Invoice Create & Generate
When your opportunity stage is ready to be flipped to 'Customer Approval', we begin the Invoice Creation process.
If your client has an existing Customer #, make sure the opportunity you're creating the quote from has this selected correctly. This customer # will be the source of the address, otherwise (for new clients) the account address will be used.
1. Go to the Opportunity Detail Page and go to the "Sales Activity" section

Or you can just clock the "Invoice" button at the top of the page

2. Select 'New Invoice' which will automatically generate the Invoice Record.
Cancellation & Declined line items will show up on this quote record for record keeping; however, they will never be contained in a generated document.
3. Click "Generate Invoice" which will download your document to be sent to the client

This document will also be viewable from the "Files & Attachments" section in the Opportunity Detail Page
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