Salesforce Inbox Integration Quickstart

Initial Setup

In this section, we're going to go over how to get Inbox for Outlook set up for the first time. Enabling Salesforce Inbox in Outlook is a fairly simple task. To do so, first open Outlook, then click the 'Add-Ins' button, as pictured below. (1)

Add-Ins Button

Next, Type "Salesforce" into the search bar (2) and press enter. Lastly, Add the Salesforce Add-In, as pictured below. (3)

If you've previously used Lightning for Outlook, there's a possibility that you will already have this Add-In installed. If this is the case, you don't need to do anything here, and the utility will automatically shift to include inbox features as soon as your System Administrator enables them for your account.

Installing Add-Ins

Using Inbox - Basics

Inbox comes with a variety of quality of life features that can be used to make logging activities and sending quality emails easier. In the below sections, we'll take a look at these features in more detail, but first, let's start with the most basic of basics: Using Inbox.

To launch inbox, after installing it (see above if you still need to install Inbox), simply open an existing email or start to compose a new email. When you do this, there will now be a Salesforce button that can be clicked to launch the Salesforce Inbox side-bar. This can also be pinned, for ease of future access. Pictured below are examples of the two ways to launch Inbox

Inbox button in a recieved email
Inbox button in Composer
Logging in

When you first launch Inbox, you'll be greeted with a login screen. Follow the below steps to link your Microsoft and Salesforce accounts

Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4

Logging an Email

With Salesforce Inbox, logging an email to an Opportunity has never been easier! Click the Log Email button when viewing any email, and then search for the opportunity you'd like to relate this to. To begin, open an email that you've sent or received, and then click Log Email in the Salesforce Inbox sidebar(1).

Log an Email - Step 1

The first time you log an email in Inbox, you will likely be on the account object. As of right now, all activities that can be related to an opportunity should be related to one, as these are the only types of activities actively being reported on. To get set up to log emails to Opportunities, you'll have to log your first activity to an opportunity, then Inbox will remember your last logged object and make this your default. To switch to Opportunities, click the dropdown pictured below (2), then scroll down until you see Opportunities (3), and click it. If Opportunities is already your default, skip ahead to step 4.

Log an Email - Step 2
Log an Email - Step 3

Now, you should see a search bar for all of your opportunities. Go ahead and search for whatever opportunity you'd like to relate your email to, then click it in the popup (4). After you do this, you will be able to select the Opportunity in the Other box pictured below (6). You will also be able to select which people you'd like to relate the activity to, which is handled via the People box (5). Select all people involved, then click Save at the bottom (7).

Log an Email - Step 4
Log an Email - Step 5

Scheduling an Email

Salesforce Inbox also supports the ability to schedule your emails. To do so, check the Send Later box on the Salesforce Inbox app while composing an email, and then choose the date and time you would like the email to be sent at (see below for an example of this interface)

Send Later Example

Keeping track of scheduled emails is also easy to do. To view these emails, click the Scheduled tab(1). All scheduled emails will be visible here, and, by clicking the arrow(2), you can edit the time you'd like to send the email, or even delete the email to stop it from sending.

All Scheduled Emails

Email Tracking

One of perhaps the most useful features in Salesforce Inbox is the ability to track email views and clicks. When email composer is open, by enabling Email Tracking(1), any click or view is recorded along with the date/time of that view, and the name of the individual who opened it.

Email Tracking - On

Tracking also supports when links are embedded in an email. If you'd like to track when that link is opened, make sure email tracking is on, then paste the link. The section will recognize that you just pasted a link and ask if you'd like to track it(2). Press yes, and your link will be tracked

Link Tracking

You can view your tracked emails in the same place you view your scheduled emails. Navigate over to the Scheduled(1) tab and the bottom half of the sidebar(2) will be your recipient's views on tracked emails, as pictured below

View your traction

Sending Availability for a Meeting

With Inbox, it's possible to send multiple available time slots over to a recipient to allow them to choose the most convenient time for them to schedule a meeting. This feature also automatically updates the email to show them of any now taken slots, so there's no worries of double booking. This tool syncs directly to your existing calendar, allowing you to view your existing schedule while planning your next meeting. To get started, compose an email, then, click 'Preferred Times' under Availability(1).

Mail - Harty, Brandon - Outlook - Google Chrome

This will open a calendar with all your existing events on it. On the left side(1), you can change the duration, name, and description of the event in here, as well as add other attendees, and set the location. On the right side, you can drop click to drop in proposed meeting dates. When you select all the dates you want to provide, you click Add to Email(3) at the bottom and it automatically inserts this all into your email body.

Whenever a date is confirmed, it will become an event on your teams calendar. Any time any available slot in an email is taken on your schedule, it will become grayed out and unavailable for selection in other emails that have that available date. This ensures there is no risk of double booking.

Mail - Harty, Brandon - Outlook - Google Chrome

Example of an email with availability successfully set up

Mail - Harty, Brandon - Outlook - Google Chrome


Salesforce Inbox also supports the ability to create and use templates in your emails. This is one of the more advanced features that Inbox has, but can be incredibly powerful if used correctly.

Creating your Own Email Templates

To create a template, navigate to the Email Templates item from the app launcher, as shown below

Home | Salesforce - Google Chrome

Now you can create your very own email template by pressing New Email Template in the right corner(1). Fill out the appropriate information(2), save, then click Edit in Builder(3).

Email Templates | Salesforce - Google Chrome
New Email Template | Salesforce - Google Chrome
ExampleEmail | Salesforce - Google Chrome

From the builder, you can create complex emails with images, links, backgrounds, and more. You can also use merge fields to bring in information related to any specific. For more on how to build emails in Email Template Builder, see:

Sending Emails with Templates

To send an email using an email template, click Insert Template(1) on the Salesforce Inbox Sidebar, then select from the available templates(2). When you have selected a template, select the record(s) you would like to relate to the template(3). Any merge fields in the email template will be populated based on the related record(s).

Mail - Harty, Brandon - Outlook - Google Chrome
Mail - Harty, Brandon - Outlook - Google Chrome
Mail - Harty, Brandon - Outlook - Google Chrome