The View Asset Page

Click any asset to go to the View Asset page.

On this page, you can:

  1. Edit the asset's metadata on the green Asset tab.
    1. You can add/remove tags for this asset.
    2. Add/modify any notes associated with the asset.
    3. Add/modify the asset's credit.
  2. View Usage by clicking on the Usage tab.
  3. Add Usage by clicking on the Usage tab.
  4. You can preview the image by clicking the preview link
  5. If you need to download the asset, click the Download button.  The asset will begin to download in a few seconds.
  6. If you are a superadmin or admin, the Delete button will appear on the asset page. You can click it to delete the asset from the Media Library.
  7. Click Save Changes if you make any edits to the asset's metadata.