Salesforce Projects Dashboard

The Salesforce Projects Tab

The Salesforce Projects Tab is a place where you can find information about all things related to the Salesforce Projects System. The different tabs contained within this page allow you to view KPI's and record level data for different categories of Salesforce Projects that are not released.

At the top of the page, you will find a KPI Dashboard (1) that shows Pie Charts depicting the Scheduled vs Completed projects, sorted by the month that they are due for. To the right of this, there are KPI's for Tickets Created vs Tickets Closed, Projects Created vs Projects Closed, and the number of concurrently scheduled projects that are open right now.

You will also see the Next Project Scheduling Date, which will typically be set to the date of the next Salesforce Executive Review Meeting. Beneath this Dashboard, the Tabs that are available will all open different visualizations related to their category.

1. Unassigned Tab

Unassigned projects are projects that the Development Team hasn't reviewed yet. These need to have an estimated number of development days applied to them, and need to have development tasks assigned to people so that they can be considered for development via the Approval System

Unassigned Tab

2. Scheduled Projects Tab

Scheduled Projects allow you to view information about all of the projects that have been approved for development and projects that are scheduled that do not require executive approvals.

At the top of this tab, there is a dashboard that breaks down the

  1. Number of updates, by project, for the current week,
  2. The distribution of tasks by developer, by category (Pending means these have not been started yet (red), In Process (yellow) means that the task has been started but is not currently finished, and Complete (green) are tasks that are closed.
  3. Upcoming Deliverables, which shows projects that are either past due or due within the week, ordered by due date Ascending.

Beneath the KPI dashboard, there is a list of all open projects that are currently scheduled for development. Clicking on the name of any of these record will bring you directly to the detail page for that record

Scheduled Projects Tab

3. Tickets Tab

The Tickets Tab comprises of a list of open tickets (bottom of the page) and a dashboard about Active Tickets. The Dashboard shows Active Tickets by the team that requested them, tickets by their current status, and case base tickets with a link to the initiating case and creator

Tickets Tab

4. Pending Scheduling Tab

The Pending Scheduling Tab is a tab that shows all of the projects that haven't yet been approved for development. These Projects are typically development requests, but other types of projects can be placed into this queue too, generally if they will take a long time to implement, or if the requirements are too murky.

  1. The Dashboard on the top shows the current funnel for the development pipeline, with the red top of the funnel being the projects that are currently pending scheduling, and the bottom being the projects that are currently scheduled for development and not yet closed.
  2. The Pipeline by Department chart shows, at a high level, where requests for development are coming from
  3. The Tentative Scheduling chart shows projects by their estimated End Dates, grouped by month and sub-grouped by their current pre-development status. These tentative dates are populated by the Date Estimation Flow(1), which uses the Number of Development Days field and the current ordering of Pending Scheduling projects to return estimated start and end dates, accounting for and skipping weekends
Pending Scheduling Tab

To move an item in the Pending Scheduling table up or down in priority, authorized users can click the Move To button (4), which will display the toast message pictured below(5). At this point, clicking Move Record Here(6) will cause the selected item to be placed on whatever line you select, and will shift all affected records up or down accordingly. To exit this mode without making changes, simply click Cancel Reassignment(7)

Pending Scheduling Tab - Ordering System

5. On Hold Tab

The On Hold Tab shows all projects that are in the On Hold Status. On Hold is a designation for projects that aren't currently being worked on for any number of reasons. An instance of an on hold project is one where work had to be done on it to get a solution ready, development is complete, but the team won't be launching the solution until a specified date a few months from now.

One example would be a product/position de-activation file being submitted for release at the end of the term (12/1/2021)

On Hold Tab

6. Challenges Tab

The Challenges Tab was created based on the End of Week reports and how they include a section for Challenges. Challenges are logged whenever a roadblock in development occurs that will impact the end date of a Project. Projects that have challenges pending should be reviewed by the development team on a regular basis, and projects that cannot get these challenges resolved are at jeopardy of being put back into Pending Scheduling.

Below is an example of a challenge that could be encountered on a development project

Challenges Tab

7. Pending Approval Tab

The Pending Approval Tab is the tab version of the pop up that we reviewed in the Salesforce Approval System portion of this documentation. From here, you are able to view the record detail page for any record pending approval, and approve and schedule or decline the request

Pending Approvals Tab


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