Subscriptions Area
In the first item in the top nav is the new subscription area which has been expanded beyond handling just renewals
It starts with a lookup by customer number to see subscription information
When you select proceed, a loading message appears while the system searches ACS's database for the subscriptions tied to that customer number.
The subscriptions for the current year will appear like they do in the shopping cart with extra information requested by the customer service department.
You can click the x to remove the subscriptions from the cart or scroll down:
You can edit the price for a subscription by clicking the icon next to the Price heading:
It will change the price to a field you can edit:
Hit the recalculate button to update the subtotal and commit the price change:
click the proceed to checkout with the subscriptions currently in the cart:
the next screen is the same as the cart on the ecommerce site, but it loads with the customer's data for the customer number that you searched with at the beginning of this process. Click next to continue to the shipping info:
It will also auto-populate with the customer's data. Click next to continue or make changes if needed:
review the order details then scroll down to complete the order:
Click either credit card if you have the credit card details for the customer to reveal the billing address and credit card detail fields (for credit card payments) or just the billing address for invoice requests:
If you click request an invoice, fill in the billing address fields then click the Place Order field to send the invoice to the customer
Next, it will display the invoice on screen and send it to the customer
If you select to pay by credit card, fill in the billing address and credit card details the click the place order button:
The order confirmation will appear on the next screen and the application will email a copy of the receipt to the customer.