Add Contacts to a Mailing List
Depending on where you add the contact from will determine how long the contact remains on the Mailing List.
For instance, a contact added from an opportunity that became Closed Won lasts longer than one from a Closed Lost Opportunity.
If a contact is added directly from the Mailing List detail page, it will remain on the list for the least amount of time.
1. During Opportunity Creation
1.1. Make sure you've added the Contact to the Opportunity first
1.3. In the Popup, select which Mailing List the contact should be placed on. Click 'Add To Mailing List' to confirm and close.

2. From the Opportunity Detail Page
2.1. Make sure you've added the Contact to the Opportunity first
2.2. Click 'Edit Key Contact'

2.3. In the Popup, you'll see a list of all your active Mailing Lists and which the contact has already been added to. Click "Add" on any list this contact needs to be added to.
2.4. You'll see the "Added" checkbox move to true on click. This is auto-saved.

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