Add-On Positions in Advertising Opportunities

Add-On Positions

The Add-On feature development was designed to allow reps to add 'Add-On's' to an opportunity. These entries are not able to be added directly from the Price Book, but rather, when a Product and Position combination are eligible to have Add-On's, the ability to add an 'Add-On' will appear as an additional button in the Opportunity Product Table [1]

Example Add-On button

An example of where this is used is with relation to the MAL Advertising Print position: Display Full Page (371). This position has two Digital Edition (product) add-ons: Display Full-Page and Cover Tip / Belly Band

Note that if the main offering's position is changed, all related Add-Ons will be deleted from the opportunity. This is to prevent these add-ons from being sold on their own. Below, a Print: Display Full Page offering [1] is changed to Print: Advertorial, and all related Add-Ons are removed on save [2]

A main offering with add-on position
The add-ons are removed when the position of the main offering is changed
Managing your Add-On Positions

The whole process beings when a main offering (an offering that has eligible add-on offerings) is added to an opportunity. As noted above, the Print: Display Full Page position is one such main offering, and when it is selected, a plus (+) icon [1] will appear in the button area for that line item.

Main Offering Example with the Add-On button Displayed

Clicking this button will display a list of all available Add-On Positions for this offering

Table with Available Add-ons

From here, any and all add-on positions can be added to the Opportunity for the selected main offering position. Add-On positions will share a journal and start date with the main offering. Below is a screen-shot of the newly added add-on positions for this example Opportunity

Example Opportunity with Add-On positions added

Note: As you can see above, the Selected Journal [Above, 1] and Start Date [Above, 2] fields for the Add-On positions are locked. These fields are controlled by the main offering, and any changes made to the main offering will be automatically applied to the related Add-Ons. Changing Bioelectricity to Applied Biosafety [Below, 1] for the main offering applies this to all line items, as does moving the start date from 4/1 to 5/1 [Below, 2]

Example of changes applying to AddOn Positions
Inventory Confirmations for Add-On Positions

Inventory confirmations work the same way for these new Add-On positions as they do for any other position, but it's wise to start your confirmation by checking the main offering, as if the start date for the master position is unavailable and has to be changed, this will require you to reconfirm inventory for any add-ons that are changed by this. In the example opportunity, 5/1 was not available for the main offering. 6/1 was, however, so now the add-ons need to be checked against 6/1 available inventory (Digital Editions: Cover Tip / Belly Band Inventory Confirmation is pictured below)

Note: Unlimited Inventory Positions, such as the Digital Edition Display Full-Page, function the same as they would if they weren't an add-on offering. No inventory confirmation is required for such line items

Example of inventory confirmation for an AddOn

After your order has been sent to the Accounting Portal, the process for editing a main offering and it's related add-on positions does change slightly. After a change event (either Journal or Start Date), the system will prompt you to re-check the add-on position availability for any limited-inventory add-ons on the opportunity.

Journal changes are still applied automatically (still requires inventory reconfirmation), but Start Date changes will have to be manually applied to the add-ons through the inventory confirmation page. In the below example, the main offering had its start date changed from 6/1 to 9/1. When you re-confirm inventory for the related add-on, this is the inventory confirmation screen you are greeted with. Note that only the start date for the main offering is available for selection [1]

Example of Inventory Reconfirmation for an addon after a main offering had a change event

Once the new start date is confirmed, the add-on is automatically re-sent to the accounting portal


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