How to Edit an Ad

To begin, go to Make sure you're in the correct web property. Make sure you're in the correct web property. If you're not, change the web property.

Next, click the Ad Mgmt button in the top navigation:

Next, navigate to the advertiser you want to work on by clicking the letter that corresponds to the first letter of the advertiser's name:

Once you've found the advertiser, click the file folder icon to view campaigns:

Next, click View Zones for the campaign containing the ad you want to edit:

Choose the zone for the ad wish to edit:

Then click the Edit Ad package link:

Edit the fields as necessary:

If there are any notes for this ad package, click the Notes button:

On the screen that appears, click the Add Notes button:

Enter the note in the Note field:

When finished, click the Save Note button:

Your note will appear in the list here:

Click the Back button to return to the ad set-up screen.

If you have no further changes, click the Save button.

A message will appear letting you know your changes were saved: