Activity Creation & Overview
Activities are any engagements a sales rep has with a client. This can range from phone calls, emails, in person meetings, etc.
Only Activities linked to Opportunities are counted in items such as Activity Reporting, Sales Rep's Engagement, and Automated Notifications. All other forms of Activities (I.E. an activity only related to a contact, account, or done through eMail BCC) are soley for the sales rep's reference and do not indicate activity within Salesforce.
1. Activity Creation
Any activites linked to an Opportunity MUST have a key contact provided. You will be unable to create the activity otherwise.
1.1. To create a new activity, click 'Create New Activity'. Fill out the information and add a reminder and/or due date

Adding a reminder date will allow this activity to show on the Sales Rep's and Sales Manager's calendar
1.2. From the Opportunity Record Detail Page, activities are located under the "Sales Activity" section

1.3. When saved, you can see the new activity in the table below. You can also click the activity itself to bring up the 'Activity Detail' page.

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