Working With Salesforce Projects

Comments added are not automatically sent out to each related user.

They must be sent to specific users in order to ensure all notifications are direct. If you've received an Email notification about a Project, know that someone is reaching out directly to you for comment.

In the "Notes" section, click the "Send Message" button.

IPE Implementation | Salesforce - Google Chrome
IPE Implementation | Salesforce - Google Chrome

A message will appear in the lower left hand corner when sent, and the "Announcements" field will be updated with the current date/time and Note Name

Managing Your Open Projects

On the same page where you can submit a Salesforce Project request, you can also view all of your open projects in the table below. Clicking on any of these projects will take you to the Project Detail Page

You can also use the search bar to locate any Salesforce Projects (even if they've been released).

Status Overview


Project has been Submitted but Development Team has not reviewed the Project Yet

In Review

Development Team has received the Project and are reviewing it's contents.

Requirements Gathering

You'll receive periodic eMails while notes are created and then sent to specific users. If you've received an eMail, that indicates someone's reaching out in relation to a note added.

Once sufficient resources have been provided and the System Administrator has created the technical specifications for this development, the System Administrator will move this into "Pending Approval"

Pending Approval

The System Administrators may send out approval requests to Key Stakeholders first before sending in for Executive Approval. If you've received an Approval Request eMail, be sure to review the Form Request in it's entirety before approving.

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Approvals can not be undone unless the request is going back into requirements gathering, so please ensure you've covered everything regarding this form request before it gets put into development. Modifications after this phase may require a new Form Request to be submitted.

In Development

After receiving unanimous approval, development on this request will begin.

You will still be actively using notes at this point if any System Administrators need clarifications to proceed, so be sure to respond to these notes to ensure timely delivery.

Development Fulfilled

Once development is completed, Announcements will go out to all related users, and the Form Request will be marked as "Fulfilled". - Google Chrome

At this point, it crucial to thoroughly test that whatever been built has met all requirements prior to release. The Testing Period for all related users can be viewed in the "Project Timeline" section

The "End Date" is when it's been scheduled to be released to all users. If a release must be pushed back for whatever reason, both the End Date and Testing End Date is adjusted. - Google Chrome

This is the time to include any Sales Related Documentation that's been outlined into the step-by-step pieces the System Administrators will create. This can be done either in the form of a word document uploaded to the record or actually editing the Screensteps documentation provided.

System Administrators prior to the testing period will provide an overview of the development done and a tutorial guiding all key stakeholders involved in the testing through the process.


Once adequate testing has been ran and all related users have confirmed and approved the release, the System Administrators will release everything built in relation to the Form Request. If the release is to be held until a specific date, please provide this in the "Notes" section as an "Announcement"

User training should be scheduled if necessary before this phase of the Form Request

On Hold

Projects that are marked "On Hold" aren't an active part of the development schedule; however, they can still be updated and worked through by Sales Administrators, Managers, etc. If it's clear Internal Requirements Gathering are required before it can be placed into Review, these projects would be placed on hold.

Anyone can move Projects from On Hold to Submitted, which will bring this to the attention of System Administrators.

If you wish to create a Salesforce Management Records and place it on hold to conduct internal requirements gathering, just click the "On Hold" button during or after creation.

Sample Ticket | Salesforce - Google Chrome
Sample Ticket | Salesforce - Google Chrome
Salesforce Projects | Salesforce - Google Chrome

From the Project Detail page, you can view information on the status of your request. For more information on navigating a project detail page and managing your salesforce project, click here

Pending Scheduling Processing

Certain types of Development Requests will require Executive Approval to be scheduled for development. Before a project is scheduled, it is imperative that all project requirements have been clearly outlined and end results understood by all stakeholders.

Development Requests are fulfilled in the order which they've met the requirements for Executive Approval. The Pending Scheduling pool is an ordered list based on when the project has been submitted; however, the project moves up the list based on how "ready" it is to be submitted for Executive Approval.

Criteria for Executive Approval Submission

  1. Internal Requirements Gathering has been conducted by original requestors
  2. Requirements Gathering has been conducted by Development Team, Development Tasks have been created & assigned
  3. Project Scope is well defined and impact has been analyzed
  4. Best estimations around # of development days have been set


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