Internal Product DocsGENHow to...How Increase the number of categories the Newspaper theme shows

How Increase the number of categories the Newspaper theme shows

go to the file system and then navigate to: /wp-content/plugins/td-composer/legacy/common/wp_booster/wp-admin/panel/views and open the file called td_panel_categories.php:

Gen Sandbox AWS - s - FileZilla

Search the doc for // get all the categories to drop down to the right place:

td_panel_categories.php - Notepad

Change this code:

td_panel_categories.php - Notepad

to this to make Newspaper theme show more than 1000 categories:

// get all the categories
$categories = get_categories(array(
	'hide_empty' => 0,
	'number' => 2000
Click to copy

resave the file to commit your changes to the file system. Newspaper theme will immediately show more than 1000 categories now.