Create a New Project
This is the lifeblood of the POF and the PMO office. Everything starts here.
- Screen 1
- Choose what kind of work is needed:
- Web Design/Development
- Email Blast
- Email Analytics
- Engineering
- Choose what kind of work is needed:

- Screen 2
- Assign to (dropdown box)
- Project Manager (dropdown)
- Web Property (dropdown)
- Project Name
- Description
- Is App?
- Start Date
- Due Date
- Share with: (Multi-selection)
- Cancel button
- Takes you back to the dashboard. No project is created.
- Submit Button
- Clicking submit:
- Creates the project
- Adds the hyperlinked project title on the creator’s dashboard in my projects module & to the Shared projects area for everyone shared on it
- sends an email to a PM about the new project
- Puts the hyperlinked project title on the PM’s dashboard in the new project module
- Clicking submit:

Wish List
- Can the two screens be consolidated?
- Better way to multi-select people to share this project with
- Can this from be cleaned up and some questions removed?