‘ACTIVE’ or ‘INACTIVE’. <answerStatus>ACTIVE</ answerStatus>
answerText String The response to a reviewer rating form question to be entered or selected by the editor. <answerText>yes</answer Text>
numericValue String The numeric value (or score) assigned to a response selected or entered by an Editor during the reviewer rating process. <numericValue>11.0</nu mericValue>
reviewerRecommendati on String The text of the recommendation from the given Reviewer's score sheet for that manuscript. <reviewerRecommendatio n>Accept</reviewerReco mmendation>
reviewerRecommendati onNumericValue String The numeric value of the recommendation selected by the reviewer. The numeric value is used in the calculation of the review M-Score (if
<reviewerRecommendatio nNumericValue>3.0</revie werRecommendationNum ericValue>
reviewAverageMScore String The M-Score (Avg) f ield contains an average of the values of the responses on the given review form for the given
manuscript. Review forms may
.25</reviewAverageMScor e>
Response Elements getReviewerInfoFull Type Description Example or Default Value
have numeric values associated with responses; the averaged M-Score is the average of those numeric values for this particular review.
reviewRScore String The score an Editor has given the reviewer for the review of the given manuscript.
Specifically, the R-Score for a given reviewer’s review is the average numeric value of all responses to questions on the Rating Form completed by the Editor for that review.
<reviewRScore>3.0</revie wRScore>
reviewSumMScore String The M-Score (Sum) field contains a sum of the values of the responses on the given review form for the given manuscript. Review forms may have numeric values associated with responses; the summed M-Score is the total of those numeric values for this particular review. <reviewSumMScore>26.0
scoreSheetCompleted Date dateTime The date and time the reviewer completed the review of that submission. <scoreSheetCompletedDa te>2013-10-
21T19:24:29Z</scoreShee tCompletedDate>
scoreSheetDueDate dateTime The date the reviewer’s review is or was due for the given submission. <scoreSheetDueDate>201 3-10-
scoreSheetNewDueDat e dateTime The extended or updated date the reviewer’s review is or was due for the given submission. <scoreSheetNewDueDate
21T19:24:29Z</scoreShee tNewDueDate>
scoreSheetName String The name as configured for the score sheet completed for the review of the manuscript. The Score Sheet Name is generally a descriptor of that review form. <
scoreSheetName>Review er Scoresheet</scoreSheetN ame>
Response Elements getReviewerInfoFull Type Description Example or Default Value
reviewerScoreSheetCu stomQuestions Complex Reviewer Score Sheet custom questions refer to questions that reviewers answer as part of their manuscript review.
Custom questions without an answer are not included in the response. Custom questions with the answer types Label, URL, or Image are not included in the response.
Complex Child of Parent Root
Includes following response elements:
answerType, customQuestionId, questionName questionStatus, questionText, reviewerScoreSheetCusto mAnswers
answerType String Standard HTML input options. Available answer types are Checkbox, Radio, Select, Multiselect, Textarea, Text or Calendar. <answerType>TYPE_CHE CKBOX</answerType>
customQuestionId Integer Unique identifier of the custom question. <customQuestionId>3113 9</customQuestionId>
questionName String The configured name of a question asked during the reviewer score sheet process. <questionName> Does the study provide novel</questionName>
questionStatus String Current status of a
custom question. Valid values are ‘ACTIVE’ or ‘INACTIVE’.
questionText String The text of a question asked during the reviewer score sheet process. <questionText>Does the study provide novel
information (data, techniques or idea) that is not already available in the literature?</questionText>
reviewerScoreSheetCu stomAnswers Complex Reviewer Score Sheet custom answers refer to answers provided by reviewers to each Custom Question on the reviewer score sheet form. Complex Child of Parent reviewerScoreSheetCusto mQuestions
Includes following response elements:
abbreviatedResponse, answerId, answerName answerStatus, answerText, numericValue
Response Elements getReviewerInfoFull Type Description Example or Default Value
abbreviatedResponse String Shortened custom question response as configured in Reviewer Score Sheet Custom Questions. <abbreviatedResponse>m sid</abbreviatedResponse
answerId Integer Numeric value representing the unique answer. <answerId>67996</answe rId>
answerName String Human-recognizable name given to the answer to aid in configuration-user lookup. <answerName>Conflict- explain</answerName>
answerStatus String Indication whether answer is turned on or off. Can be ‘ACTIVE’ or ‘INACTIVE’. <answerStatus>ACTIVE</ answerStatus>
answerText String The response to a reviewer score sheet question to be entered or selected by the reviewer. <answerText>yes</answer Text>
numericValue String The numeric value (or score) assigned to a response selected or entered by a Reviewer during the reviewer score sheet process. <numericValue>11.0</nu mericValue>
submissionId String Also known as the Manuscript Id or Document Number. A unique identifier given to each submitted manuscript.
Submission IDs are case sensitive; they are not necessarily unique.
<submissionId>Sensors- 00996-

getReviewerInfoFull Request / Response Examples

Example Request: getReviewerInfoFullDocumentId

https://mc- api.manuscriptcentral.com/api/s1m/v2/submissions/full/reviewer/documentids?site_name=web_svc s&locale_id=1&ids=’179072’

Example Response: getReviewernfoFullSubmissionId
<address1>c1 address A1</address1>
<address2>c1 address A2</address2>
<address3>c1 address A3</address3>
<city>c1 City</city>
<country>United States</country>
<department>c1 department</department>
<fax>c1 fax 333-333-3333</fax>
<institution>c1 institution</institution>
<phone1>c1 phone 333-333-3333</phone1>
<postalCode>c1 zip</postalCode>
<roomOrSuite>c1 room</roomOrSuite>
<title>c1 title</title>
<address1>c1 address B1</address1>
<address2>c1 address B2</address2>
<address3>c1 address B3</address3>
<city>c1 city 2</city>
<department>c1 department 2</department>
<fax>c1 fax 2 333-000-3333</fax>
<institution>c1 institution 2</institution>
<phone1>c1 phone 2 333-000-3333</phone1>
<postalCode>c1 zip 2</postalCode>
<roomOrSuite>c1 room 2</roomOrSuite>
<stateOrProvince>c1 province 2</stateOrProvince>
<title>c1 title 2</title>
<numberOfDaysFromReviewAssignmentToCompletion>0</numberOfDaysFromRevi ew AssignmentToCompletion>
<reviewerDateAssigned>2015-02- 14T07:16:04Z</reviewerDateAssigned>
<reviewerDateResponded>2015-02- 14T07:16:04Z</reviewerDateResponded>
<reviewerFullAddress>c1 address A1; c1 address A2; c1 address A3; c1 city, Arizona; c1 zip; United States</reviewerFullAddress>
<reviewerFullName>Web, Mr. CoOne MiddCo1</reviewerFullName>
<reviewerPrimaryEmailAddress>[email protected]</reviewerPrimary EmailAddress>
<abbreviatedResponse>Average Timeliness</abbreviatedResponse>
<answerName>3. Average</answerName>
<questionName>Quality Assessment</questionName>
<questionText>Quality Assessment</questionText>
<abbreviatedResponse>Highly Relevant</abbreviatedResponse>
<answerName>Review was highly relevant (Rating 3.0)</answerName>
<answerText>Review was highly relevant (Rating 3.0)</answerText>
<reviewerRatingFormName>Reviewer Rating Form</reviewerRatingFormName>
<reviewerRecommendationNumericValue>0.0</reviewerRecommendationNumeri c Value>
<scoreSheetCompletedDate>2015-03- 01T15:23:04Z</scoreSheetCompletedDate>
<questionName>Does the study provide novel</questionName>
<questionText>Does the study provide novel information (data, techniques or idea) that is not already available in the literature?</questionText>
<answerName>4. Goodtest</answerName>
<questionName>Are the design and analysis of the study appropriate?</questionName>
<questionText>Are the design and analysis of the study appropriate?</questionText>
<answerName>4. Good</answerName>
<questionName>Are the results clearly explained, convincing
and reasonable?</questionName>
<questionText>Are the results clearly explained, convincing and reasonable?</questionText>
<answerName>3. Average</answerName>
<questionName>Are the conclusions justified by the results found in the study?</questionName>
<questionText>Are the conclusions justified by the results found in the study?</questionText>
<answerName>4. Good</answerName>
<questionName>Please assess the overall Clinical impact of the study?</questionName>
<questionText>Please assess the overall Clinical impact of the study</questionText>
<answerName>4. Good</answerName>
<questionName>Please score the overall Scientific impact of the study?</questionName>
<questionText>Please score the overall Scientific impact of the study?</questionText>
<answerName>3. Average</answerName>
<questionName>Is the writing clear and content easily understandable?</questionName>
<questionText>Is the writing clear and content easily understandable?</questionText>
<answerName>4. Good</answerName>
<answerText>4. Good</answerText>
<scoreSheetName>Reviewer Scoresheet</scoreSheetName>
<address1>c2 address A1</address1>
<address2>c2 address A2</address2>
<address3>c2 address A3</address3>
<city>c2 city</city>
<country>United States</country>
<department>c2 department</department>
<fax>c2 fax 222-222-2222</fax>
<institution>c2 institution</institution>
<phone1>c2 phone 222-222-2222</phone1>
<postalCode>c2 zip</postalCode>
<roomOrSuite>c2 room</roomOrSuite>
<title>c2 title</title>
<numberOfDaysFromReviewAssignmentToCompletion>0</numberOfDaysFromRevi ew AssignmentToCompletion>
<reviewerAssignmentStatus>INVITED_NO_RESPONSE</reviewerAssignmentStat us>
<reviewerDateInvited>2015-02- 16T19:00:00Z</reviewerDateInvited>
<reviewerDateSelected>2015-02- 17T05:05:02Z</reviewerDateSelected>
<reviewerFullAddress>c2 address A1; c2 address A2; c2 address A3; c2 city, California; c2 zip; United States</reviewerFullAddress>
<reviewerFullName>Web, Ms. CoTwo MiddCo2</reviewerFullName>
<reviewerPrimaryEmailAddress>[email protected]</reviewerPrimary Email Address>
<address1>c3 address A1</address1>
<address2>c3 address A2</address2>
<address3>c3 address A3</address3>
<city>c3 city</city>
<country>United States</country>
<department>c3 department</department>
<fax>c3 fax 333-333-3333</fax>
<institution>c3 institution</institution>
<phone1>c3 phone 333-333-3333</phone1>
<postalCode>c3 zip</postalCode>
<roomOrSuite>c3 room</roomOrSuite>
<title>c3 title</title>
<numberOfDaysFromReviewAssignmentToCompletion>0</numberOfDaysFromRevi ew AssignmentToCompletion>
<reviewerDateSelected>2015-07- 29T12:58:40Z</reviewerDateSelected>
<reviewerFullAddress>c3 address A1; c3 address A2; c3 address A3; c3 city, California; c2 zip; United States</reviewerFullAddress>
<reviewerFullName>Web, Dr. CoThree MiddCo3</reviewerFullName>
<reviewerPrimaryEmailAddress>[email protected]</reviewerPrimary EmailAddress>

Example Request: getReviewerInfoFullSubmissionId

  • Input: multiple Submission IDs
    1. URL for use via HTTP request after Digest Authentication is performed: https://mc-


cs&locale_id=1&ids=' WEB-2013-0010'

Example Response: getSubmissionInfoFullSubmissionId

<address1>c1 address A1</address1>
<address2>c1 address A2</address2>
<address3>c1 address A3</address3>
<city>c1 City</city>
<country>United States</country>
<department>c1 department</department>
<fax>c1 fax 333-333-3333</fax>
<institution>c1 institution</institution>
<phone1>c1 phone 333-333-3333</phone1>
<postalCode>c1 zip</postalCode>
<roomOrSuite>c1 room</roomOrSuite>
<title>c1 title</title>
<address1>c1 address B1</address1>
<address2>c1 address B2</address2>
<address3>c1 address B3</address3>
<city>c1 city 2</city>
<department>c1 department 2</department>
<fax>c1 fax 2 333-000-3333</fax>
<institution>c1 institution 2</institution>
<phone1>c1 phone 2 333-000-3333</phone1>
<postalCode>c1 zip 2</postalCode>
<roomOrSuite>c1 room 2</roomOrSuite>
<stateOrProvince>c1 province 2</stateOrProvince>
<title>c1 title 2</title>
<numberOfDaysFromReviewAssignmentToCompletion>0</numberOfDaysFromRevi ew AssignmentToCompletion>
<reviewerDateAssigned>2015-02- 14T07:16:04Z</reviewerDateAssigned>
<reviewerDateResponded>2015-02- 14T07:16:04Z</reviewerDateResponded>
<reviewerFullAddress>c1 address A1; c1 address A2; c1 address A3; c1 city, Arizona; c1 zip; United States</reviewerFullAddress>
<reviewerFullName>Web, Mr. CoOne MiddCo1</reviewerFullName>
<reviewerPrimaryEmailAddress>[email protected]</reviewerPrimary EmailAddress>
<abbreviatedResponse>Average Timeliness</abbreviatedResponse>
<answerName>3. Average</answerName>
<questionName>Quality Assessment</questionName>
<questionText>Quality Assessment</questionText>
<abbreviatedResponse>Highly Relevant</abbreviatedResponse>
<answerName>Review was highly relevant (Rating 3.0)</answerName>
<answerText>Review was highly relevant (Rating 3.0)</answerText>
<reviewerRatingFormName>Reviewer Rating Form</reviewerRatingFormName>
<reviewerRecommendationNumericValue>0.0</reviewerRecommendationNumeri c Value>
<scoreSheetCompletedDate>2015-03- 01T15:23:04Z</scoreSheetCompletedDate>
<questionName>Does the study provide novel</questionName>
<questionText>Does the study provide novel information (data, techniques or idea) that is not already available in the literature?</questionText>
<answerName>4. Goodtest</answerName>
<questionName>Are the design and analysis of the study appropriate?</questionName>
<questionText>Are the design and analysis of the study appropriate?</questionText>
<answerName>4. Good</answerName>
<questionName>Are the results clearly explained, convincing and reasonable?</questionName>
<questionText>Are the results clearly explained, convincing and reasonable?</questionText>
<answerName>3. Average</answerName>
<questionName>Are the conclusions justified by the results found in the study?</questionName>
<questionText>Are the conclusions justified by the results found in the study?</questionText>
<answerName>4. Good</answerName>
<questionName>Please assess the overall Clinical impact of the study?</questionName>
<questionText>Please assess the overall Clinical impact of the study</questionText>
<answerName>4. Good</answerName>
<questionName>Please score the overall Scientific impact of the study?</questionName>
<questionText>Please score the overall Scientific impact of the study?</questionText>
<answerName>3. Average</answerName>
<questionName>Is the writing clear and content easily understandable?</questionName>
<questionText>Is the writing clear and content easily understandable?</questionText>
<answerName>4. Good</answerName>
<answerText>4. Good</answerText>
<scoreSheetName>Reviewer Scoresheet</scoreSheetName>
<address1>c2 address A1</address1>
<address2>c2 address A2</address2>
<address3>c2 address A3</address3>
<city>c2 city</city>
<country>United States</country>
<department>c2 department</department>
<fax>c2 fax 222-222-2222</fax>
<institution>c2 institution</institution>
<phone1>c2 phone 222-222-2222</phone1>
<postalCode>c2 zip</postalCode>
<roomOrSuite>c2 room</roomOrSuite>
<title>c2 title</title>
<numberOfDaysFromReviewAssignmentToCompletion>0</numberOfDaysFromRevi ew AssignmentToCompletion>
<reviewerAssignmentStatus>INVITED_NO_RESPONSE</reviewerAssignmentStat us>
<reviewerDateSelected>2015-02- 17T05:05:02Z</reviewerDateSelected>
<reviewerFullAddress>c2 address A1; c2 address A2; c2 address A3; c2 city, California; c2 zip; United States</reviewerFullAddress>
<reviewerFullName>Web, Ms. CoTwo MiddCo2</reviewerFullName>
<reviewerPrimaryEmailAddress>[email protected]</reviewerPrimary EmailAddress>
<address1>c3 address A1</address1>
<address2>c3 address A2</address2>
<address3>c3 address A3</address3>
<city>c3 city</city>
<country>United States</country>
<department>c3 department</department>
<fax>c3 fax 333-333-3333</fax>
<institution>c3 institution</institution>
<phone1>c3 phone 333-333-3333</phone1>
<postalCode>c3 zip</postalCode>
<roomOrSuite>c3 room</roomOrSuite>
<title>c3 title</title>
<numberOfDaysFromReviewAssignmentToCompletion>0</numberOfDaysFromRevi ew AssignmentToCompletion>
<reviewerDateSelected>2015-07- 29T12:58:40Z</reviewerDateSelected>
<reviewerFullAddress>c3 address A1; c3 address A2; c3 address A3; c3 city, California; c2 zip; United States</reviewerFullAddress>
<reviewerFullName>Web, Dr. CoThree MiddCo3</reviewerFullName>
<reviewerPrimaryEmailAddress>[email protected]</reviewerPrimary EmailAddress>


The getStaffInfoFull API accepts one or more Document IDs or Submission IDs (Manuscript Numbers) as input and provides read access to a complete list of standardfields within the ScholarOne system

  • Mandatory message header content for Authorization
    • Digest username (same as User Name)
    • Realm
    • Nonce
    • Response
  • Mandatory message content for Authentication
  1. Password (provisioned API KEY, configured by the ScholarOne Relationship Manager into the caller’s

account profile)

