Main Dashboard (Client View)

To switch between views, click the "Switch to" link circled in the image below:

My Campaigns

  • Select a campaign to see the hyperlinked titles of the projects assigned to the user and their due dates that were assigned to that campaign. 
  • You can create a new campaign and add projects to the campaign in another screen. 

My Projects


  • Lists the hyperlinked title of the projects created by the user, who the project is assigned to, its status, due date and the date of the last update  
    • The list is divided into projects the user requested and projects shared with the user 
  • Projects can be sorted by status, title, person it was assigned to and due date. 

Pending Approvals

  • Shows: 
    •  the approval requests sent to the user 
    • a link click to either a file for review or a webpage 
    • the date the approval was sent  
    • an approval button  
      • when clicked, it launches a new window and asks if the user wants to approve this file.  
        • If you click okay, a new window opens with a comment box. Click the log & send message button to approve this request or cancel if you need to return to the previous screen.  
        • If approved, an email is sent to the requester letting them know the request was approved and add a note to the project with the date of approval and the approval plus any comments that were made on the approval. 
        • If you click the cancel button, you return to the dashboard.   
      • a reject button  
        • when clicked, a dialog box appears reminding the user to specify the corrections needed for approval. There are two buttons okay and cancel.  
        • Clicking okay will open a new window with a comments box, a cancel button and a log & send message button.  
        • Clicking submit will send an email to the requester that the approval request was rejected and place a note in the associated project that it was rejected and why.  

Applications Submitted

  • If a user needs custom development that requires a specification document to be created, the user must submit an application for approval.  
  • This module shows a hyperlinked list of submitted applications, who submitted it, date submitted and the status.  
  • View all requests button 
    • Takes the user to a hyperlinked list of all application requests submitted showing the following information:  
      • Description 
      • Submitted by 
      • Reviewed by 
      • Date submitted/date approved depending on which section it is in 
    • The list is split into sections:  
      • Approved applications 
      • Pending applications 
      • Rejected applications 

Feature Requests

  • Purpose: allows any user to suggest a feature for an existing application 
    • To start, select the application from a dropdown box 
      • It takes you to a page with a suggestion box and a yes/no question:  Will this feature directly generate revenue? 
      • Submitting this form sends a confirmation to the user and a notification email to the PM of the application the suggested feature is for 

Wish List

  • One dashboard for all users. There would be different modules that appear for IT personnel that do not appear for others, but IT would not need to switch to client view to approve something or to find shared projects.
  • Show project ids in all modules related to projects for ease of finding them.
  • A place to see all project notifications in-app so the users are not reliant on emails to know if there has been a change to a project because emails can get lost.