What do to when you receive an email request
If you have been identified as a system manager, you will receive an email alert like this one from [email protected]:
The email will have some instructions about the task assigned to you. To see the rest and respond to the request, click the view request button. You will be taken to CookiePro's interface:
Enter your Mary Ann Liebert email address in the email field and if you know your password, click the next button and enter your password in the password field on the next screen. If you do not know your password, click the blue forgot password link under the email address field:
After you enter your password, you will see this screen. Click the Data Subject Requests area:
You will be taken to the dashboard. Click the requests item on the left-hand navigation to access the data subject request (DSAR) you have been assigned a task for:
On the next screen, click the drop-down arrow to the left of My Requests to reveal the drop-down menu then select either My Subtasks or Requests with My Subtasks to show your subtasks:
You'll see a list of requests that you have tasks for. Then click into the request to see your assigned task:
A window will appear with details about your task:
Read the task description and take the action you have been instructed to take. Once you have completed your task, leave a note in the Task Response field:
Next, if you were instructed to pull and provide information from the system assigned to you, click Upload File in the Upload Attachments area:
Next, click the complete box to complete your task and click the submit button to close it out:
That's it!