  1. User Name (Profile User Name, this the user id for logging into the API)
  • Required Query Parameters
  1. ID(s)
  2. Site Short Name
  • Optional Query Parameters
  1. Locale ID
  2. _type
  3. External ID
  • Resource

a. By Document IDs: /api/s1m/v2/submissions/full/staff_users/documentids By Submission IDs: /api/s1m/v2/submissions/full/staff_users/submissionids

Request Parameters

Element getStaffInfoFull Type Description Req’d Example or Default Value
getStaffInfoFull Root Yes
username String “Profile” User Name. This is the user name used by the application – not a ScholarOne Manuscripts User. This is f rom the Caller’s
Yes sample_user
password String The API Key; Encrypted value uniquely identifying/authenticating Caller. Yes SRU4DQ5WOJ2PX8C A
ids Integer or Integer Array Person Id or Person Ids. Unique identifier for each Person in the ScholarOne Manuscripts system.
Internally to ScholarOne,
this is a numeric value. Each entry must be surrounded by single or double quotes and comma separated when more than one entry is specified.
Yes, if Prima ry Email is not used ’88026’
Or if a list is being requested:
site_name String Site short name. The short name is
the abbreviated or
truncated name of the journal, society, publisher, or family.
Yes web_svcs
url String The Web Service URL, which identifies the specific service to handle the request. Yes v2/submissions/full/s taff_users/submissio ns
external_id String An id value that can be set by the client for call tracking. API Caller supplied Text string to be stored with Audit History information. No 123456
locale_id Integer The unique identifier for a specific language. The value of the locale_id
must match to the
No Options are:
1 (United States English)
specific language as defined in the caller’s ScholarOne Manuscripts profile.
  1. (Simplified Chinese, Pinyin ordering)
  2. (French)
_type The data type requested f rom the Service <xml> or
<json>. This defaults to
No Can be xml (default if omitted), or json

Respone Parameters

Response Elements getStaffInfoFull Type Description Example or Default Value
status String State of a given request call. Can be one of SUCCESS, FAILURE, or MAINTENANCE.
<status>SUCCESS</statu s>
callID String The CALL_ID is the unique identifier for a given Web Services call. Generated by the ScholarOne Web Services application. <callId>63631fe1-7378- 4cc1-ab18- 87c06c2eff58</callId>
profileCallId String An id value that is set by the client for call tracking. Set by the request’s external_id element. <profileCallId>111111</pr ofileCallId>
documentId Integer Unique identifier of the document. Unique identifier for each Manuscript Revision in the ScholarOne Manuscripts system. Internally to ScholarOne, this is a numeric value. <documentId>88026</doc umentId>
staffUserPerson Complex Staff user Person details Complex Child of Parent Root
Includes following response elements:
f irstName, lastName, ORCIDId, personId, primaryEmailAddress, roleName
f irstName String Person’s first name <firstName>Test</firstNam e>
lastName String Person’s last name <lastName>User</lastNa me>
middleName String Person’s middle name <middleName>Suzanne</ middleName>
ORCIDId String Oauth access details of the person to the orcid site. <orcidId>0000-0002-9846-
personId Integer Unique identified of the Person <personId>3356354</pers onId>
primaryEmailAddress String Primary email of the peson <primaryEmail>test@user. test</primaryEmail>
roleName String Rolename of the Staff Person <roleName>Author</roleN ame>
submissionId String Also known as the Manuscript Id or Document Number. A unique identifier given to each submitted manuscript.
Submission IDs are case
sensitive; they are not necessarily unique.
<submissionId>Sensors- 00996-

getStaffInfoFull Request / Response Examples

Example Request: getStaffInfoFull ByDocumentId
  • Input: single Document ID
    1. URL for use via HTTP request after Digest Authentication is performed: https://mc-



Example Request: getStaffInfoFull BySubmissionId
  • Input: Primary Email
    1. URL for use via HTTP request after Digest Authentication is performed:
    2. https://mc- api.manuscriptcentral.com/api/s1m/v2/submissions/full/staff_users/submissionids?site_name=web_ svcs&locale_id=1&ids=’ WRK1-2016-0006-审稿费支付-OA’

Example Response: getStaffInfoFull

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>




<result xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:type="staffUserInfoOutput">




<fullName>test, test</fullName>





<primaryEmailAddress>[email protected]</primaryEmailAddr ess>





<fullName>Wilson, Stephen A</fullName>




<primaryEmailAddress>[email protected]</primaryE mailAddress>







The getSubmissionVersions API accepts one or more Document IDs or Submission IDs (Manuscript Numbers) as input and provides read access to a complete list of standard fields within the ScholarOne system

  • Mandatory message header content for Authorization
  • Digest username (same as User Name)
  • Realm
  • Nonce
  • Response
  • Mandatory message content for Authentication
    1. Password (provisioned API KEY, configured by the ScholarOne Relationship Manager into the caller’s

account profile)

  1. User Name (Profile User Name, this the user id for logging into the API)
  • Required Query Parameters
    1. ID(s)
    2. Site Short Name
  • Optional Query Parameters
    1. Locale ID
    2. _type
    3. External ID
  • Resource
    1. By Document IDs: /api/s1m/v2/submissions/full/revisions/documentids
    2. By Submission IDs:


Request Parameters

Element getSubmissionRevisions Type Description Req’d Example or Default Value
getSubmissionRevisions Root Yes
username String “Profile” User Name. This is the user name used by the application – not a
ScholarOne Manuscripts
Yes sample_user
User. This is f rom the Caller’s Profile.
password String The API Key; Encrypted value uniquely identifying/authenticating Caller. Yes SRU4DQ5WOJ2PX8CA
ids Integer or Integer Array Person Id or Person Ids. Unique identifier for each Person in the ScholarOne Manuscripts system.
Internally to ScholarOne, this is a numeric value. Each entry must be surrounded by single or double quotes and comma separated when more than one entry is specified.
Yes, if Primar y Email is not used ’88026’
Or if a list is being requested:
site_name String Site short name. The short name is the abbreviated or truncated name of the journal, society, publisher, or family. Yes web_svcs
url String The Web Service URL, which identifies the specific service to handle the request. Yes v2/submissions/full/revis ions/submissionids
external_id String An id value that can be set by the client for call tracking. API Caller supplied Text string to be stored with Audit History information. No 123456
locale_id Integer The unique identifier for a specific language. The value of the locale_id must match to the specific language as defined in the caller’s ScholarOne Manuscripts profile. No Options are:
  1. (United States English)
  2. (Simplified Chinese, Pinyin ordering)
  3. (French)
_type The data type requested f rom the Service <xml> or
<json>. This defaults to
No Can be xml (default if omitted), or json

Respone Parameters

Response Elements getSubmissionRevisions Type Description Example or Default Value
status String State of a given request call. Can be one of SUCCESS, FAILURE, or MAINTENANCE.
<status>SUCCESS</statu s>
callID String The CALL_ID is the unique identifier for a given Web Services call. Generated by the ScholarOne Web Services application. <callId>63631fe1-7378- 4cc1-ab18- 87c06c2eff58</callId>
profileCallId String An id value that is set by the client for call tracking. Set by the request’s external_id element. <profileCallId>111111</pr ofileCallId>
addedDate dateTime Date document version was f irst created in system. This f ield references creation of the draft and is not a submission date. <addedDate>2011-04-28 09:39:13.42</addedDate>
documentId Integer Unique identifier of the document. Unique identifier
for each Manuscript Revision in the ScholarOne Manuscripts system.
Internally to ScholarOne, this is a numeric value.
<documentId>88026</doc umentId>
inputIndex String Also known as the Manuscript Id or Document Number. A unique identifier given to each submitted manuscript.
Submission IDs are case sensitive; they are not necessarily unique.
< inputIndex >Sensors- 00996-2005</ inputIndex >
revisionNumber Integer Revision number of the submission or document <revisionNumber>0</ revisionNumber>
submissionId String Also known as the Manuscript Id or Document Number. A unique identifier given to each submitted manuscript.
Submission IDs are case
sensitive; they are not necessarily unique.
<submissionId>Sensors- 00996-
submissionStatus Complex Provides the complete status details of a submission or document if the document is a draft, first look, accepted etc., Complex Child of Parent Root
Includes following response elements:
decisionName, documentStatusId, documentStatusName, inDraftFlag.
decisionName String Decision on the submission. <decisionName>Accept for First Look</decisionName>
documentStatusId Integer Document status identifier <documentStatusId>12</d ocumentStatusId>
documentStatusName String Status Name of the document <documentStatusName>Fi rst Look</documentStatusNa me>
inDraftFlag Boolean Indicate if the submission or document is a draft <inDraftFlag>false</inDraft Flag>

getSubmissionRevisions Request / Response Examples

Example Request: getSubmissionRevisionsByDocumentId
  • Input: single Document ID
    1. URL for use via HTTP request after Digest Authentication is performed: https://mc-



Example Request: getSubmissionRevisionsBySubmissionId
  • Input: Primary Email
    1. URL for use via HTTP request after Digest Authentication is performed:
    2. https://mc- api.manuscriptcentral.com/api/s1m/v2/submissions/full/revisions/submissionids?site_name=web_sv cs&locale_id=1&ids=’ WRK1-2016-0006-审稿费支付-OA’

Example Response: getSubmissionRevisions

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<result xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
<addedDate>2016-12-01 20:31:46.263</addedDate>
<decisionName>Accept for First Look</decisionName>
<documentStatusName>First Look</documentStatusName>


getPersonInfoBasic submits a request consisting of a Person ID or IDs or a Primary Email and returns basic metadata about a

specific person or set of person’ s . Each request includes:

  • Mandatory message header content for Authorization
  • Digest username (same as User Name)
  • Realm
  • Nonce
  • Response
  • Mandatory message content for Authentication
    1. Password (provisioned API KEY, configured by the ScholarOne Relationship Manager into the caller’s

account profile)

  1. User Name (Profile User Name, this the user id for logging into the API)
  • Required Query Parameters
    1. ID(s)
    2. Site Short Name
  • Optional Query Parameters
    1. Locale ID
    2. _type
    3. External ID
  • Resource
    1. By ID: /api/s1m/v2/person/basic/personids/search
    2. By Primay Email: /api/s1m/v2/person/basic/email/search

Request Parameters

Element getPersonInfoBasic Type Description Req’d Example or Default Value
getPersonInfoBasic Root Yes
username String “Profile” User Name. This is the user name used by the application – not a ScholarOne Manuscripts User. This is f rom the Caller’s
Yes sample_user
password String The API Key; Encrypted value uniquely identifying/authenticating Caller. Yes SRU4DQ5WOJ2PX8C A
ids Integer Person Id or Person Ids. Yes, ’88026’
Integer Array
Unique identifier for each
Person in the ScholarOne Manuscripts system.
Prima ry
Or if a list is being requested:
Internally to ScholarOne, Email '88026','88087','89328',
this is a numeric value. is not '89330','89335','88083',
Each entry must be used '89337'
surrounded by single or
double quotes and
comma separated when
Element getPersonInfoBasic Type Description Req’d Example or Default Value
more than one entry is specified.
primary_email String The primary e-mail address of the designated person Yes, if ids is not used [email protected]
site_name String Site short name. The short name is
the abbreviated or truncated name of the journal, society, publisher, or family.
Yes web_svcs
url String The Web Service URL, which identifies the specific service to handle the request. Yes v2/person/basic/search
external_id String An id value that can be set by the client for call tracking. API Caller supplied Text string to be stored with Audit History information. No 123456
locale_id Integer The unique identifier for a specific language. The value of the locale_id must match to the specific language as defined in the caller’s ScholarOne Manuscripts profile. No Options are:
  1. (United States English)
  2. (Simplified Chinese, Pinyin ordering)
  3. (French)
_type The data type requested f rom the Service <xml> or
<json>. This defaults to
No Can be xml (default if omitted), or json
is_deleted Boolean Flag to retrieve the account details of a deleted person No true/false
  1. By Person Id: /api/s1m/v2/person/basic/personid/search
  2. By Primary Email: /api/s1m/v2/person/email/search
Example Response: getPersonInfoBasic
Response Elements getPersonInfoBasic Type Description Example or Default Value
status String State of a given request call. Can be one of SUCCESS, FAILURE, or MAINTENANCE.
<status>SUCCESS</statu s>
callID String The CALL_ID is the unique identifier for a given Web Services call. Generated by the ScholarOne Web Services application. <callId>63631fe1-7378- 4cc1-ab18- 87c06c2eff58</callId>
profileCallId String An id value that is set by the client for call tracking. Set by the request’s external_id element. <profileCallId>111111</pr ofileCallId>
accountCreatedDate Timesta mp Timestamp of the persons account creation date. <accountCreatedDate>20 17-10-
activeFlag Boolean Persons account activation status. <activeFlag>1</activeFlag
f irstName String Persons first name. <firstName>Test</firstNam e>
lastName String Persons last name. <lastName>User</lastNa me>
localeId Integer Persons localeId as Integer, Ex. 1 = EN(English), 2=CN(China). <localedId>1</localeId>
membershipStatus String Persons membership status. <memberShipStatus>Activ e</memberShipStatus>
orcidId String Oauth access details of the person to the orcid site. <orcidId>0000-0002-9846-
orcidAccessToken String Oauth access token of the person to access orcid details. <orcidAccessToken>abcd ef -12345-4ee2-
orcidScope String Orcid Scope to access resources on the orcid site. <orcidScope>[/authenticat e, .orcid-bio/read- limited</orcidScope>
orcidTokenType String Orcid Token Type <orcidTokenType>bearer<
orcidValidation Boolean If the orcid token is validated. <orcidValidation>true</orci dValidation>
personId Integer Unique identified of the Person <personId>3356354</pers onId>
primaryEmailAddress String Primary email of the peson <primaryEmail>test@user. test</primaryEmail>
ssoStatusId Integer Persons sso status if the site is sso enabled. <ssoStatusId>2</ssoStatu sId>
ssoStatusName String Persons sso status name <ssoStatusName>ELIGIL BLE-
NEVERLINKED</ssoStatu sName>
userId String Unique userid of the person <userId>[email protected]</us erId>

getPersonIfnoBasic Request / Response Examples

Example Request: getPersonInfoBasicByPersonId
  • Input: single PersonId ID
    1. URL for use via HTTP request after Digest Authentication is performed: https://mc-



Example Request: getPersonInfoBasicByEmail


1&[email protected]

Example Response: getPersonInfoBasic

<result xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
<orcidScope>[/authenticate, /orcid-bio/read-limited, /orcid-
<primaryEmailAddress>[email protected]t</primaryEmailAddress>
<userId>[email protected]</userId>


getPersonInfoFull submits a request consisting of a Person ID or IDs or a Primary Email and returns metadata about a specific person or set of persons. Each request includes:

  • Mandatory message header content for Authorization
  • Digest username (same as User Name)
  • Realm
  • Nonce
  • Response
  • Mandatory message content for Authentication
    1. Password (provisioned API KEY, configured by the ScholarOne Relationship Manager into the caller’s

account profile)

  1. User Name (Profile User Name, this the user id for logging into the API)
  • Required Query Parameters
    1. Person ID(s) or Primary Email Address
    2. Site Short Name
  • Optional Query Parameters
    1. Locale ID
    2. _type
    3. External ID
  • Resource
    • By ID: /api/s1m/v2/person/full/personid/search
    • By Primay Email: /api/s1m/v2/person/full/email/search

Request Parameters

Element getPersonInfoFull Type Description Req’d Example or Default Value
getPersonInfoFull Root Yes
username String “Profile” User Name. This is the user name used by the application – not a ScholarOne Manuscripts User. This is f rom the Caller’s
Yes sample_user
password String The API Key; Encrypted value uniquely identifying/authenticating Caller. Yes SRU4DQ5WOJ2PX8C A
ids Integer or Person Id or Person Ids. Unique identifier for each Yes, if ’88026’
Element getPersonInfoFull Type Description Req’d Example or Default Value
Integer Person in the ScholarOne Prima Or if a list is being
Array Manuscripts system. ry requested:
Internally to ScholarOne, this is a numeric value. Each entry must be
surrounded by single or
Email is not used '88026','88087','89328',
double quotes and
comma separated when
more than one entry is
primary_email String The primary e-mail address of the designated person Yes, if ids is not used [email protected]
site_name String Site short name. The short name is
the abbreviated or truncated name of the journal, society, publisher, or family.
Yes web_svcs
url String The Web Service URL, which identifies the specific service to handle the request. Yes v2/person/basic/search
external_id String An id value that can be set by the client for call tracking. API Caller supplied Text string to be stored with Audit History information. No 123456
locale_id Integer The unique identifier for a specific language. The value of the locale_id must match to the specific language as defined in the caller’s ScholarOne Manuscripts profile. No Options are:
  1. (United States English)
  2. (Simplified Chinese, Pinyin ordering)
  3. (French)
_type The data type requested f rom the Service <xml> or
<json>. This defaults to
No Can be xml (default if omitted), or json
Element getPersonInfoFull Type Description Req’d Example or Default Value
is_deleted Boolean Flag to retrieve the account details of a deleted person No true/false
  1. By Person Id: /api/s1m/v2/person/basic/personid/search
  2. By Primary Email: /api/s1m/v2/person/email/search

