IT Product Help FilesAd ManagerHow tosHow to Add Creatives to an Ad

How to Add Creatives to an Ad

To begin, go to Make sure you're in the correct web property. Make sure you're in the correct web property. If you're not, change the web property.

Next, click the Ad Mgmt button in the top navigation:

Next, navigate to the advertiser you want to work on by clicking the letter that corresponds to the first letter of the advertiser's name:

Once you've found the advertiser, click the file folder icon to view campaigns:

Next, click View Zones for the campaign you want to add the add to:

You can now view zones and add ads. Choose the tab that corresponds to the zone you wish to add the ad to:

Go to the position you wish to add the creative to and click the Ad ad to by clicking the Add new Ad link:

Next steps:

  • Give the ad a name in the Name field.
  • Enter the click through url in the TargetURL field.
  • Enter the Start Date in the provided field.
  • Enter the End Date in the provided field.  

Next, give the ad a Status. Ads can have any of the following statuses:

  • Pending - The ad is not currently being served. The ad will not serve until its status is changed to Live.
  • Live  - The ad is live and being served.
  • Paused -  Ad serving was stopped for some reason, but its end date has not passed yet. The ad will not serve until its status is changed back to Live.
  • Expired  - The ad campaign reached its end date and is no longer being served.
  • Live - Changes Pending - The ad is ready to be served, but it is NOT currently serving because changes were made to the ad that must be QC’d. The ad will not serve until its status is changed to Live.
  • Waiting List - The advertiser is on a waitlist for this position, zone and time frame because there are no available ad slots or impressions for it.
  • Reserved - The position in the specified zone and time period is reserved for an advertiser.
  • Sent - The ad information has been sent to relevant parties. (This is used mainly for GEN where ad serving is handled by an outside company.)

Next, check the Attributes that apply.

  • QC’d  - The ad has been checked to ensure it all information is complete and accurate, and the ad is serving where and when desired.
  • Approved - The ad has passed quality control and is approved for serving to the live site.
  • Active - The ad is active and ready for serving.
  • Geo Target - (only available for the MAL site) Check this box for geo-targeted ads, and the following radio buttons will appear under it to control how the country selection box will work:
    • Under Show Ad for Selected Countries choose INCLUDE if you wish to select ONLY the countries WHERE the ad will appear. Select EXCLUDE if you would like to select ONLY the countries to exclude.
    • In the box underneath those radio buttons, select the countries either to INCLUDE or EXCLUDE based on your radio button selection.

If there are any instructions, enter them here:

Choose the sales rep who acquired the sale:

Now, it's time to add the ad creative. If you are creating a text ad, see this article for instructions. For image-based ads, you must choose a Size before you upload every creative:

After you select a size, upload the primary creative. It can be either an image or a flash file.

Please note: you CAN'T upload multiple creatives at the same time. You must upload one at a time using the following process.



After you upload the creative, you must select an Ad Serving Type:

  • Image - Choose Image if you have uploaded an image file and entered a URL in the target URL field. (Choose this for normal ad serving and for ALL GEN + Clinical OMICs ads.)  
  • Flash - choose Flash if you uploaded a flash file as the Primary Creative, a backup image file in the Secondary Creative and entered a URL in the Target URL.
  • DCM - Choose DCM (Doubleclick Campaign Management) if instead of uploading an image file, you entered HTML code in the Third Party Link field for the browser to fetch an advertisement from an ad server other than our own.
  • Sizmek - Choose this option if you entered HTML code into the Impression Image field that came from Sizmek.

(The Ad Serving Types are Only used for the MAL site and eNewsletters. For GEN, ALWAYS choose image. You must make a selection or the ad will not save and the creative will not upload.)

  • Once you've selected the appropriate Ad Serving type, scroll down and click the Save button to upload the image. You can only upload ONE creative at a time. Ad Manager will then compare the dimensions of the creative you uploaded to the size you chose.
  • If they do NOT match, a warning message will appear at the top of the page, and the ad creative will not save.
  • If they do match, a message will appear at the top of the page that says, ‘Saved Successfully’ then you may continue setting up the ad.

If you uploaded a flash file as the Primary Creative, you must upload an image file as the Secondary Creative. If the browser can’t load the flash ad, it will load the Secondary Creative.

Choose a size from the Size drop down box then upload the Secondary Creative here.

Please note: the primary and secondary ad creatives MUST be the same size.


  • After you upload the Secondary Creative, scroll down and click the Save button to upload the file. Ad Manager will then compare the dimensions of the creative you uploaded to the size you chose.
  • If they do NOT match, a warning message will appear at the top of the page, and the ad creative will not save.
  • If they do match, a message will appear at the top of the page that says, ‘Saved Successfully’ then you may continue setting up the ad.

For GEN only, if there is a mobile version of the ad, upload it into the Mobile Creative.

Please note: this creative is NOT served by

Choose the size for the Mobile Creative from the Size drop down box then upload the mobile ad creative here.


  • After you upload the creative, scroll down and click the Save button to upload it. Ad Manager will then compare the dimensions of the creative you uploaded to the size you chose.
  • If they do NOT match, a warning message will appear at the top of the page, and the ad creative will not save.
  • If they do match, a message will appear at the top of the page that says, ‘Saved Successfully’ then you may continue setting up the ad.

If there are any notes, enter then into the notes field:

If you chose any of the following Ad Serving Types:

  • DCM  (Doubleclick Campaign Management)
  • Sizmek  

You need to fill in a few more fields.

If you chose DCM, enter the html code provided by  the advertiser in the Third Party Image Link field, then click the Save button:

If you chose Sizmek, enter the HTML provided for it here, then click the Save button:

You can return to the Ad Management area by clicking  the Ad Mgmt button or return to where you were by clicking the Back button: