Admin > Administration

Live Session Tracker Report

User Management

Shows the user name, account name and last login:

(last column, last login, shows the number of days since the user last logged into the POF)

  • Hyperlinked User name
    • Clicking it will log you in as that user + take you to their dashboard
    • User name is shown on a thin nav bar:
  • Hyperlinked Account name
    • Clicking it will take you to the following screen to edit the user's role/company etc.:

Checklist Manager

Shows the checklists currently in the system, the items on each checklist plus functionality to add (1), edit (2) or delete (3) an item from a checklist. You can also add a new checklist category (4). This creates a new checklist (5), and you can add items (1) to it.

RoadMap Manager

For managing roadmaps for internal applications. Choose an app to begin by clicking on the hyperlinked app name:

Takes you to the Application's profile:

Click the roadmap to start working on the roadmap for that app:

Suggest a feature to add it to the roadmap:

Go to the Featured Candidates screen to add the suggested feature to a release:

Click the description of the candidate to title it and add it to a roadmap. You must give it a category:

Go back to the Road MapManager to approve the feature and add it to a release:

to schedule a release, click the manage link:

This will close the release. When you submit a publish request for a POF tied to the application you closed the roadmap for, you will see the following:

if the site publishing task is tied to this roadmap, click yes and when the publish task is marked complete, it will close the release. Releases can be accessed at any time  through the history link from the roadmap area:

Wish List