IT Product Help FilesGENHow To...How to Post COVID-19 articles

How to Post COVID-19 articles

Go to and click login
You may have to accept the cookie policy to see the navigation above the logo:

GEN - Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology News - Google Chrome

next, login using the credentials provided to you. Then click to go to the dashboard:

GEN - Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology News - Google Chrome

Click to add a new post:

Dashboard ‹ GEN - Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology News — WordPress - Google Chrome

Open the text file and arrange it so it's side-by-side with the GEN site. on the text file, grab teh post title and add it as the post title:

Add New Post ‹ GEN - Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology News — WordPress - Google Chrome

Next, look at the categories to assign to this post:

*front_runners - Notepad

Go to this module on the post to add those categories:

Add New Post ‹ GEN - Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology News — WordPress - Google Chrome

search for covid-19 and select the categories for this post that are identified in the text file by clicking the white box that precedes the category:


Add New Post ‹ GEN - Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology News — WordPress - Google Chrome

***The categories DO NOT always save right. The category plugin is buggy and we're looking for a replacement. So you will have to check after you save the post that All the categories saved correctly. ***

Next add the post body. First you need to click the text tab because the post body contains html:


Add New Post ‹ GEN - Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology News — WordPress - Google Chrome

Next, select the text in between the Post Body: and the ---New Post--- notation in the text file and paste it into the text area:

Add New Post ‹ GEN - Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology News — WordPress - Google Chrome

click the save button, DO NOT PUBLISH the post. Make sure the status still says DRAFT.

Add New Post ‹ GEN - Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology News — WordPress - Google Chrome

After the post saes, (this can take up to 1 minute to complete and occasionally longer), check the categories saved correctly. Sometimes they do not because the plugin is not working correctly:

Add New Post ‹ GEN - Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology News — WordPress - Google Chrome

If they didn't, select the missing category and click save and check the categories again. Once the categories are saved correctly, create a new post and repeat the process.