Response Parameters19

Response Elements getPersonInfoFull Type Description Example or Default Value
status String State of a given request call. Can be one of SUCCESS, FAILURE, or MAINTENANCE.
<status>SUCCESS</statu s>
callID String The CALL_ID is the unique identifier for a given Web Services call. Generated by the ScholarOne Web Services application. <callId>63631fe1-7378- 4cc1-ab18- 87c06c2eff58</callId>
profileCallId String An id value that is set by the client for call tracking. Set by the request’s external_id element. <profileCallId>111111</pr ofileCallId>
accountCreatedDate Timesta mp Timestamp of the persons account creation date. <accountCreatedDate>20 17-10-

19 All non-501 responses will include Status and Call Id. profileCallId will be returned if an external_id is provided in the request.

accountFlags String Flags associated to Person accounts by Admin. <accountFlags>red
f lag;whiteflag</accountFla gs>
activeFlag Boolean Persons account activation status. <activeFlag>true</activeFl ag>
alternateContactEmailAd dress String Person alternate contact email address. <alternateContactEmailAd dress>[email protected]<
/alternateContactEmailAdd ress>
alternateContactEndDate Timesta mp Person alternate contact email end date. <alternateContactEndDate
4:00</alternateContactEnd Date>
alternateContactStartDat e Timesta mp Person alternate contact email start date. <alternateContactStartDat e>2018-10-25T:00:00-
4:00</alternateContactStar tDate>
attributes Complex
attributeId Integer identifier of an attribute associated to a person account. <attributeId>719</attribute Id>
attributeName String Name of the attribute identified associated to the person account. <attributeName>Glycosyltr ansferase</attributeName
attributeTypeId Integer Attribute group identifier of attributes associated to the person account. <attributeTypeId>15</attri buteTypeId>
attributeTypeName String Attribute group identifier name of attributes associated to the person account. <attributeTypeName>keyw ords</attributeTypeName>
comments String Comments linked to the person account <comments>test comment, test comment 2</comments>
degree String Degree linked to the person account <degree>Ph.D</degree>
departments Complex Relationship between author and departmental
affiliation(s). Keeps address information from the time of submission instead of finding the current information for the person.
Complex Child of Parent Root
Includes following response elements:
address1, address2, address3,
city, country, countryCode, department, fax, institution, phone1, phone2, postalCode, roomOrSuite, stateOrProvince, title
address1 String Person's department address line 1 f rom the author >> department record. <address1>c1 address A1</address1>
address2 String Person's department address line 2 f rom the author >> department record. <address2>c1 address B2</address2>
address3 String Person's department address line 3 f rom the author >> department record. <address3>c1 address B3</address3>
affiliationOrderNumber Integer The order contributing authors entered their affiliations into the
ScholarOne Manuscripts
system. An affiliation at the time research was completed.
city String Person's department city name f rom the author>>department record. <city>Ann Arbor</city>
country String Person's department country name f rom the author>>department record. <country>United States</country>
countryCode String Person's department standard country code;
foreign key to the Country table.
<countryCode>US</countr yCode>
department String Person's affiliated department name from the person>>department record. <department>c1 department 2</department>
fax String Person's department fax number f rom the person>>department record. <fax>c1 fax 2 333-000- 3333</fax>
institution String Institution name of the author f rom the person>>department record. <institution>University of Michigan</institution>
institutionId String Unique ID for the named Institution <institutionId>12543658
institutionIdType String The type of institutional ID used <institutionIdType>RingGo ld</institutionIdType>
phone1 String Person's department primary phone number f rom the person>>department record. <phone1>c1 phone 333- 333-3333</phone1>
phone2 String Person's department alternate phone number f rom the
person>>department record.
<phone1>c1 phone 333- 333-3333</phone1>
postalCode String Person's department zip code from the person>>department record. <postalCode>c1 zip</postalCode>
roomOrSuite String Person's department room or suite number from the person>>department record. <roomOrSuite>c1 room 2</roomOrSuite>
stateOrProvince String Person's department state or providence name from the person>>department record. <stateOrProvince>Michiga n</stateOrProvince>
title String Person's department title f rom the
author>>department record.
<title>c1 title</title>
designations Complex Person Designations tied to the person account. Complex Child of Parent Root
Includes following response elements:
designationId, designationName
designationId Integer Identifier of the Designation associated to the person account. <designationId>3</design ationId>
designationName String Designation Name of Identifier of the Designation associated to the person account. </designationName>TEST
f iles Complex Files associated to the person account. Complex Child of Parent Root
Includes following response elements
customerFileName String File Name associated to the person account. <customerFileName>2017
-Fall- Enrichment.pdf</customer FileName>
fullAddress String Person Full Address <fullAddress>4405 COX RD Glen Allen VA United States</fullAddress>
fullName String Person Full Name includes salutation, firstname, middlename and lastname. <fullName>Dr. Ganesh Adikesavan</fullName>
galleyDelivery String <galleyDelivery>1</galley Delivery>
Initials String Person initials. <initials>ks</intials>
lastModifiedDate Timesta mp Person last Modified Date < lastModifiedDate>2018- 10-25T:00:00-4:00</
lastName String Person lastName. <lastName>Adikesavan</l astName>
localeId Integer Localization ID for this user <localeId>1</localeId>
marketingPreference String Marketing Preference linked to the person account <marketingPreference>Ye s</marketingPreference>
marketingPreferenceDate String Date current marketing
preference was linked to the account
>2018-06- 09T00:19:30.755-
membershipStatus String Person membership status. <memberShipStatus>Activ e</memberShipStatus>
middleName Person’s middle name <middleName>test<
ORCIDId String Oauth access details of the person to the orcid site. <orcidId>0000-0002-9846-
ORCIDAccessToken String Oauth access token of the person to access orcid details. <orcidAccessToken>abcd ef -12345-4ee2-
ORCIDScope String Orcid Scope to access resources on the orcid site. <orcidScope>[/authenticat e, .orcid-bio/read- limited</orcidScope>
ORCIDTokenType String Orcid Token Type <orcidTokenType>bearer<
ORCIDValidation Boolean If the orcid token is validated. <orcidValidation>true</orci dValidation>
ORCIDRefreshToken Sting Oauth refresh token of the person to access orcid details. <ORCIDRefreshToken>ref reshToken</
personId Integer Unique identified of the Person <personId>3356354</pers onId>
personRoles Complex Roles Associated to the person. Complex child of the parent Root.
Includes following response elements
roleId, roleName, roleType, roleTypeId
roleId String Identifier of Role associated to the person <roleId>23514</roleId>
roleName String Name of the Role associated to the person <roleName>Reviewer</rol eName>
roleType String Name of the RoleType associated to the role of a Person. <roleType>REVIEWER</r oleType>
roleTypeId Integer Identified of the RoleType associated to the role of a person. <roleTypeId>2</roleTypeI d>
primaryCCEmailAddress String Primary CC email of the peson <primaryCCEmailAddress
>[email protected]</ primaryCCEmailAddress >
primaryEmailAddress String Primary email of the peson < primaryEmailAddress
>[email protected]</ primaryEmailAddress >
researchInterests String Person Research Interests. <researchInterests>Geogr aphy</researchInterests>
salutation String Person account salutation. <salutation>Dr.</salutation
secondaryCCEmailAddres s String Secondary CC email of the peson <secondaryCCEmailAddre ss >[email protected]</ secondaryCCEmailAddres s>
secondaryEmailAddress String Secondary email of the peson <secondaryEmailAddress
>[email protected]</ secondaryEmailAddress>
secureToken String secureToken associated to the person account. <secureToken>token123</ secureToken>
secureTokenCreateDate Timesta mp secureToken date created associated to the person secure token. <secureTokenCreateDate
4:00</secureTokenCreate Date>
secureTokenExpirationDat e Timesta mp Secure token expiration date associated to the person secure token. <secureTokenExpirationD ate >2018-10-25T:00:00-
onDate >
signature String Person signature. <signature>Dr.Test</signa ture>
ssoStatusId Integer Persons sso status if the site is sso enabled. <ssoStatusId>2</ssoStatu sId>
ssoStatusName String Persons sso status name <ssoStatusName>ELIGIL BLE-
NEVERLINKED</ssoStatu sName>
suffix String Suffix associated to a person. <suffix>Dr.</suffix>
unavailableExemptionEnd Date Timesta mp Persons unavailable exemption end date. <unavailableExemptionEn dDate >2018-10- 25T:00:00-
4:00</unavailableExempti onEndDate >
unavailableExemptionNam e String Person unavailable exemption name <unavailableExemptionNa me>All Review Reminders</unavailableEx emptionName>
unavailableExemptionStart Date Timesta mp Person unavailable exemption start date. <unavailableExemptionSta rtDate >2018-10- 25T:00:00-
4:00</unavailableExempti onStartDate >
userId String Unique userid of the person <userId>[email protected]</us erId>
Example Response: getPersonInfoFull
<result xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:type="personInfoFullByEmailOutput">
<accountCreatedDate>2017-08-03T10:24:53.965- 02:00</accountCreatedDate>
<alternateContactEmailAddress>[email protected]</alternateContactEma ilAddress>
<alternateContactEndDate>2017-08-03T10:24:57.181- 02:00</alternateContactEndDate>
<alternateContactStartDate>2017-08-03T10:24:57.181- 02:00</alternateContactStartDate>
<address1>4405 COX ROAD STE 140</address1>
<city>GLEN ALLEN</city>
<country>United States</country>
<designationName>Test Desgination</designationName>
<designationName>Test Desgination2</designationName>
<customerFileName>2017-Fall-Enrichment-Flyer--Reg- Form.pdf</customerFileName>
<fullAddress>4405 COX ROAD STE 140 GLEN ALLEN Virginia United States 23060</fullAddress>
<fullName>User35 ganesh1 adikesavan1</fullName>
<ORCIDAccessToken>4fe96bcd-b6f3-41e1-9cde- 051ef01224de</ORCIDAccessToken>
<ORCIDScope>[/authenticate, /orcid-bio/read-limited, /orcid- bio/external-identifiers/create]</ORCIDScope>
<roleName>Associate Editor</roleName>
<primaryCCEmailAddress>[email protected]</primaryCCEmailAddress>
<primaryEmailAddress>[email protected]</primaryEmailAddress>
<researchInterests>Test Interest</researchInterests>
<secondaryCCEmailAddress>[email protected]</secondaryCCEmailAddress>
<secondaryEmailAddress>[email protected]</secondaryEmailAddress>
<secureTokenCreateDate>2017-10-23T14:01:57.156- 02:00</secureTokenCreateDate>
<secureTokenExpirationDate>2017-10-23T14:01:57.156- 02:00</secureTokenExpirationDate>
<unavailableExemptionEndDate>2018-10-31T02:00:00- 02:00</unavailableExemptionEndDate>
<unavailableExemptionName>All review


