Dashboard & Site Navigation

The first screen you encounter when you log into the Production Schedule is the Dashboard. It shows every section of the application. You can click any module to access them.

When you navigate away from the Dashboard, you can access those sections from the main Navigation:

You may see it minimized. You can expand or shrink the Navigation pane by clicking the hamburger icon:

Other Site Navigation

On the top white bar, there are several other navigation items. On the left hand side, you'll find  a red circle with text in it:

This icon lets you know whether you are working in Production Mode, or one of two testing mores: Stage Mode and Dev Mode. If the site is in one of the two testing modes, the circle will be gray for staging and orange for dev:

You should always work in Production Mode, meaning the site is hooked up to the production database. If the site is set in any of the other  modes displayed above, please alert someone in the IT department.

On the right side of the screen, there is a bell I con Notifications icon. (Pictured above.) Clicking the bell icon will reveal a modal window displaying all the notifications you have received:

To see all notifications, click the View all notifications link:

It will take you to the following window:  

Everything that was added, updated, deleted or downloaded from the Production Schedule triggers a notification to other users. They are color-coded like so:  

You can browse through the notifications by module. Click the module name to filter the notifications on your screen:

You can remove a notification by clicking the trashcan icon:

You can also search the notifications by clicking the magnifying glass icon. It will make a search box appear. Just enter your desired search term. It will start searching as you type:

You can print the current screen by clicking the printer icon. It will launch a printer preview window: