Lead Conversion Process
1. Navigate to the Lead Detail Page
2. Confirm that all information for the lead is entered & that there are no duplicates before converting
If no duplicates are found, click the Convert button
3. The popup will give you options as to what to do with the Company, Contact, and Opportunity being generated from this lead.
3.1. Account: Select 'Choose Existing' and see if any matching companies come up. Make sure to search first before creating a new company
3.2. Contact: Select 'Choose Existing' and see if there are any matching contacts. Even if it says 0 contact matches, be sure to search as this will provide more accuracy
At first, it appears as if there are no contacts....
The reason SFDC was initially unable to find the existing Kevin Bacon at Mary Ann Liebert Testing is because the eMail, Phone Number, or Address was different. This is why we always search as to avoid duplicates.
3.3. Opportunity: You can choose to create an opportunity directly from lead conversion. This will create an opportunity, link the Key Contact, and update the Lead Source for the Opportunity. I recommend creating an opportunity for each lead. Hit Convert when complete
Remember to select the correct Record Type prior tyo conversion. Switching the Record Type won't be available after the Opportunity is created.
You can choose to convert this lead and link the contact to an existing opportunity; however, if the opportunity is created it would be quicker to add the contact directly.
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