getDecisionCorrespondenceFull submits a request consisting of a Document ID or IDs OR a Submission ID or IDs and returns

information specific to the journal’s decision letter to the authors and the authors’ response. Each request includes:

  • Mandatory message header content for Authorization
    1. Digest username (same as User Name)
    2. Realm
    3. Nonce
    4. Response
  • Mandatory message content for Authentication
    1. Password (provisioned API KEY, configured by the ScholarOne Relationship Manager into the caller’s

account profile)

  1. User Name (Profile User Name, this the user id for logging into the API)
  • Required Query Parameters
    1. Submission ID(s) or Document ID(s)
    2. Site Short Name
  • Optional Query Parameters
    1. Locale ID
    2. _type
    3. External ID
  • Resource
    1. By documentId: /api/s1m/v2/submissions/full/decisioncorrespondence /documentids
    2. By submissionId: /api/s1m/v2/submissions/full/decisioncorrespondence /submissionids

Request Parameters

getDecisionCorrespondenc eFull
Type Description Req’d Example or Default Value
getDecisionCorrespondenc eFull Root Yes
getDecisionCorrespondenc eFull
Type Description Req’d Example or Default Value
username String “Profile” User Name. This is the user name used by the application – not a ScholarOne
Manuscripts User. This is f rom the Caller’s Profile.
Yes sample_user
password String The API Key; Encrypted value uniquely identifying/authenticating Caller. Yes SRU4DQ5WOJ2PX 8CA
ids20 Integer or Integer Array Document Id or Ids. Unique identifier for each Manuscript Revision in the ScholarOne Manuscripts system.
Internally to ScholarOne, this is a numeric value. Each entry must be surrounded by single or double quotes and comma separated when more than one entry is specified.
Yes, if submi ssion IDs are not used. ’88026’
Or if a list is being requested:
ids21 String or String Array Submission Id or Ids. Also known as the Manuscript Number or Document Number.
Identifier that is seen in the ScholarOne UI for each Manuscript.
Submission Ids are case- sensitive. Each entry must be surrounded by single or double quotes and comma separated when more than one entry is specified.
Yes, if docu ment IDs are not used. 'WEB-2013-0002'
Or if a list is being requested:
'WEB-2013- 0002','WEB-2013-

20 Either Submission Ids or Document Ids are used in the request whichshould be directed to the corresponding endpoint.

21 All web services calls whichuse Submission Id will returna "success" message without details when the string ‘draft’ is

passed as a parameter or the Submission Id is un-submitted(submitted thenun-submitted).

getDecisionCorrespondenc eFull
Type Description Req’d Example or Default Value
site_name String Site short name. The short name is
the abbreviated or truncated name of the journal, society, publisher, or family.
Yes web_svcs
url String The Web Service URL, which identifies the specific service to handle the request. Yes v2/submissions/full/ metadata/documenti ds
external_id String An id value that can be set by the client for call tracking. API Caller supplied Text string to be stored with Audit History information. No 123456
locale_id Integer The unique identifier for a specific language. The value of the locale_id must match to the specific language as defined in the caller’s ScholarOne Manuscripts profile. No Options are:
  1. (United States English)
  2. (Simplified Chinese, Pinyin ordering)
  3. (French)
_type The data type requested f rom the Service <xml> or
<json>. This defaults to
No Can be xml (default if omitted), or json

Response Parameters22

Response Elements
getDecisionCorresponde nceFull
Type Description Example or Default Value
status String State of a given request call. Can be one of SUCCESS, FAILURE, or MAINTENANCE.
<status>SUCCESS</stat us>
callID String The Call ID is the unique identifier for a given Web Services call. Generated by the ScholarOne Web Services application. <callId>63631fe1-7378- 4cc1-ab18- 87c06c2eff58</callId>
profileCallId String An id value that is set by the client for call tracking. Set by the request’s external_id element. <profileCallId>111111</p rofileCallId>
decisionLetter Complex Information about the decision letter sent to the author(s) of the submission. Complex Child of Parent Root
Includes following response elements:
decisionBcc, decisionBody, decisionFrom, decsionSentDate, decsionSubject, decisionTo
decisionBcc String Email address(es) contained in the Bcc f ield of the emailed decision letter <decisionBcc>christopher
[email protected]
decisionBody String The body of the decision letter emailed to the author(s) of the submission. <decisionBody>Thank you for your submission.
We are pleased to
informa you that the manuscript has been

22 All non-501 responses will include Status and CallID. profileCallId will be returned if an external_id is provided in the request.

Response Elements
getDecisionCorresponde nceFull
Type Description Example or Default Value
accepted for publication
decisionCc String Email address(es) contained in the Cc f ield of the emailed decision letter. <decisionFrom>kelly.coa [email protected]</de cisionFrom>
decisionFrom String Email address(es) contained in the From f ield of the emailed decision letter. <decisionFrom>mary.edit [email protected]</decisi onFrom>
decisionSentDate dateTime Date the decision letter email was sent. <decisionSentDate>2013
</decisionSentDate >
decisionSubject String Contents of the Subject field for the the emailed decision letter. <decisionSubject
>Journal of Examples – MSID 345.345.32.</
decisionTo String Email address(es) contained in the To f ield of the emailed decision letter. <decisionTo> [email protected] om</decisionTo>
documentId Integer Unique identifier of the document. Unique identifier for each Manuscript Revision in the ScholarOne Manuscripts system. Internally to ScholarOne, this is a numeric value. <documentId>88026</do cumentId>
documentIdLatest Integer The most recent submitted (not draft) version of the manuscript. <documentIdLatest>8808 3</documentIdLatest>
documentIdOriginal Integer A unique identifier given to the f irst iteration of a manuscript. <documentIdOriginal>880 83</documentIdOriginal>
Response Elements
getDecisionCorresponde nceFull
Type Description Example or Default Value
inputIndex Integer Provides caller the ability to correlate requested document or submission ids to the appropriate response element. The inputIndex will be randomly chosen when a document or submission id is entered more than once. <inputIndex>4</inputInde x>
This is a zero-based value; that is, if a single document id is requested, the inputIndex is 0.
responseToDecision String Author response to the decision letter a provided during submission of the revision.
Note: The authors’ response to a decision letter is found on the version of the manuscript immediately after the version containing the decision letter.
<responseToDecision>Th anks youyou’re your reviews. We have addressed points One, Two, and Three</responseToDecsi on>
submissionId String Also known as the Manuscript Id or Document Number. A unique identifier given to each submitted manuscript.
SubmissionID s are case sensitive; they are not necessarily unique.
<submissionId>WRK- 00996-
submissionIdLatest String A unique identifier given to the most recent iteration of a manuscript. For example, if the manuscript was submitted initially and received a revision decision, the Subscription ID – Latest will be the Manuscript ID of that second, revised manuscript. <submissionIdLatest> WRK-00997-
2005</submissionIdLates t>
submissionIdOriginal String A unique identifier given to the f irst iteration of a manuscript. For example, if the manuscript was submitted initially and received a revision decision, the Manuscript ID – Original will be the Manuscript ID of the f irst, original submission. <submissionIdOriginal> WRK-00996-

getDecisionCorrespondenceFull Request / Response Examples

Example Request: getSubmissionInfoBylDocumentId
  • Input: single Document ID
    1. URL for use via HTTP request after Digest Authentication is performed: https://mc-



Example Request: getDecisionCorrespondenceFullBySubmissionId

https://mc- api.manuscriptcentral.com/api/s1m/v2/submissions/full/decisioncorresponden ce/submissionids?site_name=web_svcs&locale_id=1&ids=% WRK-00996- 2005.R1%27

Example Response: getDecisionCorrespondenceFull
<result xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:type="decisionCorrespondenceFull">
<decisionBcc>[email protected]</decisionBcc>
<decisionBody>Dear Prof.Example: Thank you for your submission. Our team of peer reviewers have comeback with the following concern relating to your manuscript. Please review this feedback and submit a revision of you manuscript for futher consideration.
<decisionFrom>[email protected]</decisionFrom>
<decisionSentDate>2019-05-27 01:26:57.909</decisionSentDate>
<decisionSubject>Journal of Example - MSID WRK-00996- 2005</decisionSubject>
<decisionTo>[email protected]</decisionTo>
<responseToDecision> Dear Editor
Please find here our revision which we believe addresses the reviewers concerns.
<submissionId> WRK-00996-2005.R1</submissionId>


getExternalDocumentIdsFull submits a request consisting of a ScholarOne submission integration keyand date range no longer than one week. The response contains information on attepted external submissions under the specified key during and during the specified date ranger.

  • Mandatory message header content for Authorization
    1. Digest username (same as User Name)
    2. Realm
    3. Nonce
    4. Response
    • Mandatory message content for Authentication
      1. Password (provisioned API KEY, configured by the ScholarOne Relationship Manager into the caller’s

account profile)

  1. User Name (Profile User Name, this the user id for logging into the API)

Request Parameters

getExternalDocumentIds Full
Type Description Req’d Example or Default Value
getExternalDocumentIds Full Root Yes
username String “Profile” User Name.
This is the user name used by the application –
Yes sample_user
getExternalDocumentIds Full
Type Description Req’d Example or Default Value
not a ScholarOne
Manuscripts User. This is f rom the Caller’s Profile.
password String The API Key; Encrypted value uniquely identifying/authenticating Caller. Yes SRU4DQ5WOJ2PX 8CA
from_time dateTime Being date time of the period being requested Yes 2010-01-
01 23:59:59.00111
to_time dateTime Ending date time of the period being requested Yes 2010-01-05
integration_key String The submission
integration key uniquely identifying integration.
Yes ef54eod4S1U5drsH 54pbwfs
this is the value
contained in the
<clientkey> element in
the header of the .go
url String The Web Service URL, which identifies the specific service to handle the request. Yes v2/submissions/full/ externaldocids?
locale_id Integer The unique identifier for a specific language. The value of the locale_id must match to the specific language as
defined in the caller’s ScholarOne Manuscripts profile.
No Options are:
  1. (United States English)
  2. (Simplified Chinese, Pinyin ordering)
  3. (French)
_type The data type requested f rom the Service <xml> or
<json>. This defaults to
No Can be xml (default if omitted), or json

Response Parameters

Response Elements
getExternalDocumentIds Full
Type Description Example or Default Value
status String State of a given request call. Can be one of SUCCESS, FAILURE, or MAINTENANCE.
<status>SUCCESS</stat us>
callID String The Call ID is the unique identifier for a given Web Services call. Generated by the ScholarOne Web Services application. <callId>63631fe1-7378- 4cc1-ab18- 87c06c2eff58</callId>
profileCallId String An id value that is set by the client for call tracking. Set by the request’s external_id element. <profileCallId>111111</p rofileCallId>
dateTimeProcessed dateTime dateTime the ingestion package was processed by ScholarOne <dateTimeProcessed> 2010-12-05
documentId Integer The document id of the created draft (only available for successful ingestions) <documentId>1035693</ documentId>
externalDocumentId String The external id provided by the sending system for the document <externalDocumentId
>ex-sys-94586942</ externalDocumentId >
failureErrorCode Integer The error code associated with the ingestion failure experienced (only appears for failures) See Appendix B <failureErrorCode >31
</failureErrorCode >
siteShortName String Short name of the ingestion's target site on ScholarOne <siteShortName
>web_svc</siteShortNam e>
Response Elements
getExternalDocumentIds Full
Type Description Example or Default Value
submissionId String Manuscript id for ingested manuscripts which have been submitted into S1 from their draft state. Will display draft for ingestions not yet submitted. <submissionId >ws-2020- 4356a</ submissionId>
<submissionId >draft</ submissionId>
transferDocumentId String Unique submission id which will remain with a document across versions and journal transfers (Only available for successful ingestions submitted from their draft state) <transferDocumentId
></transferDocumentId >

Example Response: getExternalDocumentIdsFull

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<result xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:type="externalDocumentIdsFull">
<dateTimeProcessed>2020-06-08 07:58:47.45859</dateTimeProcessed>
<result xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:type="externalDocumentIdsFull">
<dateTimeProcessed>2020-06-08 11:13:59.558235</dateTimeProcessed>
<transferDocumentId>66d07b7e-c7d0-4e65-9125- b8c95a152b9b</transferDocumentId>
<result xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:type="externalDocumentIdsFull">
<dateTimeProcessed>2020-06-08 08:13:22.48307</dateTimeProcessed>

Failure Responses: getExternalDocumentIdsFull

<moreInfo xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema- instance" xsi:type="errorMoreInfo">
<errorMessage>from_time older than 6
<userMessage>Re-submit request with valid input</userMessage>

Additional Error Codes: getExternalDocumentIdsFull

<errorCode> <errorMessage>
WVLD-11037 Parameter f rom_time is required
WVLD-11037 Parameter to_time is required
WVLD-11037 Parameter integration_key is required
WVLD-11038 Bad parameter format for f rom_time
WVLD-11038 Bad parameter format for to_time
WVLD-11039 to_time is before from_time
WVLD-11040 Time period provided longer than 7 days
WVLD-11041 f rom_time older than 6 months


ScholarOne Web Services use throttling to manage the number of requests processedper unit time. Throttling ensures consistent and reliable performance for all users of the service.

For the Version 1.0 API, throttling can be caused by too many client requests per unit time at the individual profile level and at the global system level. If your webservicesclient is repeatedlycausing throttling issues, youwill be contacted by the ScholarOne Support Team for assistance in resolving the issue.

The ScholarOne Web Services companion Sample Client and the Sample Client Guide presents a mock throttling scenario so that you can become familiar with throttling errors. These tools also provide strategies for in strumenting your client for properlymanaging throttle errors.

Throttle limits will be enforced globally at the system level and also at the individual profile level. If either the global , system-levelor the individual profile throttle threshold is exceeded, ScholarOne Web Services will return error code 500. It may become necessaryto adjust your webclient to limit the number of new session calls or the number of records requested per minute, hour, day, month, and year.


In the course of communicating with the web services, it is important that your web client be resilient and be able to handle ScholarOne Web Services maintenance windows, system-wide and Profile-level throttling, validation errors, issues with authentication and authorization, etc.

Error messages may be classified into two main categories:

  • REST Request Errors
  • Web Service Exception Errors

The first category of errors typicallyoriginates during authentication, authorization, or data validation processing, or by throttling. These typesof errors can generallybe remedied by correcting the request or simplyby resubmitting it. When throttled, the web service will return a call back time within the error response message to inform automatedretries.

Request errors return an HTTP 400-level error code plus a more specific ScholarOne (S1) error code to aid in troubleshooting.

The second category of errors typicallyoriginates on the server side, during scheduled or unscheduledmaintenance, or when an unknown / unrecognized type of error has occurred. Your web client will be made aware of the issue when a 500 - level S1 error code is returned.

  • HTTP 400-Level Error Codes indicate that there is an issue with the calling message that originates at the client.
  • HTTP 500-Level Error Codes let the client know there is a problem outside of their control; whenpossible ScholarOne Web Services try to include information about whether the client should retry and when. Having a defined protocol for retries helps avoid the situation where a system comes back up onlyto fall over again with all the traffic from 3rd party systems retrying every minute (or other interval) - this is a real concern for systems that are under heavy load.

Error Response Contents

Unless the response is of status = “SUCCESS” or the request times out resulting in an HTTP 504 being returnedwithout a ScholarOne Web Services-specific error code, the following information will be returned as a result of calling ScholarOne Web Services:

Field Description
Profile Call ID If provided in the request, this is the value of the caller-provided external_id.
Status The request outcome from the ScholarOne Web Services perspective.
Call ID This is the unique identifier for a given Web Service call.

Provisionally, the following information will be provided in an error response:

Field Description
Error Code ScholarOne Web Services code returned to the requesting client in the case of an exception response or fault.
More Info Human-readable, ScholarOne Web Services request call-specific error description.
User Message Human-readable, ScholarOne Web Services error-specific error description.
Call Back Time In UTC (Coordinated Universal Time)23, the date/time to try calling again. Will present only in STATUS = server MAINTENANCE situations.
Status In a failure response message, Status will be “FAILURE” or “MAINTENANCE”

23 Coordinated Universal Time is based on the 24-hour UTC time scale with a special UTC designator “Z”, ex. format YYYY- MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ e.g. 2013-11-08T17:57:25Z

Sample Error Response






<userMessage>Throttle limit exceeded</userMessage>





Table 1: Error Codes and Responses provides specific details regarding all error codes returned by ScholarOne Web Services.



Respo nse Code
Resp onse Code
Response Status/Type Client or
Server Error?
User Message Notes
100 500 FAILURE/
Service Related
Server An unexpected error has occurred, or System is not available This is a generic error that may occur in various unexpected exception scenarios.
401 401 FAILURE/
Authenticatio n
Client Not Authenticated: UserName/Passwor d is incorrect The user/API key combination is not valid.
402 400 FAILURE/
Client Not Authorized The user/API key combination is not authorized to access the Web Service operation.
405 400 FAILURE/
Client Not Authorized: incorrect site The user/API key combination is not authorized to access the Journal/Site specified in the site_name parameter
407 400 FAILURE/
Client Not Authorized: incorrect permissions The user/API key combination is not authorized to access the Web Service operation.
408 400 FAILURE/
Client Not Authorized: operation unavailable The user/API key combination is not authorized to access the Web Service operation.
500 400 FAILURE/
Throttle Related
Server Throttle Limit Exceeded Throttle limits will be enforced globally at the system level and also at
the individual profile level. If either throttle threshold is exceeded, S1 will return a 500. It may
become necessary to
Respo nse Code
Resp onse Code
Response Status/Type Client or
Server Error?
User Message Notes
adjust your web client to limit the number of new session calls or the number of records requested per minute, hour, day, month, and year.
600 500 FAILURE/
Server Maintenance Web Service Platform Maintenance, All Web Services are off-line for all products.
601 500 FAILURE/
Server Maintenance Web Service Stack Maintenance, All Web Services are off-line for all products.
602 500 FAILURE/
Server Maintenance: site in maintenance Individual Application Maintenance, Web Services for specific products are off-line.
700 400 FAILURE/
Validation Related
Client Validation error: invalid input API Validation Error. Could be an API-level validation error (invalid input), or an API exception such as a schema mismatch.
701 400 FAILURE/
Validation Related
Client Validation Error: Site shortname Validation Error. Could be an API-level validation error (invalid input), or an API exception such as a schema mismatch.
800 400 FAILURE/
Validation Related
Client Resubmit request with valid input Error f rom specific Web Service operation. The error message is custom f rom the Web Service operation implementation.


Web Services APIs, alone or in combination with our NotificationServices, may be implementedto help resolve use cases where systemsneed to be tightly coupled as manuscripts move throughthe peer review process.



Names and values within URI query strings are first encoded as UTF-8 characters and then “percent encoded” to comply with the IETF RFC-3986 standard.

Error Code Instructions
-1 Unknown Error
1 Unable to read archive file. This error code is received when we are unable to open or process the archive f ile sent for submission. Common issues could be (but not limited to) a password protected zip file, a f ile in the zip contains a virus, or the file is corrupt. When you receive this
error, check your zip file for issues. Try to resubmit.
2 Missing client key. This error code is received when the GO file is missing the client key. Check the GO file for this.
3 Previous external id is missing on a revision in the GO file. You have sent us a go file that indicates it’s a revision, but have not included the external id of the manuscript you want to begin a revision for in the prev-id field. Check the GO file for issues.
4 Previous external id is missing on a resubmission in the GO file. You have sent us a go file that indicates it’s a resubmission, but have not included the external id of the manuscript you want to begin a resubmission for in the prev-id field. Check the GO file for issues.
5 You have included a prev-id for an original submission. Check the GO file.
6 AWS error. The main cause of this is the GO file has referenced an archive file that was not sent, or was not named the same as what was indicated in the GO file.
Check the name of the archive and what was indicated in the GO file. A secondary cause is an S3 issue. Check the GO file archive name and the name of the file you sent. If all is ok, contact S1 support.
7 Unable to parse GO file. Check the GO file sent for proper syntax, and validates against the supplied DTD.
8 Client key mismatch. The client key in the GO file does not match the client key assigned to you, or the S3 bucket prefix that the deposit was placed in. Check that the GO file contains the proper client key, and it was deposited in the proper bucket path.
9 The journal indicated in the GO file does not match the client key. Check that you have the proper journal name and client key pair in the GO file.
10 The journal you are depositing to is in maintenance mode. Contact your business team or S1 support.
11 This error is caused by an X-Path error when reading the GO file. Check for completeness of the GO file, and that all information is present.
12 Unable to locate JATS file. Check that the GO file properly references the JATS file in the archive, and that the JATS file is present in the archive.
13 Unable to parse the JATS file. Check that the JATS file is a properly formatted XML document.
14 No authors found. This error code is received when no authors were present in the JATS file, or the author data was unable to be extracted. Check the JATS file.
15 Previous id is missing in JATS file. If the submission is a revision or a resubmission, the previous id must be in the JATS file. Check the JATS file for this field.
16 Unable to locate previous manuscript. This error is returned when a submission indicates it’s a revision or a resubmission and we are unable to locate the previous submission by the previous id supplied. Check the previous id supplied to ensure it’s correct.
17 Previous document not decisioned. This error is returned when a submission indicates it’s a revision or resubmission, but the document indicated by the previous id does not have a decision. Check that the proper previous id has been supplied, and that the previous manuscript has not changed status.
18 Revision/resubmission already exists. This error is returned when a revision or resubmission has been indicated, but the system already has a revision/resubmission in process.
19 Revision/resubmission option has expired. If so configured, a revision or resubmission may have a time limit on when it has to be started by. If this time period has expired, you will receive this error.
20 File list mismatch. This error is received when the file list provided in the GO file does not match the file list in the JATS file. This is based on a simple comparison of the list sizes. Check the GO and JATS file for issues in the file list.
21 A file has been declared in the GO file, but does not appear with declared name in the JATS file list. Compare these entries.
22 We were unable to extract or copy the file in an archive for processing. Contact S1 support.
23 Invalid email for person. Check that the email addresses supplied for authors in the JATS file are properly formatted.
24 New person missing first name. Check that the author records all have first names in the JATS file.
25 Person New person missing first name. Check that the author records all have last names in the JATS file.
26 No author role present. This error occurs when the journal has no author role configured.
Contact your business team, or S1 support.
27 Person does not have author role. Existing authors must have had the author role previous to the submission. Check the users profile in S1 to ensure they are assigned the author role.
28 External id already used. This error is sent when the incoming submission has an external id that already exists. Check the external id provided to ensure uniqueness.
29 External Id is missing. Check JATS file to ensure that an external id is present.
30 Duplicate email address. The author on the submission has a duplicate account using the same email address. Contact your business team or S1 support to fix the account.
31 First name mismatch. The first name supplied does not match our records based on the email address. Check that the deposit has the proper name information provided in the JATS file – TO BE RETIRED.
32 Last name mismatch. The last name supplied does not match our records based on the email address. Check that the deposit has the proper name information provided in the JATS file – TO BE RETIRED.
33 User name already in use. When creating an account for a new user through submission integration, we use the email address for the user name. This error indicates that user name has already been used. Contact your business team, or S1 support.
34 File is missing in archive. The GO file indicated that a file should exist in the archive, but that file was not present in the archive.
35 The file name supplied in the GO file is empty. Check the GO file for issues.

About Web of Science Group

Web of Science Group, a Clarivate Analytics company, organizes the world’s research information

to enable academia, corporations, publishers and governments to accelerate the pace of research. It is powered by Web of Science – the world’s largest publisher-neutral citation index and research intelligence platform. Its many well-known brands also include Converis, EndNote, Kopernio,

Publons, ScholarOne and the Institute for Scientific Information (ISI). The ‘university’ of Web of Science Group, ISI maintains the knowledge corpus upon which the index and related information and analytical content and services are built; it disseminates that knowledge externally through events, conferences and publications and it carries out research to sustain, extend and improve the knowledge base. For more information, please visit webofsciencegroup.com.

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