Application Request Details Screen
- For viewing/administering the request.
- Have the following information/functionality:
- Informational fields (non-editable):
- Who submitted the request
- Description
- Expected Revenue
- Development Estimate
- Target rollout date
- Comments
- Approve
- Removes all other buttons and sends a confirmation email to the requester and Roland + Joe
- Request is still clickable on the dashboard for viewing the application request, but no changes can be made to it
- Reject
- Removes all other buttons and sends a rejection email to the requester and Roland + Joe
- Request is still clickable on the dashboard for viewing the application request, but no changes can be made to it
- Contact the user
- Launches a new email message to the requester
- Add Development estimate
- Launches a new window with:
- a field for the estimated cost
- When you enter a figure and hit submit, that cost is transferred to the application details page
- a field for the estimated cost
- Launches a new window with:
- A calculator
- You enter the hours of estimated work for every employee involved in the job and it calculates the overall cost
- When you hit submit, the cost populates the development estimate field on the application details screen
- Withdraw Application
- Withdraws application from consideration and removes it from the application history list
- Close window
- Have the following information/functionality: