Creating Salesforce Projects

The Salesforce Projects System allows users to request new development, creation of journals / products, and submit tickets for issues they encounter. The system is streamlined to provide users with a unique form to fill out for each type of request, and it is important that these forms be as detailed as possible, to ensure a fast turnaround

Record Type: Form Request- These are standardized requests which have preset required fields aimed at ensuring all necessary information is provided. This includes New Users, Development Requests, File Uploads, New Products, etc.

Record Type: Ticket- These are general questions & issues raised relating to SFDC. Tickets can be raised from regular creation or from the Case Detail Page, which will automatically associate the two.

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Creating a Ticket

To create a ticket, select the 'Ticket' record type, and then select which environment you encountered the issue in (Typically this will be Production, but if you were testing something in a test environment and noticed an issue, select Sandbox)

Be sure to be as descriptive as possible when describing the issue you encountered, otherwise you may be contacted for additional information about the problem, which will inevitably delay the resolution. Below is an example of a Ticket with a good description of the problem this user encountered

1. Fill out the creation fields for the Ticket

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Case-Based Tickets

Tickets originating from a Sales Rep's case must have troubleshooting done within the case before it should be raised as a Ticket. This ensures the Development Team has a general understanding of what's going on before beginning to diagnose the problem.

The main criteria here is the identification of a problem the Sales Rep is experiencing, by working with the Sales Rep, before the Ticket is created.  

Creating a Form Request

Form Requests are a standardized way of submitting a request for a number of different actionable items. Below is the descriptions of each type of form request that a user can submit.

This list can be pulled up by clicking the "Show Type Definitions" button at the top of the Creation page

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1. Fill out Creation Fields for the Project's Type

New User

This form request is how you can request a new user be activated in Salesforce. Note that, while an email is not required to create a new user, it will be required in order for this user to be activated

Try to create these requests at least a few days before a new user will require access. This will better ensure that the user's account is activated and ready to use by the Activation Date

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User Deactivation

This form request type allows authorized users to submit a request for a user deactivation. Naturally, due to the nature of these requests, it might not always be possible to submit these requests several days in advance.

While we strive to answer all tickets before their end date, if this is a severely time-sensitive request, please reach out to us directly after submitting the form request

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New Advertising Product / Position

New Products/Positions will require the Authorization form to be attached to the request. From there, a System Administrator will translate those changes into inactive Products / Positions so they can be tested.

The Target Release Date will give the SF Development team a general timeline on when creation, testing, and activation should occur.

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New Journal

New Journals will require the Authorization form to be attached to the request. From there, a System Administrator will translate those changes into inactive Products / Positions so they can be tested.

The Target Release Date will give the SF Development team a general timeline on when creation, testing, and activation should occur.

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New File Upload

File Uploads are for requesting that a spreadsheet of data be uploaded to Salesforce, either as new entries, or as a mass update for existing records. First, fill out the form request with instructions on what to do with the data that is being given

Please note that for updates performed in this way, you should include a column with the Salesforce Id of every record that you would like to update

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Next, upload the file using the file upload area on step 2 of the wizard. You can drag and drop the file here, or click Upload Files to view a traditional file upload selector. When done, click Save & Go To Form Request to save the record

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New Non-Subscription Sales Product

New Products will require the Authorization form to be attached to the request. From there, a System Administrator will translate those changes into inactive Products / Positions so they can be tested.

The Target Release Date will give the SF Development team a general timeline on when creation, testing, and activation should occur.

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Development requests are for requesting large changes to existing systems, or for proposing new systems altogether.

The nature of these requests can be fairly diverse, and as a result, all of these requests will require executive approval before they can be scheduled for development.

In order to ensure that your request is approved and scheduled promptly, it must first be well-document so that the development team can estimate the amount of time required to fulfill the request and create development tasks based on this estimation.

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Page Modification

A Page Modification is a request for a specific development change to a page. An example of a valid Page Modification request is pictured below. Other examples can include requests for changes to the KPI's present on a user's homepage, dashboard changes, and more.

If you're questioning whether your request is better suited to be a Page Modification or a Development, think of it like this:

A Page Modification is something you can easily describe, that improves the quality of life for people working in an existing page & process.

A Development request is for when either the existing process needs to change, or a new process needs to be created.

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