Checking Available Inventory
Once you've added your products and updated key fields like Start Date, an icon will appear in the row allowing you to check inventory.
If you don't see this icon, it means certain key fields are missing. To check inventory you generally need a Position, Start Date, and Online Impressions where applicable.
1. Click the icon to check inventory
This will give you (based on your start date) the next 6 inventory records, and selecting any of them will update the line item information.

2. Select one of the items available from the returned Available Inventory
If the row button isn't displaying, it means the inventory isn't available based on your request. If this is Digital based, adjust the online impressions field if you want to max out that month.
3. Click final confirmation which will confirm your selections
This does not mean the inventory is reserved. Reservations are only placed when a document has been sent to the client.
4. Run through all your line items and ensure all your inventory has been confirmed.
One final inventory check will be performed before sending to the accounting portal. If you encounter this, see "My Products are No Longer Available" for more information
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