Status Report

This report lists all of the current active ads, their placement (position) on the website, their run dates and  status. This report is a system-generated, real-time snapshot of the ads in the system for the selected web property.

To access this report, click the reporting button on the top nav:

Next, click the Status Report link in the gray bar:

You will be presented with the following screen, which shows all the active ads by zone:

You can open and close each ad zone to view the ads assigned to it by clicking the black arrows:

You can click into an individual campaign by clicking the ad name:

Doing so will open a modal window with information about the ad:

By default, the Status Report shows the status of all ads for the selected web property, but you can drill down by Advertiser, Zone, start and end dates or status using the drop down options at the top of the report:

The report will update the instant you make a selection. If it doesn't, simply click the Go button to initiate the report.