Salesforce Projects Approval


The Salesforce Projects System can be accessed from the Home Page of the Executive App. You will be immediately greeted with a message area that will inform you if any Projects that are currently pending approval(1).

You will also be able to view the Salesforce Projects main page by clicking the Salesforce Projects tab(2).

Executive Home Page

Approving & Scheduling a Pending Salesforce Project

1. View Records Pending Approval

Projects Pending Approval can be accessed either by clicking the yellow message area on top of screen, or the dedicated tab within the 'Salesforce Projects' tab. Click "View Record" to review the project and make an Approval / Rejection decisions.

Pending Approvals Component

2. Review the details of the request

From this page, you will be able to review all of the information about the request.

Navigating to the Record Details Tab(1) is a good way to get a quick understanding of the Overview, Requirements, and End Goals of the requested Project.

The Notes section(2) on the bottom is used for communication on the record, and can also be checked to see what has been discussed by the teams up until now. (How to Send Notes)

The Approve Request button(3) will take you to the approval and scheduling portion of the system.

Salesforce Project Detail Page

3. Approve and Schedule

After clicking the 'Approve Request' button, a pop-up will appear showing the projects that have already been scheduled, so the project being approved can fit within the existing schedule.

By Default, the project receiving approval will have it's Start Date based on the Last Scheduled Project's End Date.
In the example below, the "Cleanup: Lightning App Manager Cleanout + Lightning"(1) project is set to end on 11/17/2021, so the start date for this project has defaulted to 11/17/2021

This Start Date can be changed based on the priorities of the company as a whole, and changes made to the start date will automatically update the end date accordingly. You also have the ability to set the priority level(2) of the project that you approve, as well as add your own Comments(3) before approving

Approval Popup


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