Admin > Resource Management

Resource Allocation

About the Resource Allocation Report...

The POF (Production Order Form) System is a project management, tracking and resource allocation tool for the IT department. Projects are submitted by other company personnel and received by an IT project manager according to the type of work requested (web development, email blast/press release, etc.) All projects are flagged as belonging to one exisiting web property, application or other activity previously set up in the system. 

The Resource Allocation Report is a personnel cost tracking tool that can be used to manage budgets, resources and time. The report shows the total number of hours spent designing, developing and project managing the various projects. The report is broken down by company (Liebert, GEN, BioConferences, etc.) and then by web property, application or other activity. 

Each project in the POF System has an assigned project manager. Each project manager, in the course of executing the project may delegate tasks to other IT team members. Anyone who works on any aspect of the project must input the amount of time they spent on each task or activity. 

The resulting report compiles the projects for each property that were completed within the selected report range (This Year, Last Year or the year before that, etc.) and calculates the total number of hours that the project manager and other resources worked to complete the project. Each resource has an associated hourly cost that is then used to calculate the dollar amount incurred to have that resource work on the project. (Note that tasks whose completion date may span outside of the selected report time frame are included with the project. The report time span applies to the *project* completion date and includes all associated tasks, regardless of the task completion date. This ensures that all time is captured for each project.) 

The line item detail for each property shows the total number of hours worked on all projects, along with the calculated cost each of the various resources incurred (per their assigned cost rates.) These lines are then rolled up to provide a total cost for the Company. 

Lastly, the total hours and cost for each company are summed to calculate a Grand Total figure encompassing all projects across all companies. This figure represents the cost to have IT work on projects for the various companies. 

Department Workload

Project titles are hyperlinked to the detail page for that project.

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