Key_Value Targeting
In the WP Admin go to Advanced Ads > Ads:
Click in the ad you need to modify:
If the Ad is not A GAM type Ad:
If the ad type is not Google Ad Manger, click the down arrow next on the left side of the Ad Type block and select Google Ad Manager to change it:
Next, select the ad from the Google Ad Manager in the Ad Parameters section:
If you don't see the ad in GAM, click the refresh button on the far right:
It takes about 5 minutes to refresh the ad units. When it does, find the desired ad unit and select it.
Next, we'll ad the key_value targeting.
If the ad is a GAM type ad
scroll down to the Key-Value targeting section and in the drop down, select Categories/Tags/Terms from the custom key drop down:
In the Key field, put postcategory and click the box to include archive pages. Archive pages are category pages on GEN. Then on the far right, click the add button:
Click the Custom Key drop down and this time, select Page Id:
In the Key field, enter post_id and click the Add button on the far right:
Next, click the update button on the upper left of the page to lock in the changes: