IT Product Help FilesExpense RequesterHow toHow to Find a Request that Needs a Receipt

How to Find a Request that Needs a Receipt

Click the Approved tab or the Approved link in the left-hand nav:

All the expenses listed on that tab need receipts. After you purchase the approved service or product, click the upload receipt button:

It will launch a modal window with details about the expense you requisitioned. Click the Upload button:

Next, navigate to the receipt you saved on your PC. Click the receipt file then click Open:

Next, click the save button to upload your receipt:

Your expense will then move to the completed tab. If you need to download the receipt or view it at any time, go to the Completed tab or click Completed on the left-hand nav:

Click the View button (1) to see your expense or click the Download button (2) in the receipt column if you need a copy of the receipt: