Account Creation

Record Type How they're linked to Opportunities Purpose
Primary Account Directly linked to Opportunities using the Company field in the Opportunity Contains all Opportunities, Contacts, Customer #'s, and Addresses
Agency (Advertisers) Opportunity must be Linked using the Agency Field within the Opportunity Organized opportunities that are sold to 'Primary Accounts' through agencies. Is for Advertising, GEN, Author Services, and IPE Departments
Agency (Subscribers) Opportunity must be Linked using the Agency Field within the Opportunity
Organized opportunities that are sold to 'Primary Accounts' through agencies. Is for Subscription Sales and Personal Subscriptions. 
See from Opportunity Creation Page
Opportunities | Salesforce - Google Chrome

1. Click the 'New Account' button

1.1. From the Accounts Tab

Accounts | Salesforce - Google Chrome
Accounts | Salesforce - Google Chrome

2. Search for existing accounts before moving to the next step.

If you select an account from this list, it will automatically navigate you to Step 3 "Create Associated Records" since the Account exists and doesn't need to be created again.

3. If no account exists, click "Next"

4. Enter Account Information, click "Next"

5. If you do not see your contact in the 'Contacts' table, create one. - Google Chrome

6. Once your contact is visible in the table, add an opportunity to the Account - Google Chrome

Make sure you've saved all products in the Opportunity before clicking Finish. Clicking finish beforehand may not apply these updates to the Opportunity being created.


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